5/3/1 boring but big - yay or nay for intermediate lifting?
A freind of mine started doing this zumba-tier exercise where a rep starts with his arms straight down, he brings them quickly to shoulder height, then makes them touch above his head, then shoulder height again, and back down. All without bending the elbow.
He does this 50 times in a row for two or three sets, and his arms have indeed gotten a bit bigger in the two months he's been doing it.
The only other exercise he does is squats.
He says he doesn't want to overthink things or go too hard as a beginner as to not quit, so he made this (bodyweight?) exercise up and is happy with it.
Is this stupid or legit (for his situation)?
Does it have a name?
Which muscle groups does it engage?
Pic related.
I like BBB.
But you should add some FSL or Joker Sets to your Main Lift.
Also some accessories for aesthetics wouldn´t be bad I guess.
Looks stupid as fuck.
He should just start a beginner program, make him read the sticky
I told him but he doesn't want to.
He sees the gains (which isn't really impressive considering he started as auschwitz mode) and gets convinced that it's good.
He says "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
You'd expect it to be completely useless, but it's clearly doing something, so maybe there's something to it that I don't understand.
I mean, everything is better than doing nothing.
He will switch to lifting when he sees no more gains.
But I mean at least he is doing something and it doesn´t seem dangerous.
Yeah, you're right.
I'll press him again when he plateaus.
But I'm stiln interested in this.
Like, is it like a vertical dumbbell press mixed with flys without the weight?
I assume the high rep number compensates for the lack of resistance, right?
I've been doing it for 3/4 cycles. Made some hypertrophy gains but practically 0 strength gains. Could be that I'm on a cut which it specifically says not to do, but fucks sake they all say that and I'm 205 lbs @ 5'10
Asked in last thread, didn't see the new one:
>I have to get up at 5 AM for the gym recently, and there's a crowd of about 8 middle-aged men who all work out together and shout like they own the gym. They might as well, because it's normally just me and a few girls otherwise. I'm a skinny DYEL and recently I've heard them jeering about my lifts. What recourse do I have, against these losers that can't be making more than 50,000 a year? Aside from beating the biggest one to death with a barbell. What would you do? Been ignoring them so far but it has happened two workouts in a row and I'm gonna fucking snap.
Basically, how do you deal with baboons in the weight room? They have ruined the experience the last few days.
that's it, you just have to never go back
Saying I'll just GET BIG and SHOW THEM is cool but that's dismissive of the reality that I could be dealing with these broke faggots for months. I'm going to do something, I just wasn't sure what's the best move because as I said I'm a DYEL with not much gym experience and a decade younger besides.
This may sound retarded, but im starting to mentally feel fat while bulking, should I just brush it off and keep on gaining mass or do a month of cutting?
it's very good, do it, don't modify
ask them what their problem is or complain to management
how much assistance work are you actually ssupposed to do
i do like one other thing then get out
for example i do the lift, then i do a trillion dips and leave when i cant do more sets
Considering doing 5/3/1 Triumverate, I adjusted because I've got a fucky shoulder that I want to try and treat. Knocked out dips because shoulder pain and leg press because SS already gave me thunder quads. How does this look?
Overhead Press 5/3/1
Lateral Raise 5x10
Pull-Ups 5x10
Deadlift 5/3/1
Back Extensions 5x10
Leg Raises 5x10
Bench Press 5/3/1
DB Incline Press 5x10
Rows 5x10
Squat 5/3/1
RDL 5x10
Face Pulls 5x10
i'm doing a shit ton of pushing excercises these days and my wrist hurts like hell
it's only the left wrist which has always been really weak for me, right hand is perfectly fine
how would you guys work around or fix a shitty wrist? i'm unironically considering lopping off the left hand and replacing it with curved steel or something solid.
for example dips and presses are ok at the gym but when i get home, if i bend my wrist too much (and put pressure on it) it can feel like someone is stabbing my wrist with a knife
please what do guys im afraid
How effective is Keto OMAD with lifting on a PPLPPLx split?
Can I get a rundown on MCT oil? My mom saw some at the store and bought me a bottle essentially sight unseen. I know it's used in bulletproof coffee, but I don't know why (nor do I drink coffee)
1. Heavy sets
2. BBB sets
3. One other related thing, and don't push it
Does "1RM" refer to weight per side, both sides or both sides + bar?
the full weight of the bar
think about it, do you say "oh i squat 400 pounds" and wonder if that means it's with the bar and both sides accounted for
total weight, including the bar my dude. for a single rep
Is it customary to tell the receptionist it's your max day?
when I squat the upper front side of my thighs hurt real bad, like I got bad DOMS in them or something
it's actually fine when I actually do the squats, but afterwards and in between sets I can barely bend over to pick something up and I walk real funny
why is this?
also, is it stupid to ONLY do squats on leg day?
Ive been going through the same thing. Wrist sprain that just will not heal, and aggravated it not too long ago so I took a major step back. Prevents me from doing heavy benchpress, so I just do some pushups to work chest. Those seem to work without putting much strain on the wrist.
It's just something you have to let heal and try not to do anything that is going to stress it.
Are these feasible late novice numbers?
I only do squats for leg day but then again I squat three days a week. Sometimes I'll mix in some calf work, but very sparingly.
Assuming volume is equated, is training a muscle group 3x better than 2x for hypertrophy? How about for strength?
Is it possible for someone to go from a 7 minute mile to a 6 minute mile in 3 months? Only been training seriously for maybe a month
only if you say "you too"
might be your hip flexors, try some hip flexor stretches and see if that helps
those are intermediate pushing advanced depending on bodyweight
Say to dem: lee me alon. I just wan to be lef alon.
Re-asking from old thread:
I've being doing SS for around a month. My gym doesn't allow power cleans, so I plan adding rows instead. Should I do bent over rows or pendlay rows?
Is it better to lift 4 hours after waking up? I heard your muscles aren't woken up yet if you don't wait first.
im doing bench tomorrow, hopefully i can keep it going but i am scared. it used to be bad when i did brosplit but now theres so many fucking reps i might get into trouble
i even bought some wraps, apparently they are crutches but i will use them in a pinch only.
thanks mate, will read
Pendlay rows
is it dumb to do rows on literally every day of 531
>my gym doesn't allow power cleans
Change gyms ASAP, it'll just cause you headaches down the road
What's your current miles and days per week?
How does it hold up? Would it be suitable for a novice with hypertrophy goals?
I overate by about 500 calories on a bulk. Should I lift for the second time today, do cardio, or just go extra hard on the weights tomorrow?
If I'm trying to do some easy core workout how many 30-45 second planks should I do for my warmup
Also are there any other easy core workouts to do aside from planks
why do I have to shit so much at work
I shit 2-3 times when I'm at work but literally do not shit at all when I'm home
My job mainly consists of sitting
How tf can I get my body to poop only when I'm home?
What body fat percentage am I? I know the old bodyfat charts help and you can measure it yourself but I'm currently on holiday and I'm stumped while trying to judge it myself...as I'm a former fatty with some body issues.
Also, should I continue cutting before Ifocus on muscle mass or should I focus on a clean bulk?
Thanks a million in advance guys
I'm looking to buy a couple exercise bands for stretching and mobility work while at home.
Does Jow Forums have any experience or recommendations for brands I should look at?
~20 but depends on factors pics can't show.
Do more cardio, more heavy volume and eat more (without eating cheese or sugary shit)
2x1.5 Miles
20x hill sprint
8 miles
Only been doing this specific routine for two weeks, mile time before I started was 7:05 but that was mainly from just fucking about for a month.
Is there any downside to doing ab wheels (almost) daily? Will it fuck me up?
Retarded question.
Is it considered rude or incorrect to fail a rep solo in a power rack?
Judging by the sticky and the catches on the rack I always thought you just pushed for it and eventually you fail a rep. Yesterday I failed one that I couldn't keep it from coming straight down on me. Did the whole awkward slide under push off thing but the Gym owner was all like "OH NO LET ME GET SOMEONE TO HELP YOU, *turns to the front* HEY COME OVER HERE AND HELP THIS GUY FAILED ON THE BENCH"
Like I'm just pushing myself out of it and said that's the entire reason for the rack. The owner just laughed and left.
basic stretching in higher volumes along with having someone roll you out works way better than any meme shit
some people shit more when stressed others shit less
I prefer starting strength (do the full program not just the picture meme) or stronglifts.
Until you can squat your body weight or bench 75%, you need low volume but high frequency to grease the groove of all your lifts
Some weeks I row everyday.
If they slow your progress, obv stop
they work the same. I prefer bent over rows in your case because you want a full body pull.
Holding yourself close to 90 degrees and rowing is hell
your cns adapts to your schedule
I wake up, hit pre, shit, and lift
I made it to 3/4/5 and now I just fuck around. My drive for physical goals comes and goes. I'll probably go back to bodybuilding soon enough
This is a complicated question. The only real answer lies in your hormones and cardio capabilities.
Strength comes down to intensity (%of max) and frequency (
>basic stretching
Any recommendations for stretches or stretching routines?
roll out with one of those rolling-pin esque deals.
My wife rolls me out often and it keeps me 100%
You're killing yourself for no reason unless you're 500lbs.
Keto kills your bones and tendons
Eat normally and stop falling for memes. Adjust volume and frequency for physical goals
If you're training heavy often and do cardio, you'll never be more than a couple weeks from 10% bf unless you eat sugary shit and cheese
I'm , I've got the basic stretches down but want the bands for more obscure stuff related to sprinting workouts.
I appreciate the rec for a roller though, I do need that
Bulking while cutting.
I know, retarded.
I'm 340 lbs and starting to lift.
Usual routine is:
Bench 5x10
OHP 3x10
Curl 3x10
Bike 2 miles
Hit the bag for 5 mins.
Gonna incorporate other exercises as I get used to stuff.
I'm am currently eating 1200 cals a day. On workout days I'm gonna mix one scoop into triple 0 Greek yogurt and eat 1500 cals.
Does this gain me muscle? Slow down muscle loss? Increase fat loss? Should I do anything diffirent?
Literally perfect for cutting if you eat and rest well
Depends on your mobility and problem areas
If you don't have any aches or tightness, you might not even need to stretch
my staples:
legs straight, hold palms against floor for 10 seconds
sit down legs wide, touch forehead to floor (or at least get close)
sit cross legged, reach out like touching toes
sit feet together, reach out like touching toes
for upper body:
arm up and bent over head, side bend
palms together behind back, lock fingers, roll towards body so they face down, hold
stretch neck without popping as necessary
My biggest problem beyond ham and back tightness is trap knots so I bend my head to the sides a lot
Stretch so you can hold the hard positions
stretch less if your lifts get weaker
T. 3/4/5
I am a sports science degree student and desu I don't understand how the fuck do you expect to grow and gain strength doing 15 sets 4 times a week.
You are cutting. But at that size you can get alot of gains while cutting. Specially novice gains if you are new to lifting. 1200 might be a little too harsh. Try to get like 1500-1800 daily. At least until you are like 250lbs or someting.
So eat at a deficit and still workout, you will lose weight and increase in strength
Unless you are putting your body in perfect conditions, you probably won't gain while cutting weight.
Its not too hard to recomp, but unless you're 5'2", 1200 calories isnt shit. The unspoken factor of protein synthesis is hormone levels. You generally need carbs and/or fats for the protein to be properly utilized. Most people can't process powder protein anyway because of refusal to drink water or stop eating sugary shit that occupies the liver. Electrolytes are another hard factor in the whole thing.
eating more but you *are* on Jow Forums where all the twinks are just trying to be cute for daddy
Increase in strength or muscle?
I'm also looking to mitigate loose skin.
I'm 6'1. Lose 115 lbs in 6 months and change get eating around 1200.
Was looking to increase to 1500 all from protien on workout days.
I avoid sugar and carbs on principle but not strictly. And drink tons of water.
I was looking to get whey protien tomorrow to officially kick start this.
dude that pic, make sure he doesnt start doing heavy weight with that im sure he is gonna hurt his delts.
since he is doing a shit ton of these, its affecting his delts, and like i guess forearm but all delts baby. tell ur friend is a incel and to actually workout
just tell them to fuck off and that your are here to workout, just put in headphones in faggot
>make sure he doesnt start doing heavy weight with that im sure he is gonna hurt his delts
What do you mean?
Wouldn't he be making them stronger with this?
>tell ur friend is a incel and to actually workout
Kek I will
>Increase in strength or muscle?
Depends on your routine. If you are only looking to build muscle mass you still need to get enough protein while maintaining a deficit.
>I'm also looking to mitigate loose skin.
Losing weight quickly will increase in more loose skin. There's some broscience going around that dry fasts can help with loose skin but I haven't seen any source to confirm that.
Graduating Novice here.
Started 5/3/1 with a combination of the 3 month BBB Challenge and regular BBB and a decent amount of accessories.
The regular 5/3/1 part only takes only about 15 minutes max.
I still do AMRAP on last set of 5/3/1.
On bench days i do 5x10 60% OHP.
On OHP days i do 5x10 60% bench.
Same for squat day 5x10 diddys
Same for deadlifts days...5x10squats
I superset the 5x10s with 5x10 rows or pullups for OHP and Bench days.
So that's kindof a mixture of the regular BBB and BBB challenge and it takes 15 minutes.
Then i basically do 30 minutes of accessories.
Curls, pushdowns, rear and side delts raises/facepulls and forearms
I'm going to do this for 2 months and reevaluate.
What's a decent way to add more protein to my diet if dairy fucks with my digestive system? I've heard I should be aiming for a gram of protein per pound of body weight, but a typical day of eating three meals puts me somewhere in the area of 150-60g. Currently weigh 195lbs.
You need to maintain a balance of your macros to keep your hormones balanced. You can't just eat protein and get big. That's not how it works.
Stop trying to do the impossible. Lift while cutting, focus on weight loss, start eating real food at real volumes when you weigh 225 and increase frequency. Hormones are your best friend. Don't shit on them by leaving out vital macros.
You're eating plenty of protein.
The body can only process .7-.8g of protein for every pound of LEAN body mass. You are right in the sweet spot for that. Increase volume or frequency to increase gains
Cheers. Good to know I'm on the right track.
It’s fine (only 1/7 extra of a lbs). Just go hard at the gym, man.
Not really. Abs are such a small muscle group, that’ll it will be really easy to recover from working them. On the other hand, this means that working abs will bring little noticeable gains from working them
Should I post fitness shit on social media like instagram? Best case scenario I get free stuff or a discount from some company, worst case scenario is ???, maybe some hate from dyels or envious people
I worry I am not at the gym long enough for my A/B/A B/A/B program Greyskull arms
>Bench Press 2x5 then 1x5+ until failure
>Curls 2x10
>Squats 2x5 then 1x5+ until failure
>Lat Pulldowns as an accessory
>10 minutes of cardio
>OHP 2x5 then 1x5+ until failure
>Chinups 2x10
>Deadlift 1x5+ until failure
>Lat Pulldowns as an accessory
>10 minutes of cardio
I added the Lat Pulldowns and Cardio for some extra stuff to do but I still think I'm not doing enough. Any ideas? I'm alright with changing the plan but I'm kind of used to doing these lifts now.
Anything wrong with doing compounds in the
3x6-10 range? Except for deadlifts of course. No meme but does
3x5 actually build muscle?
Where is the guy drinking that horse protein? Is he kill?
Unanswered question from last thread
How do I enter my resistance or calisthenic workouts in cronometer for an accurate calorie expenditure figure?.
For example, if I do 60 min of resistance training, roughly at 1 min per set and 1 min per rest, should I input 60 or 30 min?. I hope I'm being clear with this.
You can mire my nutrition while you're at it.
Hey guys, I haven't been on Jow Forums for years. What is Zyzz up to these days? Is Chestbrah still a faggot?
oh boy...
How could it be?? Who is the face of Jow Forums now?
This guy
Not that beta faggot.
You just eyeball it based on how you feel (how exhausted and hungry you are), there's no such thing as accurate calorie expenditure tracking unless you're in a research lab. The estimates given by various websites and apps are based on total gym time including rest. For the great majority of normal-weight people the calorie expenditure of any type of exercise activity will be 300-800 calories per hour, where the range is from light activity to very intense cardio. Lifting is somewhere in between based on being very intense exercise with periods of prolonged rest. However squats will burn about a million times more calories than some triceps extensions, so it's all down to guesstimating and you're better off learning to listen to your body, you should have a feel on whether you're in a relative deficit or surplus.
Is there any way to gain strength whilst eating at a 700 calorie deficit. I'm 5'8 192 lbs so need to lose weight, but my lifts aren't increasing. I can't increase calories until I'm at least 160 lbs.
Razorburn has me fucked up. How do I fix it?
Yes that beta faggot
Oh god oh no. How about Camel jockey? Or was that the misc?
I've got huge quads and tiny calves. How do I isolate the calves?
There is nobody except him now.
Just accept it user. There's nothing we can do.
The only one that can MAYBE come close is John Sakars, but that's it.
>John Sakars
omg......how about the poser jeff? Assestics crew disband I assume after zyzz death?
Some ideas:
change curls to after lat pulldowns
chinups after deadlift
maybe some core work at the end of each workout
more sets of chinups
do lat pulldowns once a week/replace one of them with a form of row
Spend more time ensuring that you are completing a proper warmup and doing mobility drills
Make sure you are doing your warmup sets before heavier sets of bench/ohp/squat/deadlift
If you still want more then maybe add some rotator cuff exercises like face pulls or band pull aparts or bentover rear db flys
If you are stalling then reevaluate your goals and switch programs to something like PPL or an intermediate strength program or powerlifting or oly
if you're a beginner or really fat then it's possible, but probably difficult
Thanks bro
You'll mostly see body recomp depending on the amount of protein you consume. I'm doing a daily 500 kcal deficit while eating roughly 1.6g/kg protein and I'm starting to see muscle where the fat used to be.
Take a couple of dumbbells, hold them at your sides and start raising and lowering your body with your ankles, take it easy and slow. There's also a machine for that I think
Jeff is still a cookie-eating faggot.
I have no idea what the crew is doing now. I assume they disbanded but I don't know.
According to Symmetric Strength I am intermediate level on all lifts, yet I still look like a bitch. Why. I eat enough calories, I get enough protein.
Fuck man. I missed a lot. I just got out of prison 2 days ago.
What were you in for?
Greentext please.