When I was 14/15 I got dead set with being vegetarian because muh suffering animals. I ate a lot of cheese, milk, eggs and legumes to compensate but I started, little by little, losing muscle mass in my arms and face. Because of this and my family's pressure to stop made me start eating meat again. Here's the thing: now at 19 I'm fucking 5'8". I wasn't redpilled about the height thing at the time and now I'm afraid I'm this short because that retarded veg fase stunted my growth. Now my younger brothers are both taller than me (5'9" and 5'11" and growing) and I hate myself for it. Is it possible that that year of no meat is responsble for this Jow Forums?
I probably fucked up Jow Forums
Others in similar situations have noted a stunting of height as one of the detrimental effects of a primarily plant based diet on their height in comparison to other siblings.
Its probably why Asian people are so short.
You grow until 23, start eating meat you faggot and you might gain another inch or two if a miracle happsn
That's an image for manlets right there.
>because muh suffering animals
>ate a lot of cheese, milk, eggs
nice double digit iq there
Eat liver, eat beef, eat raw meat
Is this true?
I’m 6’3” right now, turn 20 in october
Can i still grown an inch?
Do i just bulk until i am 23 to maximise growth?
Chickens don't suffer from laying eggs, nor do cows when giving milk. My grandpa has chickens in his yard and gets eggs from them every day. The chickens are quite happy, as chicken can be.
do you retards actually think not eating meat makes you short. as a veggie IF YOU DO IT RIGHT ur still getting all the same proteins and vitamins that a meat eater does. if veggies just supplemented b12 and d3 we'd be fine.
also i shot up to 5'8 at like 13 as a veggie and my meat eater mates were all manlets and im still the tallest one lmao
I didnt eat meat for 5 years, 2nd grade till 7th grade. Started eating meat when i was 14 again so right when i was starting puberty, i grew to 5'11. My little brother always ate meat his whole life and he's also 5'11. Meat probably had something to so with it, op but your lifestyle prob had more to do with it
Yes u will grow if it in your genes to do so
If you can also grow wider with shoulder bone for example
I thank my dad's gene for wide shoulder 22'
But my mom's gene made me 5'11 but what ever its not that bad i could of been 5'6
Reminder to perma bulk until your late 25
So you get max height gains
> 5'8
> Tallest one
This is what you can look forward too as a veggie.
Let this be a lesson to all
i grew from 6' to ~6'2 when I was 20 don't lose hope user
Yes i can do it i believe!!!!!
I'm 6'1, never ate meat in my life. That's your genetics.
Could of been 6'3
Yikes :|
>ate lots of cheese, milk, eggs
>losing muscle
either you are bullshitting or your body is literally allergic to gains
You deserve it, vegtards deserve to be manlets who don't procreate with your fucking low IQ.
I didn't eat any meat from 17 to 22 and I'm 195 cm. My parents are 180cm and 173cm. It's not about the fucking vegetarian diet, you just lost in the gene lottery
you know that the cow milk is meant for calves?
and that they forcibly seperate the calf from the mother and just yeet the milk?
i said i was 5'8 at 13 you spaz
OP did you actually eat cheese and milk? The scandis dont eat that much meat but they have shitloads of dairy. If you really were still eating dairy you havent stunted your height, but you are probably a lying pajeet or some shit
How come u don't mention ur height now and post body cuck
> Brags about being the tallest among his friends at 13
The absolute state of veggies.
yup its all about genetics
Genetics don't exist in a vacuum. You need environmental inputs to produce genetic outputs.
Jesus Christ almighty tallfag niggers are insufferable, what will happen if you yould lose an inch or two based on the somatic spine compression that takes place in the last stage of final growth?
>somatic spine compression
Please elaborate, I'm genuinely curious.
don't get your hopes up. 80% of males have the growth plates in their legs fused by age 19. 90% by age 20.
can confirm, I grew a good inch between 19-25.
True. But if OP really did have cheese and eggs he wouldnt be stunted
yes, thats the reason
you fucked up that
Damn you fucked yourself there op
The cows don’t plan meaning.
The owner of the cow can decide who the milk is meant for.
Take growth hormone immediately or order peptides online and start injecting now. I made the same mistake as you and stayed at 180cm while my bros are 188cm and bigger.
what peptides
Can confirm too
Grew 3 inches since I am 20, and I am only nearing 23
We're discussing suffering you braindead moron
God you're all pathetic.
Why do you fucking care that much about height?
Unless you are under 175cm you're gonna be alright wherever you go and whatever you do.
>inb4 manlet cope
Where to get
>height redpill
considering you're complaining about height you clearly haven't been redpilled, no one outside this shitty board cares. you're an okay height so stop being pathetic with your shitty genetics and blaming it on your diet and just fucking own it and deal with it.
Chad's aren't Chad's because they're perfect they're Chad's because they don't care about imperfections you fucking retard. Why doesn't this board get that.
I was raised vegetarian until age 15 and still eat very little meat today and I'm 6'1. You can easily get all the protein you need from eggs and dairy.
height is genetic, as long as you weren't starving yourself you will reach your natural height
> I ate a lot of cheese, milk, eggs and legumes to compensate but I started, little by little, losing muscle mass
Probably still weren't getting enough protons, and I can understand why. I personally cannot eat a lot of cheese or eggs in one go, meat is much easier to eat in sufficient quantities.
I also think I grew a bit after 18.
25 is another number I heard, but it's all personal, people stop at different age.
boys stop growing by age 16 or 17, rarely will boys grow past that
5'8 is under 175 cm user. Are you so poor in europ you cannot afford a calculator?
Makes me a rare boi then, but I think you're confused.
My gf and her brother were vegan and they both grew up hella tall. My gf is 5'9 and her brother is 6'2 and still growing
>17 and 173cm
user I wasn’t ready for this
yup, I know people who were 140lbs that grew to 6'4'' in high school and I see plenty of hispanic manlet gorditos
you might grow another inch if you're lucky, otherwise you'll have to get used to looking up at other men for the rest of your life
17 175 cm
20 180 cm
Dont worry