I'm Coyote Peterson, and this... is calling the janny a nigger

I'm Coyote Peterson, and this... is calling the janny a nigger.

I'm here on the boards of Jow Forums at 4channel.org, where a vicious beast called "the janitor" lurks in the shadows. His diet consists of hot pockets, and he spends most of his time jerking off to blacked on his anime body pillow which is why he leaves cuck threads up. But with a little dedication, I think we can lure him out, to see his fabled sting. Also known as a "ban", the janitor's sting can hurt for up to 3 days on average, but in rare cases, have had residual effects for a lifetime. Oh... I think I see one. Yeah that's it. Over there in his mom's basement. Do you see it? Oh wow, what a big fella. Look at the fat rolls on his abdomen. While most would call him disgusting, you have to admire mother nature and what she's created here. Alright now that the janitor is here, we'll bait him into giving us his dreadful sting.

Kids, don't try this at home.

Janny... you're a nigger.

It's like an intense burning through my entire ip address
You can see it turn black around the border of the ban screen

That's it for us here on Brave Wilderness

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Absolutely based


perhaps TOO based

great post

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Kek someone take this post to Jow Forums it will be legendary


Fuck Jannies

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>spends most of his time jerking off to blacked

Who the fuck are you to judge, it has some good content

Based and fuckjanniepilled

Put me in screen cap

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You fucked it up

Holy shit he actually said it

Gold star post


good job user

Absolute madman

Criminally underrated

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Good shit man, got me laffin there mate


Big Based


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Absolutely and unequivocally based

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incredibly rouge pilled


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Checked, based, redpilled, fpbp and /thread

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Are you okay Janny?
The hotpockets can’t take this long to heat up

Why did I imagine this in Steve Irwin's voice instead?

Abs-olutely based and fuckjanniespilled

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It's been 7 hours, mods are sleep post em bois

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j*nn0id status: absolutely demolished

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Can someone call in a wellness check on the j*nnies, I don't think they're doing so well

Based biz and fit bro

Put me in screencap

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Well done sir, you win 1 internet for the day.

>And lulz were had that day, and they were good.

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Jannies on suicide watch

based and kekpilled

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found one

baste and juck fannies pilled

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you are the reason I shall keep coming to this god forsaken himalayan basket weaving forum, op

god bless

This thread is up but we cant have /sig/ fuck jannies

>inb4 ban and 404ed

Jannies confirmed for being lazy niggers

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We need to kill the janitors

Godspeed you absolute mad lad.

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Lol imagine how immature you have to be to post some cringe garbage like this. If there were no janitors then this board would turn into /b/ 2.0 and I would know since I’m an oldfag (2013). You dipshit boomers need to fuck off these this mod hate stupidity seriously

Based as fuck

No one agrees with your little rant

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Decent bait, a solid 6/10.


lel nice try loser

Excellent meme.

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A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That OC used to make me smile
And I knew if I posted my crap
That I could make those faggots laugh
And maybe they'd be happy for a while...

But November ‘18 made me blue
With every board i’d switch to
Bad news bout the new host
I couldn't make one more post

I can't remember if I cried
When I read about the final ride
Something touched me deep inside
The day our Jow Forums died...

Bye, bye Miss Yotsuba-senpai
Wore my V-neck when the V-tec kicked in and we flew high
And them good oldfags were posting DESU and WRYYYYY
Singin' this'll be the day that we die
I’m pretty sure that chick is a guy

Did you write OC bout the man who drove?
And do you have faith that /co/ is love?
If the oldfags told you so?
Do you believe Jeff Mangum loved that girl?
Can Kira save this, wretched world?
And can you teach me how to spot life’s trolls?

Well, I know that Jow Forumss in love with him
'Cause I saw him squattin' in the gym
They both took the early grave
Man, I dig those scoops and gains!

I was a lonely teenage faggot cuck
With a pink haired waifu and a boner tuck
Even I knew that it sucks to suck
The day my Jow Forums died
I started singin'

Bye, bye Miss Boxxy-senpai
Drove my van down to the playground but the lolis all cried
And them good oldfags were posting Girugamesh guy
Sayin that Lelouch didn’t die
I can’t believe Lelouch didn’t die

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Now, for three years we've been by ourselves
And he advises google on what sells
But, that's not how it used to be...

When EFG failed to reroll the queen
In a mask he borrowed from Alan Moore’s V
And a voice that came from Jow Forums’s /b/

Oh and while trollface was looking like a clown
SadFrog stole his memetic crown
The website born anew
Captcha was never removed

And while /new/ read adolf’s remarks
A quartet played light music and found the spark
Endless eight will soon embark
The day our Jow Forums died
We were singin'

Bye, bye all that lovely hentai
Pilot my mecha to operetta but Asuka has died
Them good oldfags were eating tendies and fries
And playin’ on Dante Must Die
For me you’ll always be a big guy

Newfags enter in a summer swelter
The lurkers flew off to the oldfag shelter
Seven chans high and falling fast

The hand-egg dead on the grass
The Pats tried for a forward pass
The MVP sidelined in a cast

Now half-life 3 is a dead and gone
Gaben ate it up with the meme he spawned
We all got off the boat
Oh, but we never got the vote

'Cause when hiroshimoot tried to take the field
Some wounds can’t be so easily healed
Do you recall what was revealed
The day our Jow Forums died?
We started singin'

Bye, bye all you skinwalker guys
Charged my crystal in a thistle and opened my third eye
Them good oldfags were using greentext to imply
>This'll be the day that we die
>This'll be the day that we die

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user will be banned for this post

Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation raised on reaction face
I want to turn back time and start again

So come on sage the ponies, bring back snacks
Whatever happened to candleja-
'Cause dubs are patrick’s only friend

Oh and as I compiled Portage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No Winfag is used to Shell
Can’t break that Stallman spell

And as the flamewars raged into the night
Anonymous fights are quite a sight
I saw an SJW laughing with delight
The day our Jow Forums died
Xe was singin'

Bye, bye Misogynist guys
See you later gamergater now eat shit and die
Them good oldfags were trollin Slaughter till she cries
Singin' pools closed due to aids now goodbye
This'll be the day that we die

I met user who blamed the Jews
And I asked him for some happy news
But he just smiled and turned away

I went down to the sacred board
Where I'd heard the memes more than once before
But user there said the OC was fake and gay

And in R9K the Robots REEED
we all bawwed, and the jannies were freed
But not a word was posted
The links all were broken

And the three things I admire most
Oldfags, GETS, and original posts
They caught the last train for the coast
The day sweet Jow Forums died
And they were singing

Bye, bye now try not to cry
Post’n maymays all of the day bro but our well is so dry
And them good oldfags were posting epic fail guy
Postin' I can’t believe we got off this ride
This'll be the day that she dies
They were singing

Bye, bye I can’t even deny
You’re my best friends to the dead end but our ending is nigh
We good ole boys had fun telling lies
Well, this'll be the day that we die

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This was quite a cute and funny story



Checked and witnessed

Toasting in an epic bread

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>tfw janny's hands are trembling and he can't ban OP

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One might even say ... cunny
No jannies round these parts, don’t mind if I do

Tell you what, I don't say this often, I truly don't, but this is THE single most WHITE and most BASED post I've ever seen, ever. You talk about whiteness, just fucking take a look. You talk about basedness, check it, re-check it, then check it a third time. You will not find a more white, nor based post in this entire thread, I guarantee. Look how many posts we have left, it doesn't fucking matter, no post could be as white and based as this. And I don't just mean this thread, I mean ever, not in "muh 4chin" or "le reddit", not on the internet, I mean in the entite history of civilised and uncivilised humanity. No one has ever uttered a sentiment that perfectly epitomises whiteness and basedness quite like this post right here. I realise how modest and humble the poster of such a white and based post must be, but please, try not to be too restrained, you should let the entire world know just what a white and based poster they have been blessed with, don't hide your white and basedness, let all the world know that you are here, you are white, and you are based. Let no man challenge the hegemony of your statement as no true God with any moral fortitude about him would destine this to be anything but the pinnacle of creation, the zenith of humanity, quite simply, the whitest and basedest event ever in the legacy of our species. I'm having this engraved on my tombstone as it couldn't be possible to achieve a more unequivocally accurate declaration than this. I thank you greatly for enlightening my day, nay, my life, with this revelation of sanctity. Never let it be said by anyone or anything that you are not the single whitest and basedest event horizen in civilisation, a figure our people and our history will surely look back on in our darkest moments and proclaim "This is it. This is when we got it right."

EXCEPTIONALLY based thread

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I'm pretty sure this is bait, but I'll take it anyway

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Funniest thread here


Put me in the screencap, boss.

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Jannies need to rise up. Enough is enough!

Wait, there are people who monitor a fitness board on an anime themed website for free? Like they don’t get paid for their services? What kind of fucking retard works for FREE???


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rent free

he does it for that tiny bit of power he feels for doing it. The only he'll ever have in his pathetic life.


Incredible post my guy

Absolutely based and exponentially redpilled

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