
How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between

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Other urls found in this thread:


based /sig/ poster

unfortunately this isn't board related because it's aparently only "fitness" now, not "health and fitness".

Saw that there isn't a sig for quite some time, you can't make those real discipline gains only by lifting heavy

What are your personality improvement goals for the next month Jow Forums?

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Mental fitness is just as important as body fitness, one must not go without the other

I genuinely think this board has the best mental fitness of all the boards

NoFap 20 days now. Flatlining hard atm but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Love these threads, but sadly they won’t be allowed to stay for some dumb reason
I credit these threads for convincing me to get on a regular sleep schedule and to start journaling
And I only found them about a month ago
Think of what could have been if they weren’t persecuted for no reason

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I haven't been on Jow Forums for quite some time, why are they being banned?

Fit humour and SIG threads were my favourites a couple of years ago though, I wouldn't like to see them banned

I've lost three stone this year.
Have ran further than u ever have in my life
Sorted my diet out so I'm no longer permanently overeating calorie dense food

The janitors and fellow superfats that lurk here and complain all the time dont want you to get better.

crabs in a bucket user.. 90% of Jow Forums is out of shape and its easier to point at someone in a red tank top and laugh then to set concrete plans and follow through to better ones life.

We need to wipe out the entire mod crew for trying to force Jow Forums, the absolute worst board on 4channel

>I've lost three stone this year.
I'm sorry about your loss user, don't give up

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Yes. Social gains all the way.

mods will allow '>nofap day 2' and '>tfw no gf' threads but actual threads about health and fitness is not allowed.


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Let's share a ton of Infographics before they find us then to get at least something out of it

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a place where they still use stones as currency must be pretty poor, you laugh but three stones could be everything this poor guy had

I started learning Chinese after procrastinating it for few years. Currently trying to put my life together, applied today for a job after a year's pause. Despite having no motivation whatsoever.
Started learning the Asian squat because I can't squat. Always admired people who knew how to do it. So I said to myself, if they can do it why shouldn't I?
Btw. archive.org is a nice website for those who look for books.

I’ve made all sorts of improvements but I still hate myself. My friends assume I know how to properly function around girls when they try to set me up and it makes me wanna kms.

Well done man, really proud of you, make those language gains.

Reminder that having a work schedule like this isn't healthy

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dont let success or failures with girls effect your inner peace user.. its a numbers game.. you'll find one as weird as you.. keep working on yourself

Tell them not to set you up, its a forced and unhealthy practise.

You need to practise it just like everything else, read some good books about human interactions and talk to people of both genders(if you can't function around pretty women talk to some uggies or smtn)

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>victor hugo
>daily visit to barber

I finally got my first car, after long months of gathering money, I am literally the first one in my branch of the family to own one. I feel exited. On to more accomplishments.

Thanks for the pic, I do not have a working schedule for now since I don't know really how to plan my day. Saw few videos on how to properly schedule stuff, but for now I am trying to identify every aspect of my body, mind and soul that is shit and progress it slowly. One step at the time.

There is a couple of Youtubers that do basic shit and are repetetive a lot but offer good begginers advice, just pick one aspect at a time from each part of you and work on it, otherwise you'll burn out and regress

congrats user. such a great feels

I’ve been doing Duolingo russian for a while and after seeing Le masque and shit on /tv/ decided to pick up French as well.

Aw hell yeah /sig/ is back
Just got back from a week vacation, very refreshing, really put me back on the right course for my goals.
Lifting is going alright, deadlift is still horribly weak, but I'll improve.
Back to making my own meals, might make some soup today if I don't royally fuck it up.
Gonna start the HIIT routine I've wanted to do for a while, gotta get back into cardio.
Social situation isn't improving much, but I'm a bit more comfortable.
I want to join a boxing gym, climbing gym, or maybe get back into ice skating. Really need to be more active.

Thanks for reading my blogpost remember to like and subscribe

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There's this girl I know at college that's been showing signs she's into me for a couple of months now. It's to the point where my bestfriend has taken notice and talked to me about.

How does a 23 yo virgin like myself make a move? Have I waited too long? I wouldn't say she's out of my league but she is more attractive than me.

you should visit a few gyms user.. most have free trials.. see how you like it.. probably the best way to improve your social gains

I only have 1 boxing gym near me, and I'm afraid it'll either go out of business or it won't have a good atmosphere.
I do climb with my friend though, however I want to go on my own a bit too in order to build strength and work on technique

I’m reading a book on it + taking an online social class with mock conversations and it doesn’t make the anxiety go away

Thanks. I did use it for a while along with Memrise, its ancestor. Anki too was nice but I am not fan of the space repetition. Now I just use books. There are some interesting courses here for free if you want something more serious.
These were made for the training of foreign officials and stuff and are in the public domain:

This website just took them and slapped a wattermark on every page, which is idiotic but still am grateful for them.

From my experience the DLI ones are better than the FSI.

We gonna make it.

>you'll find one as weird as you
But i don't want one that is as weird as me, I want the ones I like, reeeee!

>Been doing homegym stuff with dumbells and ab wheel all summer
>Finally get access to college gym again

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>I want x

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Which book are you reading user?
And what online class?

anxiety is normal user.. i once had a 9/10 stunner tell me that if a guy isnt nervous or anxious when he talks to her she feels like hes a player and wont show him any attention.

time to get swole user! this is your year!!!

Indeed, I'm planning on bulking until next spring and then cutting hard just in time for a convention next spring with my gf

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Thanks for the resources user, I’m hoping to be fluent by the end of five years time.

Jannies are trannies

I started running last saturday. I ran a mile for the first time ever. I took three sub 15 second breaks and made a time of 9:14. The next monday I ran another mile and did not stop at all and had a time of 8:36. I was super impressed. Yesterday I tried to run a 5k. Stupid I know. I ran 1.77 miles in a time of 17:51. Today i'm going to set the treadmill to 5.5 and see how far I can go.

No more me nice guy, and afterwards models by mark manson. Program is an online virtual thing made in unity by the center for brain health at the university of Texas in Dallas. I’m not as much of a wreck as I sound but it does take me a LOT of effort to talk to people and I’m awful with girls, social cues, and eye contact. I’m not a virgin tho and had a few relationships.

Lena was (and still is) perfect.

I am 21 and it feels like life is passing me by. This is supposed to be around the age where I have so much energy to travel, party, fuck and do whatever right?

Instead, I have never been to a party since 18, have not been abroad since 14, I am still a virgin. I spend most of my day inside on my computer when I am not at work. It is eating me up inside every time I think about it.

the jannies are kikes here

>Reminder that having a work schedule like this isn't healthy
Like pic related? Why?
Mine is very similar to a few of those guys.

I'm slowly embracing ascetism, so I can fully pledge myself to my Lord, Jesus Christ.

Tfw tweaked my neck doing OHP on Monday but gonna go again today because it's a bench and row day. Still kinda hurts but should be mostly better tomorrow. Feels bad brah.

What is it that you want to do? Something that is long term.

> This is supposed to be around the age where I have so much energy to travel, party, fuck and do whatever right?
Nah, it's just people trying to sell you shit. The VAST majority of people don't travel to Ibiza for a weekend trip/etc, they're stuck working part-time jobs or studying. You do you bud.

Grow a pair, stand up straight, look her in the eyes and ask her if she wants to go out for dinner sometime.

Nice work user, keep it up (down?)!

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How do you balance working out and having a full time job? I’m starting to feel burnt out from how much I’ve been working, today is my first day off since last Thursday.

I had been going to the gym in the morning three/four days a week but now I constantly feel exhausted. Obviously the easiest answer would be to quit this job but I need to stay until the end of September if I can.

it gets easier user.. get yourself program - i used the nike running app (NRC) with its coach feature. its really great if you stick to it!

I'm a skeletal manlet.I'm trying to get fit but im only using 1 dumbell atm.I'm doing 3x5 with 6 kilos idk if that is good or bad.I weight 55kg and 178 cm tall.I'm planing to go to a gym after summer ends becuase of my job ans i have to study for college.
Mentally im not in the best shape.A girl I know for 8 years has turned me down and it kinda fucked me in the head.Atleast I use the anger to fuel me in lifting.Also I keep repeating to myself "she turned you down because you are week" .I trying to get better but it's hard.But I'm not going to give up.For my Lord gives me strenght to become the greatest form my body can achive both physically and mentally.

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go for walks user. start with that.. join a gym talk to 4/10s and build your confidence up - silly things like "hey how many sets do you have left?"

Fuck yes, this is why I like fit, like minded individuals for the most part trying to help other bros out

Fuck the jannies


You have to rest at least one day. Seriously. You need mental recovery. Relaxation, meditation. Try minimalism or hygge, on how to get cozy and create a comfortable environment so you can relax. Find the gold nuggets that work for you.

go easy with the weights for a bit until you feel you can push yourself again

Don't forget the old but gold sticky

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>a week ago I noticed I only really know when normie Christian holidays are even though I have Muslim friends
>toggled all religious holidays to show in my calendar settings
>this weekend was festival of sacrifice which is a big deal for muslims
>wish them happy holidays on the day
>they are super happy about it because no one cares about their holidays usually
Felt pretty nice to make them feel their culture being a bit more recognized. Would recommend.

i rather be sluggish in the gym and laser focused at work. so i go to the gym at night - maybe you can give that a try?

plenty of fish in the sea user.. keep working on yourself. girls will always be available

I fckn asked a girl out the first time in my life and seh' said yes! AAAAAAAAH I CAN'T EVEN STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!
>inb4 I sperg out and ruin our friendship

If you are Christian, read the Bible to rebuild your armor. Remember that if something is not going your way, that may also be an indicator that you are protected, because you may have gotten something worse, if you got together. Try the calisthenics stuff too, and taking a walk every day.

I know but I was really in love with her but fuck her she lost a guy who would give her the wolrd if she asked.

Am having a pregnancy scare with a girl I’ve been going out with. On one hand, thoughts about how utterly fucked I’m will keep coming until she menstruates, but on the other I realized most of my old concerns are meaningless and haven’t been giving a single fuck about silly shit that would normally make me nervous.
In an ideal world she’ll not be pregnant but this mindset will stay.

>went from deadlifting 40 lbs kettlebell to 180 lbs bar in less than one week
feels strong man and I never tried deadlift before

I do feel like I'm improving a lot in these days

it sucks i know.. but focus on yourself, get lost in a book and your training program.. maybe go shopping for some new clothes, new haircut, talk some new girls.. you will forget about her quite quickly if someone else is on your mind!

Trying to see if I can play rugby and soccer next year but its not looking good for rugby.

Also I got food poisoning so R.I.P.

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Waiting for A-level results rn. I’m both calm and worried at the same time, if that makes sense. Like I know I should be nervous but I’m not.
I know I’ve done terribly and may not be able to do the uni course I want to do but the horrendously low grade boundaries for the maths make me slightly less worried.
Wish me luck lads.

congrats mate, don't overthink it and everything will work out fine

>been eating healthy for the past 2 months tracking everything
>dropped 20lbs
>went to the gym for the first time the other day
>started learning guitar a month ago so I could have a hobby other than masturbating and watching anime

I'm done with feeling like a cumbrain time to become a real human bean.

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Good luck. No matter what happens, you can always get inspiration from successful students and their habits which can be applied to any aspect of your life.
This channel has some nice lectures.

just an hour ago i started running for the first time.
I can feel my legs slowly becoming numb.
it's fucking awesome


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>switched careers about a month ago to go back to school
>struggling trying to find a part time job, had easier time finding salaried positions in the past than I am getting a low paying part time job
>reading books about great men like Julius Caesar and Crassus, trying to approach life like they would and emulate their characteristics
>lifting as always, rehabbing an injury which I had surgery on almost 4 months ago
>pursuing as many social opportunities as I can
>Got a FWB after splitting with gf I loved about a month and a half ago
It's a mixed bag. No job is unfortunate but I'm using it is an opportunity to pursue other ventures while I search for one

great news user! keep it up!!

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Got rejected from the military after years of it being my dream and now I’ve pretty much lost all motivation for lifting or running or self improvement in general. It all just feels so pointless, I’m a piece of shit that not even the military wanted. How much lower can you get.

God dang finally a sig thread. These threads arguably are the most productive on all the boards in terms of people actually conversing about important aspects of improving their lives.

That said, it's been hard to get out of bed and workout recently. I've been making up for it by going during my lunch breaks, but still I miss the mourning routine.

Also partially waiting for the gf to come in and stay with me for a couple weeks. Gonna experience a semi-married kind of life and I'm hyped cause she's a sig booster in a lot of ways

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use it as fuel to make the cut next time around user! hard times create strong men

Army and marines will literally take any retard. What branch were you trying to join?

if its hard to get out of bed, you might be going to bed too late. i like to leave my alarm ALL the way across the room so i need to get up to turn it off..

Why’d they reject you?

I don't get the question? I guess the long term dream is a family with a nice house and a fulfilling career. But I don't want to hit 50 and wish I did more youngster stuff when I was 21.

I remember a level results day well user, it’s stressful but everyone across the country is in the same position and there are generations before you who have had it go absolutely terribly and have done better because of it. If anything a poor result pushes you to not rest on or depend on merely having good grades: you’ll have to actually work your way up and demonstrate resilience and good work ethic to employers, which is far more valuable in the long run anyway. I say this having graduated from an oxford too: grades don’t count for shit. What course/uni were you hoping for?

OP here guys, just want to say I'm very proud of you all for doing the stuff you need to do to get better.

We're all gonna make it, never doubt it for a second, if its 8 hour jobs or 10 hour study days or working to move out you can always always ALWAYS make room for a cup of tea with yourself. Hang out with friends, read books, play video games, enjoy your life but do it because its enjoyable not because you're using it to run away from something not enjoyable.

Reducing activity and screen time just before bed also helps

Is sig legal now on Jow Forums or we are waiting for mad janny to delete this?

Never looked it at that way.Thank you user for the advice I really need it.

I sometimes write awkwardly. The question was meant to be if you have any long term goals in life.

Because if you have something, you can then cut it into smaller pieces. Since you have something like this, you have a frame work to work with. Some people like to use the S.M.A.R.T technique to divide the big goals into small pieces to make them more manageable.

Don't worry about age. I am beginning at 28. Regrets will have to go. We have no more excuses.

Thanks user, but the next round of selection is nearly a year away and I’m not sure it’s worth putting the rest of my life on hold even longer for something I couldn’t even come close to this time.

Was applying as an officer in my country’s commandos, there’s only one round of selection a year and I wasn’t even fit enough to make it through the first round this year. If I couldn’t even make it that far I don’t know whether I should just give up, it was embarrassing

How the fuck canone git gud with harmonica man? My fucking tongue is too thick to do the stuff the internet teachers ask of you.
Does anyone know how the fuck do you deal with this?
Also I'm thinking of beggining some sort of self-defense martial art, like judo or muay thai, problem is I'm a relatively advanced lifter and semi- big guy ( weight 240 lbs at 6'3 and about 30% bf ), am I gonna have trouble finding sparring partners something like this at classes? since i'm the noobest of begginers when it comes to actual self defense.

Month has been great. Starting PPL now after couple months of aimless lifting + SS. Newbie gains looking great nonetheless as I've been getting mires nonetheless.

Improving socially, getting way closer than I have ever been with my closest social circle. I still have only a handful people I can really talk to but that's how it should be isn't it.

Bought couple of books to learn about business and some philosophical bullshit just for the heck of it. Excited to read em.

Planning to volunteer with charity groups around my city. Honestly best way to feel good about yourself is to help others.

This comes after stopping SSRIs and sleeping pills about 4 months ago and a harsh breakup about a year ago. Told my psychiatrist that I don't need em anymore and I aim to improve myself.

Thanks Jow Forums. You've been helpful throughout too. Hope I make it bros.

I will try but the worst thing is I am not giving up on her we are still going out together and all that and whenever i see her I am filled wiht joy and sadness.

Swansea uni: aero engi bachelors, hopefully then barge my way into the masters with good grades during the first two years
The needed is BBB but I’ve achieved one B grade in half-termly tests over the whole two years. I’ve been pretty much a solid D grade student the whole of college.

Thank you, thank you anons. I also have smart lights that have a wake up feature so I'm getting back to using those. My dumb ass just somehow manages to run out the timer before they turn off again ha.

Are you sure that continuing to see hear ia healthy for you and your friendship? If ahea haa turned you down you have two options one mature(move on and contniue to like her as a human bean and stop seeing her as a romantic option) and one not so mature but still healthy(stop all contact with her)