How Jow Forums are women in your country?

Do they hit the gym and do they watch their food intake?

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I live in downtown toronto. the women here are typically very fit and healthy, but as you go into the suburbs and countryside they turn into fat sluts.

at least 75% of women in my country are obese


There’s 3 body types, chubby slobs, emaciated/skinnyfat art hoes, and healthy/fit people.

Where you at boy?
Berta here

Most of us are either Yuropoors or Burgers, all of which are plagued with fatties.
Even most 3rd world anons are plagued with fatties.

the truth is that while the average of both europe and the us is pretty fat, both regions have areas of fat people and areas of slim people. out in vancouver or victoria in canada everybody is fit as fuck and tons of people do tons of active outdoor activities. but if I go to a small town walmart or tim hortons/mcdonalds it would be hard to find somebody not considered obese.
I noticed the same thing when I lived in the uk. central london has plenty of beautiful and fit people, especially around kensington or belgravia. but if you go into the shitty suburbs or poor satellite cities you see fat sacks of shit everywhere.

What a hollow life. I laugh and have good times with my friends, so much so that I don't need to derive any extra pleasure from stuffing my face. My friends and I also enjoy each other's company enough we don't need to drink to be around each other. I have never restricted my life to be fit and even if I wasn't it's such a small part of who I am that my life would be pretty similar except for the future heart attack.

> travel
Whore with no inhibitions but that was made clear enough by the shape she's in

Developing 3rd world checking in, fitness is pretty much split by race and class. Blacks fattest, 2nd is mixed race, 3rd whites, 4th Indians/middle eastern, 5th Asians. On average I'd say the poorer classes are actually fatter. So if you live in rich white areas many of the women are skinnyfat/cardiobunny/fit.

every slut nowadays is obsessed with travel, food, and instagram

Am I the only one that hates instagram? I also started hating non hilarious ads, models, movies, and any kind of delusion ridden medium of "art". It's all fake, people selling smoke. I hate it with passion.

I never used insta but my gf uses it. at first I was neutral but now I've grown to hate it with every inch of my soul. I've tried to get her to stop but she says "it's not social media it's my photo diary."

God I love it when women know their way around a funnel cake.

I’d absolutely blow her back out though, and you know you would too

People use it for social status and attention, it's disgusting, all appearence and people buy into it and like it, me me me me me, photos of me me me me, beauty, bullshit, BULLSHIT. Beauty is temporal, all these whores and fuccbois on instagram are fucking retarded, fucking söyboy cucks and whores. Attention whores all of them, I fucking hate it.
>B-but user you are just projecting because no ome notices you or gives you attention
Kill yourself rat shill I want no attention.

Yeah i live in mississauga and thats pretty acurate

You would fuck that pig with make up on? You disgust me

Anything with lipstick and a dress on mate

Live like an animal, suffer like an animal, die like an animal.

I'm a 24 khhv, yes I would.

Sorry, after further inspection I take it back. I won’t do it again user, forgive the infraction.

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How difficult is it for these whores to just not eat fucking greasy food and chocolates. Heck it could be dairy so quick with all the starbucks.

The greatest delusion man has ever created was the fiction that he was somehow superior to all the other animals. We're simple slaves to our nature. Why deny it?

I wonder how many stds she has

All the makeup unironically makes their pizza face worse. This shit is why I deleted Instagram, the only thing that’s accurate is how you look when I’m standing 5 feet away from you.

One of my friends back in high school told me that girls get hungrier during their periods.

Jesus christ. What causes a skin like this? I see more and more of those everyday? Is it the combination of pale skin, make-up, tanning, sugar, alcohol and cigarettes?

When I go to Southern European countries like Spain, women have noticeably smoother skin


Fucking dropped

Why do strong beautiful women who don't need no man feel like they need to validate their lifestyles on social media 24/7?

If you're happy with how you live shouldn't you be spending your time actually being happy instead of rationalizing it on social media?

Maybe I'm just an oldfag who don't get the need to post your fucking life online on a regular basis.

i only go to gym so i dont now t finlan

>i live in mississauga
>being a darkie

hey now i would fuck a horse if i could so i wont judge

New Brunswick fag here
It's a combo of welfare obeasts, welfare but spends it all on smokes so not fat, trashy/chubby single moms
I think I got the one girl around here who actually takes care of herself and isn't a single mom

how are you guys enjoying the diversity that's started moving there finally

short answer: no
it's all camera angles lmao

Humans like the attention and validation of their peers. Their beauty gets these women love so they show it off for affection. Its kind of like getting a Ferrari at 16. You don't know what to do with it but other people really like it.

I live in the American southeast. Nothing more needs to be said. It is horrifying.

even miami is a shitshow nowadays. I guess all the beautiful people are long gone.

We are in terms of morality and intelligence, but you are kinda right.

It's ok, just try to not do it again.

....w-where do you live?

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I have my videogames and gym membership. Mr. Oneofthesmartestanimals Dolphin humps dead fish.

100% this.

I live in Southern Cali, basically as long as they are not Hispanic most are fit

I live in Houston, Texas. All the fat girls spend all their free time at the gym.... Well, enough time to take a selfie to post on IG.

No they're just few and far between. Which is good as I lose weight because not being a fat sack of shit is becoming more valuable than ever.

Fellow 6

Even just heading out a little bit runs you into fatties. I live across the bridge and theres a bunch of fatties in the neighborhood. Lots of fit chicks tho especially since that crossfit gym openned.

Makeup is a major, major factor. Thick, greasy, pore-clogging foundation that you can virtually scrape off and needs to be attacked with solvents to even superficially remove. It's no wonder some women have awful skin when they're wearing that shit 16 hours in every 24. The worse their skin gets, the more of it they put on. Bad diet, a lack of hygeine, and poor hydration don't help either.

anything west of bathurst, north of rosedale, east of cabbagetown, or south of front isn't even toronto to me

>poor hydration
How do people live like that everyday. If I don’t a minimum of a gallon I have a splitting headache and feel like shit

I’m on gear(5g creatine a day) but still.

>this bitch still could easily find hundreds of good looking men who'd date her
end my life

Here in Brazil they are either chubby/skinnyfat who live off pizza and pastries or braphogs who squat 3000000kg.

We should meet up and work out together brah

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Body image is incredibly important (even more so during the summer). Everyone who's not skinny is either a tourist or an outcast.

dude why do you live in paris, I understand visiting there but it's such a shitty place to live

But gym culture isn't strong in France right? Isn't running more popular?

I used it for my horticulture business because I grow insanely badass plants and have a good camera, and after a few months I started to notice the "plant girls" that I had been following/following my page were almost never posting pictures of plants without themselves in it, or their nails, or witch hands, or a top-shot of their legs. It was disgusting, and the one time I posted a video with my face/voice in it they fucking lit me up, I got atleast a dozen DM's from local and overseas instathots, who had never had any interest in my botany posts before that. There were a few good people on there who I think were on the same page, just trying to trade, sell and educate, but some of the bigger "scientists" were advertising their garbage products in the worst ways. Really disconcerting when this is the field I want to spend the rest of my life's work on, and it's overrun by people who treat it like a money-scheme or escape from their absolutely dead personality.

my gf gets dms from orbiters through instagram all the time, people use it like a dating app too

such a provincial thing to say

Fitness as in staying fit and healthy has always been important but you don't run into huge, muscular people as much as some other places. In fact, these people are more often than not viewed as shallow and/or unsophisticated.

You got "lit up" as in they tried to have you present their product on instagram or they tried to get in your pants?

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>In fact, these people are more often than not viewed as shallow and/or unsophisticated.

Same thing here in Belgium. Gyms are packed with immigrants and factory workers. Hardly any women. In fact, hardly any women workout.

>shit garbage air quality
>filled with nigs and muzzies
>always busy, filled with annoying tourists
>low wages, high living costs
>traffic, metro, all transport fucking sucks
it's barely even france

that fucking skin breh, she should stop puting make up on

this, allez vous faire enculer les bobo parigo

t. 82 eurograms

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> Hardly any women
gee, I wonder why

> Gyms are packed with immigrants
there it is

Mostly the pants, one weird Russian girl asked me to give her a shout-out, but it was mostly emojis and asking where I lived.
Bruh the amount of females that had boyfriends and were still hitting me up was astounding. I'm not saying be paranoid, but be aware. That site is fucked up, my business has taken a little set-back for deleting it but goddamn the moral superiority feels good.

Yeah that's one of the reasons. But you also don't see them jogging a lot, so laziness plays its part too

Ah well, who wants to go for a run in our piss weather anyways

alright farm boys

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Based Torontonian, whenever I walk down King Street there's always plenty of very fine women around.

Though generally the downtown cores of many major cities have better-looking people, as they are more assertive and proactive in taking care of themselves.

>tfw not handsome enough for a girl from the other side of the continent asking for muh dick
Good move though, even if you had pursued the spotlight for your business, you might have ended turning as superficial as all those influencer.
Hope I worded that correctly, my english took a step back in the last year.

I struggled finding a fat girl in Italy. Most adults and under were fit, and even the ugly and geek people did gym or sports more than once a week.

The only fat people were old upper middleclass people.

Other side of the planet*

yorkville is where to go to see the hottest stuck up whores getting in and out of their land rovers and porsche cayennes

Fakeup should be illegal

pastanigger here, not really

Sounds cool, post plants or insta, user.

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Morbidly obese or anorexic no in between

>Bruh the amount of females that had boyfriends and were still hitting me up was astounding. I'm not saying be paranoid, but be aware.
instagram is so fucked up. it's like a tinder that's socially acceptable to use at all times. girls getting constant validation and thirst.

God I hate how right this is

The further out north you get the worse it is, just about everyone here are these fat androgynous creatures wearing pajama pants and hunting camo hoodies out in public.

absolute nightmare.

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imagine their brain on instagram.
better erase all your socials

Lots of skinny women with low bodyfat and tans in my college.

They hook up with chads but the girls boyfriends are fatass dadbods with beards

The bigger the city, the worst the girls. Frog canadian here, I used to live in Montreal, there was every kind of women, from fat to fit but never saw an obeast though. But, the fat 3/10 acted like they were 9/10 and, well, don't even think about approaching an 8/10.

Fittest in Europe with Italy

I had a friend from europe visit me in toronto. I took him up to our families cottage near bracebridge. on the way up we stopped at some grocery store and you know the kind of people it was filled with. my friend goes "wow I didn't realize toronto is a hick city like this." endless embarrassment. he marveled at all of the ridiculous oversized pickup trucks and harleys too.

Camo and denim are the official colors once you leave the GTA.

This is acceptable, you are selling your product, you are using a tool to grow your bussiness I can respect that, just like tattoo fags, I dislike tattoos but I unserstand it, it's bussiness, now on the other hand rich whores eating cakes, fucking posing, takin 30 shots, just to appear cool while eating a cake or a faggot posing on a car that is not even his, is despicable disgusting and pathetic, egomaniatic fucks. Look how good I look, look how cool I look, look at me, give me likes, give me feedback, comment on my picture about myself, don't I look good? Kill yourself whores. Fucking fags, stupid fucking cunts, me me me me me, me. And these instagram celbrities built on nothing but good looks and bots, why do people even follow them and give them likes? They dont even know them, YES QUEEN YOU LOOK SO GOOD, KILL YOUR FUCKING SELF. Why just why? Because they look good? They want to be like them? They admire them? To what end do they fove attention to such egocentric hedonist vapid vanid fucks? How retarded is people nowadays? People make money, they do nothing, it's all smoke, it doesn't exit but dumb fucking cunts make it a real thing. Oh this shit is fire bro, oh fuck that's lit. Can't they all die? Are they just fucking kids? They might be 20 something but what are they if they believe in such bullshit? Nothing but fucking kids unaware of their conditioning, 0 fucking awareness, 0 fucking critical thinking, fucking sheep, how couls one not hate them, please someone tell me, how? I look moderately good, I could take 100 shots and take tge best one out of them, and pretend, and keep pretending, lying, look at me, look at how good I look, look at this, I'm doing this! Just fucking stop, fucking animals, fucking social platforms catering to the lowest human instincts, and they all fall for it, everyone does it, so it's not bad to them. Fuck.


It creates mental disorders, and exacerbates those already present. There's close to no redeeming qualities to social media at this point.
Insta is long-gone, for many reasons, but I got you. This dude throwing the Zyzz pose for good measure.
Your English is good man, don't stress, and yeah that's probably the only good thing to have come out of that experience. Reference to how-not-to-be.
Don't stress on appearance either, it's all superficial.

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Calm down dude, not everyone takes themselves as seriously as you do. Instathots get 90% of their likes from horny dudes and bots, the other 10% being jealous/admiring girls.

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Fuck you and fuck that whore in your picture, fucking retarded fucks.

Based Toronto bro. Also bare Hapa couples, I don't have the webm but someone post it

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Big bundas everywhere it's pretty nice. Was with a 5 foot tall chick last week and the thickness of her butt surprised me.