Fictional goal body thread

fictional goal body thread

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Is he natty tho?

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Attached: whateverit takes.jpg (600x777, 66K)

>fictional goal body thread

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 1.28M)

Hello newfag.

I would like to rub her teeth with my fingers.

make way for a real giga physique

Attached: has skyrim gone too far.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

I didn't realise I want this until you wrote it user - thanks.
>tfw ywn finger her nostrils

Post her backside.

Attached: ironmaster_poster_02.jpg (1113x2963, 1.73M)

Attached: Daimon-kofxiv.jpg (1153x1940, 300K)

I want a body that makes me beloved by all those around me, to live in happiness ever after

Attached: 1563302478276.jpg (1202x1419, 228K)

A lot of fantasy art like Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta are obtainable since they used 80s body builders for models. So just use 80s / 70s body building techniques and figure out a good dosage and you can achieve that body (if your genetics are good)

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Achievable natty?

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the original wormchad

>fictional goal body threads
>not new

Attached: O1GtFiV.jpg (453x465, 27K)

Such mighty thews



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holy fucking based

Attached: Solid Snake.png (1103x712, 761K)

Looks like I'm halfway there

Attached: Kars.png (540x1025, 629K)

We've only had one every day for years

Attached: 51Tfc6n0fHL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (375x499, 45K)

I wonder what makes KOF's art style so appealing

Attached: Geese-kofxiv.jpg (831x1663, 288K)

thats kinda gay

but he has no dick user

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Arch demon beta cuck vs Arch Angel Chad

Attached: 1554043285106.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>fictional goal body thread
>no Kratos
pick one

Attached: kratosthicc.jpg (644x362, 56K)

Executioner Smough?


Attached: goal body.png (300x601, 173K)

Attached: Candy_(The_Wind_Waker).png (350x485, 56K)

> rebelling against the "father" vs submitting to the "father"

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Attached: Berserk - c166-176 (v21) [Dark Horse scans] [dr. anon].zip-Berserk_v21_p198-199.png (2499x1800, 706K)

chest too smol

Attached: dragon-ball-super-broly-images-4.png (1440x786, 1.45M)

>tfw no longhaired barbarian bf

>for years
>since 2013
>not new
cringe megayikes

dubs of tits

>20 months of starting strength

You're bad at yike posting. Go back

Is that Akemi?

Attached: Batman-Workout-1.jpg (1280x722, 166K)


Based Barbarian Chads.

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Attached: DILKiLjXsAAmhpG.jpg (1200x675, 47K)

>post-reddit refugee, or maybe even election refugee, tells me to get out
No u

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faggots, all of you

Attached: 1529931171747.png (484x750, 370K)

>calves are the same size as legs
teach me

Attached: 546546.gif (362x386, 88K)

Good luck growing all that hair


yujiro is ultimate lift goal

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You posted it

Attached: king conan the pheonix on the sword epidemius.jpg (1041x1600, 559K)

Attached: Hans Gunshe.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

and he doesn't even need to lift

Man he deserved more time on screen

Attached: bo1_500.png (500x281, 183K)

Only took a whole torpedo to kill my guy

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Are you joking?

You idiot, cringe beats dilate you were supposed to tell him to have sex

Is this cringe if I want to look like this?

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that depends on how many weapons you have in stock

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>mfw motherfuckers post yujiro's body as a goal yet for some reason don't remember he has a unique body with unique back muscles.

Not only is he strong because of peak training, but also because of peak genetics guys.

God I wish that were me

I want the grainy hard look.

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Based Amos poster.
>ywn man handle grown men and bend them like toys in your grasp .


But Guts literally berserk armor cuts his head off. Why would you want to be a dead man?

Attached: isley.jpg (1024x768, 186K)

I wanna be a strong paladin

Attached: FB_IMG_1565646220889.jpg (720x938, 54K)

You picked the wrong one then.