Stop lifting bro it's unhealthy

>Stop lifting bro it's unhealthy
What did he mean by this

Attached: sverigel.jpg (2340x1080, 740K)

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Pushing your body beyond certain intended limits is bad for you, it places strain on your joints, can cause your heart to enlarge, all sorts. Sitting on your ass all day isnt good either.

You gotta realise, most people who work out don't actually do it for health, they do it for vanity, either aesthetic vanity or power vanity. Go be active, exercise cause you enjoy it, and be healthy.

>low-IQ man who is wrong about everything is wrong about lifting
What a surprise

>following a psychotic, delusional schizophrenic

Literally try to refute the fact that sedentary life leads to longer life, you psychotic heart damage chasers

Attached: TdF-longevity.jpg (533x456, 53K)

What the fuck is this Israel map.

What is TdF?

Tour de France

The black dots represent athletes essentially.

Why would I listen to this bald cuck?

Ah yes the mid day sun gazer that thinks it's perfectly fine to drink your load if you're worried about losing test. Or or drink the load of your dead enemy cause apparently everyone in battle dies with a rock hard erection just waiting to orgasm due to the thrill of battle.
Fucking weird faggot.
Why does Jow Forums shill this literal neet?

Why would you want to live past 60? Old people can't move, can't sleep, are constantly bored, and have dementia. Burn like a rocket, not like a candle.

>strategically placed bandana to hide his receded hairline

Attached: daneh.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

retarded and pointless graph, of course athletes will have a higher chance of reaching a certain age than the general population...the general population includes drug addicts, single mothers, obese retards, violent niggers etc

My grandfather is 88 and runs 10Ks every couple months, eat actual shit.

Yeah, and he's still a shadow of what he was when he was 20 or 30. Not to mention that if this is true your grandfather is one in a million. Most people statistically don't live to 88 and the ones that do can't run at all.

>Yeah, and he's still a shadow of what he was when he was 20 or 30
You pointing out completely obvious things doesn't make you smart. Holy shit what are you typing dude?

Attached: 1565265545783.png (448x475, 281K)

So far nobody refuted any of Sverige's claims and you guys still shit talk him. What a bunch of faggotry this board has become.

Fuck off retard

If you had more than 2 brain cells to rub together you'd figure it out.

Not an argument.

which exact claim? verbatim


I thought sv3rige worship was just memes holy fuck

I can assume from this picture alone that you are jewish.

The claim is too general to refute. Its an empirical matter and even if i can provide evidence that people who exercise do in fact live longer, you'll pull out an example of a sedentary person living till a very old age. (Not that the evidence provided would be equal. So you should provide stronger evidence)
If it were a properly formulated sentence for dispute it would be have to be taken as a universal claim "A sedentary life always leads to a longer if ", which is patently false, or it would have to be the general "A sedentary life on average leads to a longer life" In which case evidence again suggests that it is wrong.

"Physical activity reduces many major mortality risk factors including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. All-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects"

Not that you are really here for an answer, but this made a nice break from studying for logic and i got find a nice figure for future discussions of sedentary lives.

Well, you'd be wrong but please explain why. I want to see your mental gymnastics of why random reaction image = kike.