Does programming involve a lot of math? i want to get into coding but i hate super complex math and im shit at it. also...

does programming involve a lot of math? i want to get into coding but i hate super complex math and im shit at it. also, is it easy to teach yourself?

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>does programming involve a lot of math?
nigger its basically math for computers you dumb fuck
i want to get into coding but i hate super complex math and im shit at it. also,
>is it easy to teach yourself?
no, you will get bored in around a month or so after you dont understand shit what you are doing even tho you think you are doing good

If you struggle with, and hate, maths you're probably not great at logic, and will struggle with programming

>keyword is a lot
i dont care if theres math in it, and i dont hate math either, im just asking if the entire thing is math based or if its more of its own rules

Depends on whether you want to write good, optimized code or be indian-code-monkey level and rely on high end hardware to make up for your shitty code.

>does programming involve a lot of math?
Not unless you're programming something that needs it, like you're building a physics or 3D graphics system. In general you just need arithmetic.

And yeah you can get a good grasp of the basics just following tutorials and coding random projects. Getting legitimately good is a ton of work, there's a pretty high skill ceiling.

CS majors learn humility in college when they get beat up by literally any other engineering major but then they don't build themselves back up right and turn into basedboy valleywag webdevs
the math part? the hardest math you'll see is calculus, and once you pass that retard filter, they won't let you fail out of the linear algebra/probability classes
if you are actually 18+ and haven't already gotten into coding, then you will never "get legitimately good". don't believe me? well, you should already be working on SICP and grinding leetcode problems, which is like, the tutorial boss of getting good.

Frontend doesn't involve much math. However, it requires design sensibility which, like math, is something that some people will just never 'get'

Most programming is more along the lines of process design; it's more like trying to explain to the world's worst cook how to make beef wellington, than it is about logic or algebra.
As for whether you can teach yourself, can you teach yourself any challenging skill? As someone else implied, most people give up or burn out on self-teaching, which includes programming. If you've learned something significant on your own (playing an instrument, a second language) you'll be fine. If you often give up on those kinds of projects, you'll fail. If you've never tried, then you may as well try now.

>linear algebra/probability classes

I'm studying for the GMAT now. I have most of the other topics on quant down now but probability gets me. My problem is that there are multiple types of probability questions (independent, dependent, mutually exclusive, 'and' vs 'or'), but the questions are word problems that don't immediately spell out which approach is called for. Also in some questions you're supposed to subtract the probability of the opposite thing happening from 1, but I don't know how to identify when you need to do that vs. just adding or multiplying probabilities.

Leetcode is just for passing interviews tho, doesnt make you a better programmer. People just study the commonly asked problems like lru cache and falling rain water so they get into FAANG

front end math that helps is percentages, time..
so an image placed and sized by pixels or % of window size, grids

and what does not being able to do leetcode problems tell you? how low are you setting the bar of what "legitimately good" means? yeah, I would venture that good programmers would be able to work at top 5 if they really wanted to

and next step from there is triangles and circles, geometry, trigonometry. pythagorean theorem, angles for game programming and anything more technical - which I found easier on projects trying to make things to learn on my own - practice

oh and squares and rectangles

unless ur doing database work and anything non-visual I guess

Please for the love of god learn proper algorithm design so your shit code doesnt clog up some poor saps production caonatiner cluster
SysOps peeps

in which case like how many 1s and 0s go to bit at least vaguely for a sense of computer memory, binary others wise decimals (example 10..5) and rounding (2.1 rounding to 2 or 2.9 rounding to 3) that should be useful as well

the 1-P thing
ask yourself "would the probability of something never happening help me answer the problem?"
usually that kind of problem looks like "if you flip a coin 5 times, what are the chances it comes up heads AT LEAST ONCE?" generally the number 1 in math tells you there's a simple way to do it if you think fancy

>proper algorithm design
i can do fizzbuzz

why do you want to code op? are you intrigued by the thought of creating games? perhaps you wish to lord your skills over other educucks?

Ill take it. Most devs are total idiots who just want more of my resources to support their shit codebase.

can you not try it out?
cs involves discrete math, which feels completely different from regular math they teach in calculus etc