Why don't you join the military instead of being a NEET?

Why don't you join the military instead of being a NEET?
>inb4 I don't want to die for Israel
Then don't be infantry you brainlet. Get a comfy tech job in the air force or navy.

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I'm too fat, I failed the first weigh in and went home

Potato only diet and intermittent fasting nigga. Don't even need to exorcise.

If you talk about American military fuck them

They are greatest evil this world has ever seen. It is like joining state sponsored pirates. At least pirates had some challenges.

I don't want to sail or fly for israel either

your are carrying out the orders of jews and corporations
enjoy losing what little freedom you have left

>Then don't be infantry you brainlet. Get a comfy tech job in the air force or navy.
Why the fuck do you fags never talk about the US Yacht Club and the National Guard? All the benefits of the military without necesarily being deployed to Israeli wars.

I don't want to be yelled at by some jarhead and dyke for two straight months

Taxation is theft. All war is mass murder, funded by theft.

>Taxation is theft
it ain't lol
>All american wars are mass murders
>funded by the elites
ftfy again lmao

I looked into it last year, and I'm too old.
Also, health problems, which I'd need doctors to sign off on.

National Guard gets deployed to war more than Active Duty military you fucking brainlet.

My unit in particular saw 2 back to back deployments to Iraq back in the mid 2000's. You guys are the red headed step kids of the army, you are going to be used to do all the dirty work no one wants to do because everyone fucking hates the guard.

I would fucking love to go to a military camp where you don't have to commit fully. I can't dedicate my whole life to it but I would like somewhere to physically and mentally train myself. what do?

>it ain't lol
Why not?

"there are only two things that are certain: taxes and death"

Why is that? Like, nothing can be done about it, we just accept it is?

>"stop being a neet and just go and fight for jewish interests bro"
nice try shlomo

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I said DON'T be infantry you brainlet

Somalian pirates? With AK-47s. True scum...

Us, with military system and coordinated missile bombardment systems ready to go and preying on idle teens? Us are the valorous.

I thought about joining when I was 18 (22 now), but they wanted a high school diploma which I don't have

How the fuck do I become an astronaut? Does it start in military?

Either way you're working for the interest of israel.

>fighting for a country that hates men

fuck that shit. I will consider it if they stop hating men.

Telling the story again
>sign up for army
>76 on asvab, gung ho about it wanna just get in
>decided to be infantry
>sign papers, get medical documents sent in for past surgery
>get asvab score confirmed at military base, my recruiter tells me my score is high enough to get in rangers which is what I wanted
>end up having a psychotic episode a week later
>arrested, sent to psych facility, have a diagnosis, can't get in.

I'm 22 now and i still look back semi often on that opportunity i had that was crushed beyond my control. I just wanted to be in the shit killing hajis and eventually try for special forces even though i probably wouldn't have made it. Now i work at a fucking restaraunt. Should kill myself

this country hates both me and my entire race.
Why would I ever fight for its army?
Especially in a bogus war that has nothing to do with us lol

You sound psychotic enough to qualify joining your local police department. Maybe you could give that a shot?
If you're lucky, some drug addict will shoot you in your chest, giving you the epic death you crave.

My country's army is conscription-based and shit. If it had a proper contract model, I'd join.

Join the reserve force, such as the US' National Guard, the UK's Territorial Army and so on. You'll only be a soldier a few weeks per year.

>tech job in the air force or navy.
You're still serving the jews, just from the sidelines. Also, if you're the type of person who can't pass an interview for a mcjob then you're sure as fuck not going to pass in the air force or navy.

I joined the military straight out of High School. Left for boot camp 9 days after graduating when i was still 17. I got a 98 on the ASVAB but all I wanted to do was kill muslims so I enlisted as a grunt muhreen. I deployed twice to Helmand during the most deadly years of the Afghan war(2009-11) and saw more than my fair share of combat.

If anything, the military only exaggerated my anti-social tendencies and completely isolated me from women. While other guys my age were living in college dorms surrounded by prime teen pussy, I was toiling away on some training op or deployment. my unit was the most busy infantry unit in the USMC during those years. We were constantly training or deployed and getting our leave and liberty cancelled. It wasn't uncommon for us to go weeks or even months without female contact. I literally went 5 months straight without even laying eyes on human female on my second deployment while living in pic related. Suddenly my enlistment is over and I'm a 22 year old virgin who hadn't interacted socially with girls at all during the most crucial years of a man's sexual development. It was game over for me at that point. Since leaving the military in 2013, I have been a NEET more often than i have worked, and i am now a 28 year KV.

At least I got to kill some muslims though.

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>be me
>join navy
>got completely fucked from sickness and a mini psychotic episode right before battlestations in boot, deemed condition not a disability and got sent back home 2 or so weeks later
>got a bank account, few thousand dollars, and some other shit out of it
National Guard can be called onto active duty and most here would get wiped out in the Coast Guard.
Reserves or bust.
To be fair you kind of had that coming being Muhreen infantry.

i swear every day on Jow Forums since 2015 has been groundhog day every thread is the same nothing new ever happens

if you pay taxes you're working for the interest of israel

Move to a different town

Go to clinic for random bullshit

Wait six months

Go back to recruiter with clean medical file

Worked for me

>To be fair you kind of had that coming being Muhreen infantry.

I completely agree. Sometimes I ask myself if it was worth it, then the image flashes through my head of my SMAW HEDP warhead flying through the air and perfectly impacting an enemy firing point. It was worth every bit of it. Any average dude can have sex, get married, and have kids, but how many people can honestly claim to have destroyed a machinegun emplacement with a rocket launcher? No matter how miserable I am, that's something that I'll always have that almost no one else will get to experience.

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I'm over the age of 25, I have the body type & weight of an Auschwitz victim, severe mental illness with records of hospitalization and treatment, I'm not straight, I have few if any social skills, I smoke and drink heavily, I have a documented history of medication abuse, I dropped out of college, I have untreated and undiagnosed serious physical ailments, I am close friends with numerous people that would automatically disqualify me from any security clearance

shall I go on?

Because I am 31.

The only branch you are ineligible for as a 31 year old is the Marines.

dont be a brainlet user just take these pills and join my discord serber so you can be a girl!

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I remember you! You posted on Jow Forums and had the imgur trophy pics of those two Muslims you wasted

Requires a lot of effort to be in the military. Always in fear of higher ranks and living without freedoms.

Come on pussies tell me the secret



I'm currently at A school for Navy CTN

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