Check this shit

Check this shit

Wouldn't it be fun to be that confident and attractive? He doesn't even give a shit about the girls, he doesn't actually save the numbers, he just does it for fun and views, if you see the uncut version you actually feel bad for the girls when they find out he wasn't serious, they always look so disappointed after being so happy for meeting him. in some videos he even purposely wants to get rejected and even with that he still gets the number or whatever the fuck he wants.

Goddammit. I find that there's 4 factors that make this guy so charismatic.
>Obviously attractive when it comes to facial features
>Really tall
>Deep voice
>Everything he does seems completely natural or not forced

I'm actually inspired to improve my social skills after watching his content, obviously I will never have the results of someone that attractive (I'm not even ugly but I'm a short guy which is a big issue), but just they he talks is so hypnotic, if only I was that smooth...
So why don't you fags want improve your social skills at this level too?

Attached: 1534191008979.jpg (500x500, 46K)

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Look at their body language anons, facing their body towards him, fidgety, constantly touching their face, crossing their arms to pronounce their breasts. All within a second or two of looking at this random man the gears are turning and they're getting wet for chad.
Imagine if you tried the exact same thing, imagine the fake nicety, the revulsion, the defensive posture, the desperate looking around for someone to step on and save them from this weird creepy man.
Know your fucking place.

>complementing her
>asking for her number within 3 questions
>asking for email
these are all things somebody of average appearance, or sub 6 foot height wouldnt get away with. If you complement her she would ether ignore you or say ummmm thanks..

yeah just be tall, blonde, white and above average looking dude
imagine being an ethnic like me daring even talking to any girl in public. i'd get the weirdest looks ever

Yeah someone that isn't as attractive would have been little success doing that. He just shows so much social proof with his appearance that he can pretty much say anything and it will be fine.

A regular guy would have to do small talk first to show some social proof.

I've gotten hot girls numbers within a few seconds and fucked them later
Does that make me chad?

>the moment the camera stops rolling he tells them oh it was just for the video haha i don't really like you
this guy's a cunt

Imagine thinking this dude is chad. Hes just an average looking 6/10 white man. Once I am done hitting the gym I will look 10x better. Also social interaction isnt hard to be honest but you are an incel so you wouldnt know. The fact that you still look at porn shows you will never make it OP.

Just be white hahaha. How hard can that be.

>Just be white hahaha.

Yeah, if any of the white dudes on this shithole tried this they'd be getting body slammed into the dirt by police about 10 minutes afterwards

that dude is about a 7.7 in my estimation which is the minimum required to begin pulling this shit

yeah but white guys have it way easier when dating.
They are actually on auto pilot mode.

>still being a nigger, curry or a slant in 2019
talk to your own race you subhuman

These videos are all fake.

where did I say I only talk to white roasties? also white girls go out with tyrone anyway if they want, do you think your beta ass can stop them

2 things OP.

1- This man is a literal genetic 10/10. The average woman have an automatic attraction towards him no matter what, making everything else so much easier for him. This may be fooling you into thinking his personality and social skills are exceptional, when they are really just average.

2- Don't get into this pickup shit user. But you don't want to model yourself after this guy. He's a youtuber making probably over 6 figures a year form these videos. You are not that. You don't have to pretend to be cool and confident at all times. Real, genuine girls don't want fake confidence like this. The girls this chad picks up, although they are hotties, seem like pretty vapid and empty souls. Be careful what you wish for.

Because literally all of these videos are fake.
Here are your options if you're a dumbass youtuber with no original ideas.
>spend all day being rejected and looking like an idiot for footage of the 5% of women that would go for it before someone eventually calls security and has be removed
>pay some local thots 50 bucks each to pretend to be into me flirting with them
wonder which one they always choose...

Lmao keep telling yourself that, retard.

None of what you said makes sense. Shut the fuck up.

Jesus Christ get out of your house. Girls are not that hard to talk to.

>Its another Chad talks to girls and asks them weird questions but gets away with it episode.

Wow! How shocking...

Is it normal in America for guys to just cold approach women they don't even know on college campuses? I can't even imagine someone doing that where I live.

Adrian incoming

Proof that it's all about charisma. That guy has a huge height disadvantage but still gets some girls.

>incels actually think this is real and not staged
If you think that guy is goodlooking you are closeted. He's obviously paid a few girls for this.

This guy isn't a Chad, he looks pathetically weak and comes off desperately austistic. I don't know if the videos are fake but if not I guarantee you 90% of the women he tried previously this on either laughed straight in his face or told him to go away

Its ALL in the face user. I'm sure that if he were jacked and average/ugly the girls wouldn't even give him a second thought.

He has video proof of what he's done and all you have is autistic speculation.


Watching this is torturous and stupid. What's the point? Nobody really does shit like this and it's not going to work for you anyway.

Women don't mire skinnyfat lanklets, the guy could be good looking if he put on some muscle mass and had regular proportions