When the Collagen Reaper knocks on your door you better be Jow Forums as fuck and not be balding

Otherwise it's fucking over.
Look at Zac, if it wasn't for his status he would be invisible to prime women.

Attached: 7hL3xir[1].jpg (1258x720, 95K)

> collagen reaper
no such thing
botox + laser treatments
your welcome

He did too many hard drugs

wtf do you look like? to bash him lol

Looks the same to me. Only real difference is the harsher lighting in the 2nd pic.

Looks like a normal man who aged 5 years. He also looks like he has a lower bf% at age 30 than he did at 25.

>botox + laser treatments
enjoy looking like a monster in your 40s
Same my ass

Attached: zac-efron[1].jpg (3030x2020, 867K)

He looks fine.

Lower bodyfat
Facial Hair

he just looks less like a chubby boy now.

>lookism incel just now discovers that people age and look worse with time

neck yourself lmao

"In March 2014, Efron engaged in a fight with a homeless man in Skid Row. Law enforcement officials did not make any arrests because they viewed it as mutual combat.[35]"

t. collagenlet

>looking like a monster
>not taking the bogpill

with the exception of extremely bad haircut, he looks fine. Would look better bald than with that monstrosity, yikes

.1% retin-a to the face every day
Literally such rapid collagen production outer layer of skin falls off

I'm 18 bruh

RIP fit

Don't worry, since you will never leave this place, you are gonna get redpilled to death. Enjoy the ride.

I'm blackpilled already. Hence, the no matter looking like worse as you age comment. You can slather yourself with sunscreen, retinoids and even go the bog way, but you won't stop the inevitable lol

You can't stop it but you can minimize the effects of the agepill if you take care of your skin, eat well and do exercise. If you have shit genetics you will age like milk but if you don't even try it will be much worse.