Help guys I'm at 65 and can't get it to go down

help guys I'm at 65 and can't get it to go down

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i have 48

To lower your heart rate, you must induce chance in the core of the miocyte in order to optimize its contraction. Try to vary your cardio training daily. Long distance runs, 100-400m sprints, swimming, biking, escalating etc.

If your heart is struggling you may have a LDP cholesterol problem. Drink more water, reduce your weight and do at least 30 mins of walking per day. Eat lower quantities of food per meal, but don't skip meals.

My weirdest mod ever was when we made a special pe in high school and all my classmates were like 50 to 60 and up and I started breathing as slow as I could and reached like 20 bpm and the pe teacher (also a fat fuck) started saying I must've had trouble to breath and needed to exercise more lel

30-40 normal kek
This is like those dick size charts you can find here where 18 cm is a micropenis

I've been doing gomad for 7 years, do you think this might have caused it?

The first part of your post is nonsense.

The second part is you trying to state a fact that's untrue.

I don’t know who the fuck made this meme chart

Thinking 18cm is not a micro penis ahhahahaha

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I meant non-erect. Obviously 18cm erect is a micro penis.

He thinks 18cm non erect is not a micro penis

Attached: american_psycho-1366x768.jpg (1366x768, 105K)

So you're first thought was to go to Jow Forums to ask for help over going to your doctor?

Are you retarded?

>I've been doing gomad for 7 years
very nice

>normal for athlete
gr8 b8 m8

slowing ur heart rate is different then ur resting heartrate u fucking goober
XD XD XD lolololol FUCK YOU >>>/reddit/

Attached: epic.png (575x75, 21K)

lmaothatpicissofuckedaheartrateof20wouldkillyouwhenyougotosleepgooglethebest cyclistclimber

Speaking of heart rates, I can manually raise my heart rate by making myself unreasonably angry over nothing. You guys should try it, clears your mind like nothing else.

Athletes need more cardiac output without ever increasing the heart rate. The adaptation mechanism induces changes in the sarcomere, resulting in structural modifications on alpha and beta-actin, and the consequent enlargement of the ventricle, both wall thickness and volume capacity.

Mine is around 50 and I do 10+ hours of cardio a week. Maybe you could try some sprint sessions and yours you lower to 60-55 but skip the sprint for a week and see it goes up again. I dont know why would someone want to have a lower heart rate.
Theres more important metrics to health (BMI, pressure, glicose) and for sports performance its the time who determines who wins. If you run a 10k with 220 bpm in 30 min you still beat the guy who runs with 22 bpm in 31 min.

World record for resting rate is 26bpm and that dude literally had to get up in the middle of the night to do lines of cocaine to KEEP HIS HEART FROM STOPPING WHILE HE WAS ASLEEP.

Fucking bullshit chart.

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what kind of retard made this pic? the meme frog and ebin feels man add nothing, it's not even humorous


I'm at 120, come to my level faggot.

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You gringos have some issues with penis size lol. Must be bcs of the porn industry
