Come on, give it a try.
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nofap will shrink your dick kek
Is this true? Genuine question.
Also, should I do nofap if I have no libido whatsoever? Or just do noporn, jerk off maybe once a week to keep my mini me alive? I'm only 22 and I barely even get morning wood anymore, boners are subpar and like I said I got no sex drive. Just quit porn but I'm really skeptical that'll make any difference at all.
Porn is bad for you but no fap doesn't really make sense.
It's a placebo. Delete your thread now please.
I jack off at least once a day and i still get morning wood. One time i tried nofapping and stopped getting morning wood and all desire to get off altogether.
I get that too. It must be some sort of reset phase. But how long does it last, I don't know since I always relapse after a week.
OR maybe years of watching porn totally fucks you up and damage is irreversible.
I've read it increases androgen receptors or the sensitivity of them to test, but I'm not sure that's true.
Maybe I should try jerking off more then, stupid as that might sound? I can go weeks without touching my dick man, shit's very eh, troublesome. Im on day 9 now, dont feel like I need to get off at all. Never tried wacking it even when I didn't feel like over time, maybe that's what I need to try.
no libido? are you on any SSRIs by any chance? When I was on Zoloft that killed my libido
hello me, ive been diagnosed with low test
Nope. No drugs at all. I got 3 theories on why my dicks dead:
1. Lack of socialization
I haven't had irl friends in years. Years. Maybe that killed my dick, just doesnt feel like it has a purpose anymore.
2. Porn (thinking it's this one but still skeptical.)
3. I'm mutilated.
But that wouldn't make sense since I've never had foreskin, and yet I still had a pretty gud libido 2 years or so ago.
I do have anxiety and depression but both are high functioning. So doubt that's part of it.
I got my test checked 3 times in the past year and a half or so.
First time my total was 585ngs.
2nd time, late last year, 635 ngs.
2 or 3 weeks ago (at 4pm) it was 580ngs.
So yeah, hormones don't seem to be my issue....
I get mad boners after 4-7 days of nofap
I'm currently on day 14 and I feel much better than before, buy I have also given up pot and started eating healthier. Sex feels much better, I am not as anxious as before and I also feel more energetic, willing to do all sort of stuff. It is said that a full reset takes up to three months.
I really encourage you to try it
sauce on this aryan princess?
Some people have said their issues pop back up soon as they cum, from what little I've read. Not sure if I should try fapping more for a week or two or just doing nofap at this point. Probably gonna try the first thing since it's easier, idk. Not that I get much outta jerking off anyway.
It depends. If you actually think that jerking off too much is worsening some aspect of your life, go for it. Otherwise it would be pointless
You're too much of a weak bitch to find out for yourself, continue wallowing in your own excrement subhuman.
There are more hormones than just testosterone.
That's not true, you're dick only shrinks when you no longer get nocturnal erections. If you Don't have nocturnal erections you have full blown ED.
When I do nofap I get almost a hour more sleep a day. The benefits people claim nofap has seem about the same as the benefits from an extra hour of sleep a day.
Everything else was in the normal range. Estrogen was maybe a little high? Think it was 165ish. The normal range according to the doc is 90-190. SHGB was 35, pretty sure. Cant name the others off the top of my head. But yeah everything was in the "normal" range.
you may possibly have heart issues
cumbrains in denial
8 million views on this doctor's video. It's not exactly "no fap" though, just "reduce fap".
Lol, doubt that. Resting heart rate is 70 or so. Been doing alot more cardio, down to an eight and a half minute mile. Which isn't great but considering I used to not even be able to do a mile in ten minutes, I'm proud of myself. I'm slightly overweight but not to the point where I'd have heart issues. Maybe ten pounds or so, 15 I'd like to lose.
>anons go their entire lives without ever discovering the amazing benefits of semen retention
>wonder why they feel so old in their 30s
>look 60 in their 40s
enjoy prostate cancer retard
A study found that masturbating increases risk of prostate cancer.
The study you're referring to recommends you ejaculate 20+ times a month.
It's a trick to get you to destroy yourself and pacify you. Don't fall for it.
Cumbrain anons literally can't grasp the confidence and drive that not jerking off to porn gives you. It's not superpowers but by God if you do the right things you'll get laid pretty soon after it.
I can't go back after getting a taste of the pussy and confidence that follows. This serves as a drive to be a horndog.
Must be computer generated.
There's no benefits other than the fact that your next fap will be so much better
>maybe years of watching porn totally fucks you up and damage is irreversible.
I'm doing nofap on a whim and most of the people who advocate for it say '90 days' for a body reset. I'm nearing that number and I notice most of my mild changes (increased energy, focus and motivation) plateaus at 45 55 days. I've been watching porn and jacking it for well over 20 years. It's nice to have these benefits, but my libido is shit and my flaccid dick size has shrunk dramatically. I do get more random morning wood and my erect size has not suffered, but I don't know man. I just don't know anymore.
I just remember back before we had such vast free access to all these porn sites and on slow dial-up I was more selective about jerking off. It's kind of crazy how quickly the internet can pull the wool over your eyes. I don't know if it's a bad thing but I do know it wasn't expected that you jerk off multiple times daily before the internet blew up. There's something very different about male behavior since that time. Can't say what it all means. I'm not here to convince you of some dumb meme like nofappers do. Just know that human males typically jerked it infrequently prior to the ubiquity of web access and thus widespread high quality free porn. Now the average male behavior is equal to the average male that would be made fun of: they are like the bigtime loser who visits the porn shop all the time not for novelty. Again I can't say for certain what it all means but we are different now.
Porn and jerkoff addicts can't grasp that not everyone who jerks off and watches porn is a pathetic loser like them
what's your BP and fasted glucose levels?
>nofap day 2
>coworker suddenly compliments my weight loss gains
>asks me when are we going to hang out
>we’re going to the movies on Thursday
>making small talk with second coworker
>she starts complaining about her boyfriend
>she’s dying to go on a vacation trip
>boyfriend is too broke to pay for himself
>he’s trying to get her to pay for him
>she doesn’t want to “take care of him”
>asks me if I want to go with her
lmao as much as I want to go balls deep in the second coworker, I’m not going to spend all that money just to keep another man’s girl happy. I told her to be a good girl and pay for him. thanks nofap
Not sure of either of those. Ive gotten my blood pressure measured maybe 5 or 6 times the past yearish, half the time it was a bit high but I have an anxiety disorder, recall feeling pretty anxious during alot of the times it was taken for no reason at all (yay generalized anxiety disorder). Half the time I don't feel anxious though, blood pressure seems fine when my brain isn't being fucky.
Think my ma has one of those measuring devices somewhere around. I'll measure it tomorrow out of curiosity.
Hows your sleep and stress, the dick is the best thermometer of your mental health.
Sleep is meh. Go to bed around 12:30 most nights. Wake up at around 9. Usually get around 8 hours of sleep, there's times where I wake up after just 6 hours for no reason and can't fall back asleep but it's bretty rare.
My therapist says I should get on an 11-7 sleep schedule. I've also seen an user once say on here the time you go to sleep is actually more important than the amount of sleep itself. Not sure why that would be.
Stress? Almost non existant, actually. I have a very laid back personality and I take stress better than most people, funny that I have an anxiety disorder despite this. And the anxiety isn't constant, so that's not a huge stressor unless it's really acting up.
Speaking of sleep, better get ready for bed in a few. Any advice you or anyone else can offer me would be greatly appreciated.
does fapping affect test level exam results?
Well specifically do you snore or wake up tired? Also when's the last time you've gotten laid?
>What are nocturnal emissions
Jewish porn industry shills really are running out of concern shilling tactics.
before i tried nofap like a month ago, i'd have like 1 sorta sexual dream every month or 2 months maybe, in the past 1-2 weeks ive counted 2, which i reckon is a pretty clear sign.
>t. Pathetic loser porn addict frothing at the mouth in any and every nofap thread
Why do you NPCs get so mad?
Think your test drops slightly for a few days after fapping user.
>do you wake up tired
Oh yeah, most days actually. Still have enough energy to jog, but not lift. Often feel like I need a short nap midday too, though I usually don't take one.
>last time you've gotten laid
Never even tried. Seriously. Last girlfriend I had was in high school, dumped her and got dumped by the one beforehand before we did any sexytime. I haven't bothered looking for another girl partially because no sex drive partially because shit social skills. Working on the latter though.
Well maybe it's just you've lost your drive, not sex drive specifically, just drive and direction in life. Or its sleep apnea or dehydration or something. Eat healthy and make yourself lift
About morning boners, I thought I lost them too, turns out they come around 5AM while I usually get up at 6.30AM
They're real, but only if you don't do it for like 3 days. Retards misinterpret it and try to quit it forever, then come complaining when they get prostate cancer or become "asexual".
Despite what shills say, nofap will help you. You've gotta think why you have this lack of ambition and everything seems dull to the point of being lethargic upon waking. You constantly reinforce your brain with pleasure and a sense of reward in the form of dopamine
>"I just ejaculated to a beautiful woman"
>Brain: "mission accomplished, time to feel good"
You're constantly flooding brain with a false sense of accomplishment, so much so that you've become addicted and feel you need more and more to keep getting that feeling; normal, genuine experiences aren't enough for you. This also happens with other forms of escapism like tv/movies and Vidya (though far less detrimental than the impact of porn).
Depriving yourself of instant pleasure results in your dopamine receptors recognising fewer and less often releases as more intense and enjoyable. Just try it for AT LEAST 90 days. Also subsidise it with trying different hobbies and trying to meet people.
I definitely have lost the drive I had as a kid or young teen. Can't deny that. Guess it's only natural my libido was to follow after so long ignoring things. I will try to lift more, thank you anonyfren.
I actually barely jerk off anymore. Maybe once every week or two, out of boredom more than anything. Still feels good but there's no real *urge* you know? But maybe I will try that 90 days. Might try fapping a few times a week for a week or two, using just my imagination, to see if that jump starts my libido. Idk. Need to try something different. The whole brain damage from porn thing I do believe is legit 100%. Most people seem to think nofap is pointless, more of an additive persay to use alongside noporn. But I'll strongly consider it. Haven't tried that. But I also havent gone without porn for more than maybe 2 weeks in years even though it does nothing for me (yikes.)
If you've lost your drive it's simply because you've lost yourself to the world around you. You are numb, be angry, be sad, be happy do things. Lift and remember how it feels to struggle and grow and improve and in time as you go stronger maybe you'll remember how it feels to be driven and how it feels to move forward.
The jews want you to masturbate
That reason alone should be enough for any thinking man
Hit me in the feels user. Numb describes me very well overall. I don't feel as happy as I used to, don't get as angry or as disappointed as I used to, don't have as much fun as I used to, etc. I even have trouble laughing at things I really do find funny for some reason. When I think of how far I've fallen or how broken my head is I don't feel all that sad when I know I should. It's really hard to explain man. Really weird feeling. But yeah, me and my therapist decided social exposure should be the #1 priority now that my anxiety is a *little* better. Going to a church this Saturday, hopefully will run into people my age. I'm not religious but I thought it'd be a good way to put myself out there a bit, maybe revive my faith in God again (kinda doubt that but I'd welcome it.) I really do appreciate the advice you and everyone else offer me. Jow Forums truly is best board.
I better head to bed now, thanks guys.
there is no free lunch
I believe in u buddy, you're heading in the right direction and you're gonna do great.
Do noporn, that brought my morning wood back with a passion. Porn fucks up your mind so you need too much stimulation to get aroused. I’ve been off it ever since my ex gf, I almost wasn’t able to do stuff with her at the beginning of our relationship because I had borderline ED from porn watching. Again, quitting porn got things back to normal, but you know something’s unhealthy when it makes it so getting your dick sucked by an attractive woman almost isn’t enough to make you hard.
2 is definitely a problem but the biggest thing is probably the anxiety and depression. Mental state has a large impact on sexual function. Look online for ways to meet people through hobbies. Also could be physical if you’re out of shape with bad blood pressure, but that’s less likely.
can you really blame masturbation addicts?
imagine if we gave every contributing member of society a lifetime supply of pure cocaine. would you really blame them for their willpower wittling away and getting addicted?
give everyone with internet access a virtually limitless library of any kind of porn imaginable. you realize masturbation addiction was extremely uncommon before this occured right?
there's usually a boundry between addiction that limits the problem to a small subset of the population
unlike virtually all other forms of addiction porn addiction/mastutbation preys on a natural human need or inclination to reproduce, it costs nothing, it's easier to access than almost any other form of addiction in existence, it's easier to keep private or hide from others, its side effects build much slower over time, nobody in real life would ever confront you about it it's too awkward..
masturbation addiction is like the most potent addiction one could possibly come up with.
not saying it's bad necessarily but it's kinda spooky when you think about it