alright Jow Forumsdoing ss has helped me improve my strength alot, in a few months i will be going back to San Da training, i'm sure that i'm going to fuck up everybody this year, any advice ? should i keep doig strength training ?
/MAG/ Martial Arts General
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Yeah keep doing strength training. Maybe reduce it a little if you find the load between both too hard on the body but strength training is usually good.
Bjj > all other grappling sports
tactical barbell fighter template
Should I do vague mma club in my college or a boxing club? There's also muey thai but I'm like 99% sure the club is basically the mma club's bitch because of how small it is and they use the same places to train.
All three are good sports that will make you a much better fighter than the average man, do whochever is more fun/convenient for you
What beats bjj on a consistent basis?
Gets dominated by raw American steel with twisted sex appeal
In ufc, wrestling btfo's bjj pures regularly these days. Can't submit what you can't take down. Honestly folkstyle wrestling has been btfo'ing every fighting style recently and seems to be the most effective especially combined with ground and pound
Got BJJ in an hour and a half, which takedowns and submissions should I go for today, /mag/?
Ankle pick and darce choke
I tried going for some darce chokes last night but I couldn’t figure it out at all.
I find it the hardest choke to land cleanly - I've learned it years ago, and while the basic hold and getting a tap is easy, there's so many tiny different details and positional variations than can turn it into a neck crank that it's absurd. All other chokes I can hit clean, but this bloody darce...
Maybe I’ll stop trying it for a while and keep working on my basics. I want to get super good at getting triangles
Wrestling, any striker with semi-decent takedowns as well.
>basically the mma club's bitch because of how small it is and they use the same places to train
Really not how it works man.
I 'unno, it certainly seems like it does. I'm not talking "is their bitch" like they're toadies who do all the work for mma club but they're forever in their shadow and are hardly even considered their own club.
Uchi mata if ur not a pussy
I guess? Different situation at my uni, since judo, wrestling and BJJ all share the same mat and have almost equal numbers. Lots of crosstraining, is good fun.
going to be living in SEA for about 2 years
how's muay thai for the body?
You’re gonna have sore as fuck calves and shins but it’s the best dude
>doing SS with martial arts
you will lose every one of your matches faggot
New toys arrived today lads.
There any /MAG/anons around manchester? Would love to spar with one of you nonces.
i wanna do martial arts but I sweat profusely due to hyperhidrosis and thus nobody wants to work with me because of it. i take prescribed medication to stop it, but it doesn't work if I'm exercising. just keep on sweating profusely and everybody wants to avoid me.
plz advise.
everyone sweats profusely while doing hard cardio like muay thai/boxing
fix your diet so you don't have b.o. and shower frequently
unless you just naturally have that onion b.o. please stay out
What faggot gym have you gone to where members are afraid of sweat?
i don't have bo and I shower regularly I smell fine it's just that I sweat profusely after a boxing class I'm covered head to toe in sweat my shirt IS totally wet meanwhile everyone else just had a light sweat going. I have unusually large sweat glands the dermatologist said so
>I smell fine
then literally nobody cares
if they were working real hard they'd be sweating too
i sweat PROFUSELY, like pools of sweat dripping everywhere
i have a problem man
no no you don't understand
everybody breaks a sweat but I break out into sweating looking like i just went swimming after like five minutes
I don't know where you're from, so maybe there's a cultural aspect to it that makes people shy away from you but believe me people who sweat profusely are a lot more common than you're making it out to be, and zero fucks is given about it in any contact sport environment.
Search for a wrestler called J’den Cox he looks like he was submerged in grease after 30 seconds into a match and no one cares. In fact I remember one match announcer commenting on it and claiming it's his secret weapon lel
look man idk, I go to a casual boxing and bjj gym, most people are just there for a cardio workout and don't want to work with me when I'm all drenched in sweat, I'd go to a more real hardcore gym full of people actually wanting to learn how to fight who wouldn't care but there simply isn't one close to me
Looking to get into a martial art, what is a good one considering I have had 4 previous torn ACLs due to soccer. I'd like to do muay Thai / bjj.
What's a good weight training routine to supplement Muay Thai and BJJ? I'm thinking full body but I heard push/pull/legs is good too.
Do BJJ and go for five ACLs when some spaz leg locks you wrong. Or do Muay Thai where people kick your legs since you're worried about your ACL.
I'm just confused on how you managed to choose two of the worst possible sports for leg injuries as the two you wanted to focus on.
Can i do bjj with back problems? I have herniated discs
Mention that to your coach or sparring partner and it should be fine. Probably, but a doctor is who you should ask, not Jow Forums
Right I should refine my question. Do beginner people at bjj/muay Thai gyms pose a large enough threat to not do the sport? I'm sure the experienced ones will be able to train with out high risk of injury. 3/4ths my injuries have come from high impact tackles, one was due to poor rehab.
Just witness his resolve, I'm proud of you apu.
I can relate to apu
I recently saw a video of Cox literally sliding across the mat because of how sweaty he was
can i ask why ?
just try it out bro
see how far you go
why not right? strength and martial arts, strength can't hurt hurrr
well, wont start training until September, so we will see how it goes, i'm still pretty flexible and have nice endurance
plus i think it will help since i will have to lift a lot of people up since it kind of involves wrestling
good luck
very few people can make it work with their genetic make up
like thiago santos
but he still lost to jon jones who doesn't weightlift
thanks dude
will see what happens
Why are girls so aggressive during sparring?
I sparred this girl in muay thai open sparring last night. She was just allowed to spar like 2 weeks ago. When I sparred her, I went easy but she tried to throw a volume of strikes with power. I'm not bitching about it hurting or anything, but I do notice that when girls spar, they always turn it up.
they want to overcompensate for their sense of perceived female weakness
they know they're weaker and can't really hurt you
their insecurity on being females on how weak we see them just because theyre females shows when they're sparring, feels like you murdered theit fucking mom
I wanna start a fighting discipline but it's too expensive. What do /fit
My gym has boxing classes 3x a week and I was thinking of trying it out alongside my strenght training, is it a good idea?
Currently doing a 4 day Upper lower split
>jon jones who doesn't weightlift
Dead wrong
>too expensive
hobbies that mean something to you isn't expensive
ya sure, you can do cardio foxy boxing
Boxing or judo. If you can't afford either, get a job.
Depends on the gym honestly. If we're being really honest I'd do anything but Muay thai/BJJ. Maybe judo, or wrestling or even boxing.
Is training full body 2x a week ok, if I also do Bjj 3 - 5 times a week also?
I think my routine is pretty good
Result: some random ankle picks, and managed to darce everyone except my black belt friend - did get a pass on him. Finished most of the darces with a gi grip actually, much easier when you can't punch your arm through far enough because of the gi friction. Looking back, my best advice for darce would be to (almost) pass guard to force people to hip escape/turtle, from where it's fairly easy to sneak through the required overhook/whizzer, and then just keep controlling the back of the head tightly while improving your grip.
Dammit, saw that too late. Next time, I shouldn't be a problem as I'm a Judo forever brown belt. Hope I don't scare too many white belts.
Bad advice
Do bjj, only heel hooks and toe holds fucks your knees that way, just inform everyone you don't like that and wanna roll without them. They aren't white belt techniques anyways.
It's not that simple. The girls at my gym go at it with each other too. In fact the craziest one I saw was when these 2 girls sparred each other, but they're both trying to fuck one of the guys there. It got heated really quick, which was great to watch.
What fighting style best counters muay thai? Also what best counters the best counter for muay thai.
>just started training with a fight team
>mfw I improved quicker thanks to quick tips from the guys
>finish beginner Muay Thai course
>like 18 people every time
>transition into real classes
>immediately only 3-4 of us left
Why do people not stick with it? Was it not fun for them? Every person I talked to from "older" classes says they're basically the only person/two people still around from when they were a beginner. Why is there such a high burnout rate? Is this just an MT thing or is it like that with BJJ/boxing/etc. Meanwhile I enjoy it so much I'm trying to decide if I need to give up lifting as i plan to increase going to MT from 2x a week to 3-4 (plus rock climbing 2x, I'm not giving that to)
most people just do the beginner courses for a fun workout. people don't have time to seriously commit to training two or three times a week. many simply don't have the stomach for combat sports in general, too
Judofag at a uni, but I don't bother learning names till after the first month and half. Usually classes go from 25 people start of the semester to 5-10. And half the 10 are people who've been coming for a while.
Its the same at my gym. There's another guy in my beginner's class that's still around and me. I started 3 years ago.
Training isn't even that long. It's 90 minutes for us tops, and over 2 hours if its fight camp but I haven't done one in a while. That's about how much time Jow Forums spends at the gym anyway.
How much are yall paying for muay thai classes? Place I go to has $25 group classes and $55 one on one classes if you buy 8 at a time
Probably any grappling
i sorta don't get style v style matchups, probably because i'm not into mma because its so ugly lol, but probably judo because within the muay thai ruleset (which limits what you can and can't do) heel hooks aren't allowed, you can only sweep with the front of the calf or foot.
muay thai is pretty shit against grappling yeah
>Wearing a gi to a fight
Seems kinda dumb desu
Fuck misclick
12 year old wrestlers with a decent single leg
You realize it's illegal to grab their head and slam it against the ground in BJJ and MMA right? This protects BJJ faggots from dying while in guard.
Any decent wrestler will get top position while the bjj faggot will gladly go to the ground because they think they can get some submission shit. Then they get their head banged against the ground and headbutted by the wrestler on top and dies.
Try it. If it’s too demanding, get more sleep, more nutrition, or cut back on one activity. Only answer anyone can give you.
Always do strength training, there’s a reason every boxing gym has a full weight room
I'm moving away for a few months to do an internship and I won't have any friends there so I want to get into a hobby besides just lifting. Is judo a good choice? I don't have any experience in any martial art
gun, wrestling
Reminder boxing is king