
There's already technology to track and control you using nano-trackers. They're so small that they have the appearance of liquids! Be wary. I'd suggest throwing out all liquids from major market chains. A good way to know which ones to avoid is if they ask for your ID all the time.

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>The government is tracking my completely worthless life because...

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Because you're labeled as "mentally ill".

Hope the government/corporations/Illuminati/whatever likes to have the dot on their GPS stay in one place all day long...

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Big daddy Gov asking me for my ID before giving me that juicy nano-cum.

Ah yes. The "mentally ill" are well known to be the elite of our society so they need to track them before they destroy the master plan of the government/supermarket chains.

Not at all. The thing is that they fall outside whats useful for society so they need to be controlled and intimidated.

Would you mind telling me in what way they control us?

>I'm lonely and depressed
Must be the government

>I stay inside all the time
Must be the government

>I can't find a partner
Must be the government

Do you think if they actually had the power to control us they would allow us to figure that out? Sounds rather paranoid if you ask me.

They use the discipline of psychiatry to control us. First they label you with a "mental illness". Then your "treatment" begins. It's basically endless push and intimidation to ruin you completely. You'll get meds pushed on you, threatened with institutionalization and electroshock. Your house will get bugged, you'll be constantly watched from the outside. And they WANT you to know that they're watching you. It's to intimidate you. Recently I had fire set near my home. I didn't catch who did it, but it's clearly to intimidate me.

I'm not going to deep into this since I feel like you're a lost cause.

That being said, don't you think it would be in the best interest of the government to actually help mentally ill people to become normal functioning humans again?

What good would it do them to make a useless member of the society even more useless rather then trying to make him "normal" again so he can contribute to the country?

Yes they tell you that you have a mental illness. So you can actually work on it. If you're a drug addict but don't see you're addicted you won't change your habits.

Same here. You need to realize your illness before you can work on getting better.

Here's my answer from another thread as to why we're kept the way we are:

>an example for others on how not to be
The traits that are valued shift around over time. For there to be a semblance of stability, a border has to be drawn. You're on the other side of that border. A barrier against sudden change. You can only hope that one day they'll let you back in.

>validation of their own traits
You're the antithesis to their civilization. All the negative traits belong to you. By keeping you around they kill two birds with one stone: you exist as an exhibit of those negative traits and by being "merciful" to you they reaffirm that they don't have those traits themselves.

>simple amusement
Perhaps the hardest pill to swallow. I didn't believe it until I was told so directly. It's just fun to laugh at you "idiocy". You're like a zoo animal. Nothing more nothing less.

All of this just sounds like an excuse to why you're not responsible for how shitty your life is.

How comes homeless people who'd arguably be the best example of how "not to be" are sometimes able to get their shit together and get back on tracks?

You sound like you simply can't handle the fact that we are responsible for our own fate. No one gives even nearly as much shit about you than you think.

If you want change your life you need to work on it and it won't be easy but no one is actively hindering this. You are your own enemy no one else.

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Anyone can become homeless. It's not a character trait. "Mentally ill" on the other hand are persecuted for what they are. I'd be fine with living in isolation, but they just had to label and persecute me. I never did anything to them.

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There is absolutely no reason why they would waste money and resources on "faking to help you" aka therapy, medication etc.

If you are truly mentally ill people will recognize you as such with and without someone officially marking you.

I currently work with mentally ill people.
You know what we do? We help them to live because they wouldn't handle it on their own. We pay their apartments, we cook for them, we clean their stuff, we make appointments for them. We try to give them as much of a normal life as possible.

Does that sound like we treat them as social outcasts? Bullshit. All we do is help them because they couldn't do it on their own.

I'm perfectly fine on my own. I can cook and clean and do all the necessary stuff for myself. I'm speaking to you right now in a concise manner, aren't I? I never bothered any people, so why can't they just leave me be? Like a few days ago, some guy in the city stalked me for 20 minutes. I never did anything to them. It's just plain injustice.

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People do "let you be". No one was stalking you. The fire near your house was pure coincidence. Literally no one cares about your 'illness' except for people that want to help you.

But that's exactly it. Your illness makes you see things were there aren't any and that's why people want to help.

If they would truly control us with liquids from the store how comes politicians buy their groceries at those stores? The people selling it to you buy their stuff in the same store. There is no secret underground Supermarkt that sells 'nano free things' because no one is controlling you to begin with.

My "illness" is just an excuse for them to ruin my life. Why can't people understand this? I'm not claiming to be in contact with aliens or anything. It's just mundane stuff society does to keep itself from collapsing. I'm just venting over it.

>If they would truly control us with liquids from the store how comes politicians buy their groceries at those stores? The people selling it to you buy their stuff in the same store. There is no secret underground Supermarkt that sells 'nano free things' because no one is controlling you to begin with.
I don't know. Maybe they're only activated for people who are in the records? Like sleeper agents. It's just something another user told me awhile ago, so you'd have to ask them.

By the way, are you British?

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I think I'm done. As I said earlier I think you're a lost cause.
Do you realize how crazy all of this sounds?

"there are nanobots in our food controlling us, also they are remote controlled for every single person."

Thats not even technologically possible on such a great scale.

I think you spend too much time on this board to be honest. "another user told me"
99% on this site don't give a shit about you and most certainly are not here to help you. They fuel your crazy ideas because they think it would be funny for you to go completely bonkers.

No I'm not British.

Look, I don't know the full extent of what's possible. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. All I know is that something is wrong in my life enough for them to abuse me. And I'm not surprised if people here want to abuse me too, but I still think it's worth it since it's the only place where I can find some nice non-manipulative people too.

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There doesn't need to be anything wrong in your life for people to abuse you.

Back when I was a young lad around 14yo I started my first job. My coworkers called my all sorts of names and forced me to do stupid shit already in my first week. I felt like shit and just wanted that people left me alone. This went on for the first two years or so. At some point I just didn't care anymore. If you hear the same shit talked about you every day you just get resistant to it. Another year later I reached the point in which I simply talked back to them.

>Hey user, idiot come here
>What do you want you cunt?

And eventually we became decent coworkers.

What I'm getting at here is that no matter if you have a mental illness or not, people will always find something to judge you on. Once you stop caring about it tho, you'll be much happier. Even if someone WAS following you? Who cares if someone gets paid to watch my every step so be it. It doesn't really effect me in any way.

Stop overthinking everything and start to be the person you want to be, don't let others rob you of your happiness. If you think your mental health is hindering you in any way, try to let people help you. And even if you think it doesn't hinder you, trying it won't kill you.

I can't just stop caring. It gives me constant anxiety. So much so, that yesterday I had to take sedatives even though I'm very much against drugs. They can seriously hurt me at any time. I can't let my guard down. But I'm sure you know all of this already since you're a "helper" yourself.

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Facebook does it for profit. Boom. Retard humbled.

I'm not a "professional" helper.
Where I come from you either go to the military for 6months or do social work for 9months.

Due to personal reasons I took the social work.

If you constantly feel anxious by simply being alive I highly recommend that you actually take the help. What's better living in fear all of your life or trying to get rid of the fear by talking to someone and maybe get some sort of medication.

I hear a lot of mentally instable ppl say they don't want to take medication because then they aren't truly who they are. Does this still apply if who you think you truly are feels the way you do everyday. Does it matter if you "aren't who you truly are" if the new you let's you live a better life?

You're still a "helper" in their system. And there's nothing wrong with my mind personally, so why should I take meds just for them to like me? I see you can't be reasoned with. Viel Glueck.

>there's nothing wrong with my mind
>the gov is controlling us with nanobots

I spent the last 2h or so talking to simply because I thought I might be able to help you at least a bit.
If you think that me saying taking medication isn't all that bad, doesn't let you "reason with me". So be it.

I wish you the best of luck, I feel like you gotta need it.

schizophrenic roleplayer thread

Smartphones and public cameras already do an excellent job.

>and control
They already do that through media and psyops.

The only way out is by taking the tedpill.