Are you a loser manchild ?

Are you a loser manchild ?

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Never got the appeal of star wars. But I would totally have the same reaction if I were watching the PV to the third season of Haruhi.

So yes I am a loser manchild. and proud

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What is the problem with cargo shorts?

It's sci-fi for people who don't like sci-fi.

Short pants are for children. Grow up. No one wants to see your legs.

Its going to be ducking hot out this summer.

Nothing. Only fashion-conscious Stacies have a problem with them.

Ultimately this has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars or super hero movies. Women are instinctively disgusted by low status and undesirable men. They naturally feel justified in shitting on them and derive enjoyment from doing so. The 'reasoning' here is nothing more than a post hoc rationalisation for their contempt of unattractive and undesirable men.

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For us non-gremlins who leave the house in summer it would be uncomfortable to wear long pants

>tfw regularly binge tng and my favourite movie is arrival but I still love the original trilogy, the prequels, and the clone wars
I'd say it's more like fantasy for people that don't like fantasy. I might only like them for the nostalgia of watching them with my Dad though.