Reminder that if any user needs a friend or someone to talk to Im here for them

Reminder that if any user needs a friend or someone to talk to Im here for them

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Sleep tight, 'zuki.

thank you a lot fren

emptiness haunts me. how do i keep going forward?

nothing is interesting, i have no one.

Well,you can always search for friends to fill the void,I wouldnt mind being your friend

I am not a girl and I am not gay. What makes you interested in friendship now that you have this information?

i simply want people to have someone to spend time with,have some laughs and shit,if you need a person like that Im here for you

>i simply want people to have someone to spend time with?
Why? What is the tricky? What's your agenda? Are you in the pay roll of the CIA? Who's your handler? Give me his name.

Well,Im partly just looking for a fren to spend time with as well,we both could demolish your feeling of having no one

I'll be your friend too. Play any vidya?

Do you use PGP? Its okay if you do'nt.
WHat normie application respects my freedoms?

Well because Im on vacation in poland rn I cant play any vidy,my pc is kinda shit too

i dont use pgp,discord is good at respecting your privacy,if too many people screw around with you you can just change your username and all

i'm bored, how's your day user? if you are on vacation then why even posting here?

Well its almost 2am right now,I dont want to go outside because some gopniks will most likely beat me up

what area are you visiting? i would love to go hiking

Im in Strzelce Opolskie currently,Ill stay till this sunday

oh shit, i live quite close. get some nice vacation man.

yeah,Ill try my best,thanks my guy,I would love to go hiking as well

and if you want to stay frens with me you can add me on discord : Miki#7507

Awww cute bike. It looks so comfy. Sleep tight Zuki

Damn I just got deja vu. We are in a simulation I know it. I am supposed to be posting this.

what fren?


You just bring pain you horrible person
Don't trust this guy, he will manipulate you and make you feel horrible
He cursed me

What fren?


Op is the worst person.
He will make you feel shitty.
He will lie to you
He will torture your mind

you are not an honest person, you travel.

I know op from /o/ I think,he screwed around with this one guy once,hes a pretty chill person actually

i travel because my family needs me over there,when I dont help them out I usually go hiking close to a old mine

He makes you think he is.
Trust me he is horrible, he scarred me

Different user, what are you talking about? What you want from op?

I don't want anything, I'm just warning other anons against this monster

nah,Ive known him for quite sometime now eversince I visited his ass

Today at my wageslave job my boss told me to move some boxes into the hallway, to a very specific spot, so I did. I was almost finished, then a woman came out of her office and started yelling at me and calling me an imbecile for moving the boxes there because it slightly covered some stupid cabinet or something. I apologized and moved the boxes away, then my boss came back and yelled at me because I didn't move the boxes to the spot he wanted. Can't do anything right in this shit

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Dont worry fren,we all struggle at our jobs sometime,you did everything right,it was just a misunderstanding

Trust me, he isn't who he Is showing you to be

tell more about him