which one and how Jow Forums?
Which one and how Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
None, fuck these ugly shitskins.
The one on the right. Ass -> mouth -> vag.
>what is a tan?
Far left is objectively the best, there is no debate, its a fact. Far right is second best. Second from left is third best. The other one looks hideous and has fucked her face up with plastic surgery.
Jow Forumscels
None of them, i love my fiancee
All of them, all of them on their backs with their legs up.
I have the length to do magic to a woman's insides while on their backs
>which one
Second to the left.
Repeated blunt force trauma to the head
right makes my peepee feel funny
all of them and I sit on THEIR faces for once
Is this a better position for them if you have a big dick? Fuck, are there any other big dick secrets to sex?
No, that's the easiest way to get a girl to cum with your dick. Doggie is harder if she has big ass. That's when length really comes into play.
couldn't you just fuck diagonally along the ass cheeks then for friction? lol
Far right.
Invite her over and play single player games all night while she sits on my bed bored.
I told you fags that far left is objectively the most attractive
These kinds of whores deserve it in the ass and throat exclusively (in that order)
hobble on back, smelly faggot incel.
really nobody cares what U like. kys, nobody cares
Shut the fuck up incel
>not being right wing
>NOOOO you are a Nazi incel for hating my ugly nigger roasties!
I reckon this pic is a false-flag. I'm happy to believe Jow Forums users are ugly spergs but I would picture them fatter, bad skin, no piercings, less droopy and sad physiognomy.
He looks like a dude at a feminist rally.
They all have weird faces
Didn't one of these surveys find that right wing zoomers lose their virginity 7 years later on average?
Sounds unlikely.
How the fuck do you not have sex until you are older than 26?
This is the kind of guy Jow Forums would literally shit on. The dude in this pic is larping.
IDK. There are people in this god-forsaken website who haven't had sex and they're in their 30s.
The article either doesn't exist or is flat-out wrong.
Cope. One look at Jow Forums or Jow Forums should tell you it's spot on.
I'm 28 and still a virgin. It's called being an unnattractive nerd. After years of negative feedback from people your soul fucking withers. My social circle was mostly people similar to me and I was rarely introduced to women outside of school settings.
But really, it all comes down to being ugly. Specifically, lacking masculine facial features. It snowballs down the hill from there.
There's 20 to 30 threads up on Jow Forums about women at any one time. And it's not threads about self improvement to get women, it's incel cope threads.
That is the dumbest argument I've read all week. Do you even have a link to the article?
Lmao. You really gonna deny those boards are full of anti-social virgins?
People on Jow Forums make up a small portion of all "alt-righters", you mongs. And where's the link? Surely you brainlets aren't talking out of your ass.
Shut the fuck up incel. I never gave you permission to reply to me, you little bitch.
>republicans are likely to have more sex than democrats
Yeah, with children.
Alt fight is full of virgins. There was no women at any of their marches.
Epstein was a democrat
left one because she doesn't have a bobblehead physique
so you are a little bitch too. ok
Another stupid argument. Atleast post the link, because right now you are coming off as dumb and desperate.
You're talking to multiple people, brainlet. That sexual frustration is making you cranky.
Why are you so mad that right wingers have more sex than left wingers?
We've already posted the data.
Says the guy who blindly believes memearticles. You people so damn stupid it hurts.
I don't need articles. I've been on Jow Forums long enough to know its full of coping virgins.
Except we both posted meme images with no real source.
they sure love to show up in droves when you touch a sensitive nerve, don't they?
I'm sure you believe lots of things for no good reason, brainlet.
It's easy to gind the articles on this pic:
I'm not sure what you're mad about m8 the kind of guy I described is uglier than the guy in the pic, but different physiognomy is what I'm saying.
Also: it seems suspicious that a guy would not only own that shirt but post a fucking selfie of it.
Any Jow Forumstard knows the consequences that can have.
There's plenty of good reasons to believe what I believe about Jow Forums. There's a reason why women threads hit the post count post countless times per day. There's new women threads made almost constantly throughout the day. Why would a bunch of Chads that have sex constantly make and post in negative threads about women?
If I had a genie wish I would use it to genuinely find out how much pussy the creature that made that pic gets.
Archives are not real sources. Give me a link to the real article or fuck off.
all of them, one after the other and then at the same time
This. All you need to do to get post count on Jow Forums is post a screenshot from a feminist twitter feed and they take the bait every time as evidence for the downfall of the west.
the one that passes 23&ne
There is no way sift through the trolling and shitposting on that board, or who posts what. You're a tiresome faggot.
Here's one. Took me 10 seconds to find.
none of them. I don't go for wetbax
These + the general assertion that all women are whores who fuck multiple chads every weak that runs through the site.
You're caught in a dialectic where it's Chads vs incels and being Chad means you never say a bad word about women.
What is happening is young men with no dads or bros to set them straight get brainwashed with dumb ideas about women which turn them into white knights.
Then they work out what a load of lies they accepted and get mad to mentally shift themselves away from that position to one of health.
Taking pussy down from the pedestal can involve a lot of online roastie-bashing.
The only right answer
Wait a minute...