Why arent you living in a van yet r9k?

Why arent you living in a van yet r9k?

Maximum comfy.

Attached: van.jpg (2048x1536, 171K)

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That does look mighty comfy

How much did this run you?

Attached: Apu_Question.png (612x491, 106K)

No monies.
I'd take a life of travelling the world with my VW van in no time if I was given the chance

is that an RV or a proper van?

>a car you can poop in
>cheaper than renting
>11 mpg
>no internet

10k total

Its a van '98 ford 250

Attached: kino.jpg (2048x1536, 212K)

give some more info about it ?
how do you travel , how did you start . are you always alone ?

And how much does it run you in terms of expenses and such?


>how do you travel
in the van
build over time

500 for everything, food, gas, cellphone, etc

im sure you can still buy those little 4g wifi thingies that act as a mobile hotspot right? or are they not around

how do you pay for it

Cellular is somewhat expensive, and reception is variable

because im not rich. i live in my car like a normal middle class homeless person

family I don't even have a fucking driver's license lmao. also van life is a meme for millennials with rich parents. not feasible possible for most people, much less the average robot loser


You enjoy taking a shit in a disgusting public bathroom sitting on a toilet seat covered in the piss and feces of random strangers while also sitting 2 ft away from some fatass in the adjacent stall with explosive diarrhea?

I'm 99% sure I saw this van in a van life video, but none the less it's amazing. I would LOVE to live in one of these but unfortunately for me, that's a no go UNLESS I can buy one of these pre built. That would be amazing. Or if I could comission one to be built. Then I'd do it

I did it for a while. It was comfy but I had no source of income and gas and maintenance were expensive.

parking is really not a problem in a van. Just find a space. No one bothers a car that is in a parking space.

>being a bum on purpose

LMAO kys hobo

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Comrade Vlad, is this you?

Constantly worrying about cops, maintence, thieves, mold, hygiene and living in a legal gray area doesn't sound comfy at all. It sounds stressful as hell.

Also people who constantly brag about their lifestyle are almost always insecure and unhappy but whatever floats your boat man.

How do you get internet, and do you have a need for electricity, if so what do you use for a power source?

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Why live in a van when I can stay in my room and play pretend that I am living in a van for free

gas is expensive and florida is hot.
it would be like living in an oven

>$500 a month and you don't even have a toilet
Wow no thanks

Have you ever brought a girl back to the ol' 250 and fucked her brains out?

Attached: image.jpg (540x540, 73K)

is that really your van? post timestamp.


your video was the one that got me into van living. now im saving up for a sprinter.

I did for a few years.. still probably some of my most relaxed happy times in my life. Cant tell you how many times i'd pull into a rest stop and park with the truckers and just goto sleep. wake up 8-10hrs later and head out again. Even had a dick hopper play pretend gf with me for a bit til she got to the location she was heading (we went accross multiple states and I dropped her off at her families place and back onto the road I went)
I dont travel and live that way now since my parents have some health problems so I came home to tend to things here for now. Still got the van and I still sleep in it while living on my parents property so it's not a complete change.
Max comfy life and cant wait to get back on the road and get back to that life.

How did you make money during your travels? I'd love to live like this if I could afford it.

I got extremely lucky years ago and bought a ton of bitcoin when it was .25 a coin and sold when it hit almost peak highs. Add in various other investments I had made and some my parents help me make and I have been allowed to basically come and go in life as I please. Oddly enough I spend most of it driving around in an old 70s van living out of that instead of wasting it like majority of my "friends" do.

It's not cheap user wont lie... maintance and repairs and keeping food and supplies good and gas all adds up. But it's alot cheaper than it seems especially if you're thrifty with your jew golds.

how often do the police harass you?

Know that feel, trying to work off of a prius currently.

Vlad, respond to your protonmail.

If we get Yang bucks rolling it could be the cyberpunk neet dream us robots are waiting for.

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>mini heating stove
Aw yis this is the shit

>dude just have rich parents and get lucky lmao

there's your answer . shut this fucking thread down