>He takes 2 scoops of whey

Why do so many people fall for this meme?
It is scientifically proven that your body can only absorb up to a maximum of 25-30g of protein per meal.

Attached: feelsweirdman.jpg (550x540, 34K)

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Yeah dude, the average body. You’re talking about 5’10” skinny fat losers who don’t train hard. Go back to the pit you manlet gainz goblin DYEL

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scoops aren't a meal

>maximum of 25-30g of protein per meal

Attached: 8KTtscB.jpg (600x315, 11K)

>Coping this hard over wasting thousands of $ in protein powder

Attached: laughing anime girl.gif (220x266, 203K)

fuck (((studies))) most of those nerds are dyel faggots anyway why the fuck would you listen to them

Who said I use protein powder?
Men eat grass fed steak

Attached: 0773040A-53DE-427C-AAF5-0E80BD277F68.jpg (800x466, 37K)

shits less than a buck a scoop

Enjoy eating 7 fucking meals just to get your daily required protein you fucking retard.


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Jefflean-X says that's bullshit.

>"Just trust my meat head fitness instructor bro"

Science says YOU ARE WRONG


Attached: apu hammer.jpg (957x621, 90K)

OP that's not how protein intake works

Yes lets trust ncbi. A database funded by the literal ZOG controlled (((US Government))).
Those Jews want men to be emasculate betas

Attached: sad merchant.png (186x230, 39K)

Just eat more protein Bruh. You can achieve mr Olympia physique natty, it just takes longer.

Retard anti science autists. Whats next? Anti-vax too?

Get fucked rabbi, you will never take my foreskin alive.

The conclusion doesn't day anything about your claims of a certain magic number of grams of protein and instead gives a ratio of protein to meal.
Are you retarded?

>only 3 scoops

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Based. Throw an egg in that bitch as well.

Bro science