Who are your fitness related role models?

Who are your fitness related role models?

Mine? Paul “The Game” “Triple H” Levesque
>fucking jacked
>the beard and long hair combo
>married to a McMahon
I want to be Triple H in the year 2000

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He's 6'1 at best.

Are you 13 years old

Thanks user

Google it you bafoon

No I’m 22 why?

>Google it
>believing a wrestler's billed height

Oh wow. I didn't think retards like you still existed.

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Suck my big white cock you absolute FAGGOT

>Google it you bafoon
WWE lies about everyone's height and weight


Are you telling me the Big Show isn’t as big as they told us?

Attached: 14D28D2B-D70B-4AE6-8857-6E7E6C59241E.jpg (236x282, 14K)

He's more like 6'10.

jobber for the stars

Attached: ultimate-warrior-2.jpg (300x416, 67K)

Fuck off gaytch, nobody likes your crusty ass and you were never over.

Take this shit to/asp/. I went there thinking it would be marital arts and other crap, guess alternative sports means fake wrestling. Every single thread.

trips of truth

He’s still taller than 6’1” though

This.. I dont understand how a grown man can watch WWE its so fucking badly acted and cringy it makes my eyes bleed.
I watched that shit when I was 11 grew out of it by 13.

Fuck off Paul

My friends keep trying to get me into wrestling but there's no soft way for me to tell a bunch of 30 year old men that I think that shit is for children.

worked & seething

Pro wrestling is for 13 year olds of all ages user.