How do people allow themselves to reach obesity? how is it even physically possible that so many people can simply become so fat, how fucking hard is it to not be this way? what the fuck goes through their heads?
Serious question
train from child
Basically, Americans start young. It's a combination of both sedentary lifestyles and diets. I was lucky that I was an active kid and my parents didn't feed me junk food. Calories in and calories out is 100 true, but certain foods make weight gain easy. Like the typical bleached flower which uses chlorine dioxide to bleach the flower, the causes diabetes and massive weight gain in lab rats. Corn syrup causes massive insulin spikes which leads to weight gain (insulin biomechanically tells your body to gain weight and blocks leptin, the satiation hormone) and corn syrup is in everything. Also, driving is a big part of our culture. I lived in Freiburg for a while and I could walk everywhere. I ate like shit (entire Maß of beer every day plus 2 shots of Jager and tons of sausage) and I never gained fat.
Plus, there is truth to metabolisms working different. When I was in my early 20s and full of testosterone I would eat two 1000 calorie breakfasts and a 1000 calorie lunch and dinner and not gain any weight.
>When I was in my early 20s and full of testosterone I would eat two 1000 calorie breakfasts and a 1000 calorie lunch and dinner and not gain any weight.
Thats not even fair :(
But what you said about Americans is dangerously true, I feel like we need laws in my country to start fixing this shit.
Our country moves slow when it comes to safety regulations. We knew transfats were unnatural and caused heart disease in the early 80s and we banned them in 2013
Basically, our food industry is a mine field. If you want to be safe you need to buy simple no processed foods. Meats are be important to be sourced with as few antibiotics and hormones and closest to the source.
Perfect storm of
>addiction to food and shit food at that
>sedentary lifestyles
>raised by shit parents who were probably obese themselves
The last bit is the saddest one, because with a frame of reference like that it becomes the new normal for people. Then fatties get together and raise more fat kids and the cycle just perpetrates itself.
When I was a child my farther forced me to play a sport I hated. I just wanted to read books and be left alone. Finally my mother stopped him forcing me to go train said sport. After this he was disgusted with me. From that moment on he never gave me any positive reinforcement/love unless I was eating to excess because "That's my boy hes got a big appetite just like his dad" (he hadn't played sports in decades and was an obese, food addicted slob). I was in so much fucking pain as a small boy eating the amount that would make him happy but I forced my stomach to take more because it was the only time I ever got the "I'm proud of you" shit that a young boy needs. That is how my relationship with food was formed, because stuffing my face was the only time I got any affection of my farther.
Fatty, but working on it, here. I can confirm all of those. I grew up lower middle class in the midwest. That means HUGE amounts of shit like cereal and potatoes and junk food.
It's tough to get away from when you have fat parents too. My mom loved me but like her frame of reference was fucked too. Then into adult hood it's easy to be blasè about it and let yourself stay fat/get fatter.
It's only this late into my life I realize I'll be dead by 40 if I don't make a change. 8 year olds that are fat don't realize that at the time.
Bonding with gf over binge eating
You’re gonna make it brah
Lots of misinformation about fitness and health:
>b-but I’m big boned!
>it’s my genetics, I can’t control it!
>being a fat fuck is completely healthy!
It depends. Like, I'm a lardbeast, clocking in at nearly 450 lbs. And yet, I'm still active (within the confines of the hellish prison that is my body). I go on a 40-minute bike ride at least 3 times a week. I go for 3 block walk at least twice a week. The dieting is the hard part. The problem for me personally is that eating is the only thing that gives me real genuine physical pleasure. The reward mechanism that I have for food outweighs sex, drugs, drinking, working out - anything you care to mention, it's not as good as food. I have no idea how to fix it.
>The reward mechanism that I have for food outweighs sex, drugs, drinking, working out - anything you care to mention, it's not as good as food. I have no idea how to fix it.
yeah it seems like you have a fucking problem there buddy, if you think living like that is worth eating food I suggest seeking help.
I have, several times and every time it's like "Oh, you should eat less and find something more enjoyable to displace it." The amount of things I tried is staggering - now admittedly, there is shit I haven't done, but that's just because I am physically unable to at this point.
I don't know. I used to smoke and I quit that, I used to drink and quit that, but I was able to just go cold turkey. Can't do that with food, especially since it makes me feel good.
Look at it this way. You love food that much? You'll enjoy a lot more delicious meals when it's all said and done by not shaving literal decades off your lifespan.
Idk I've tried and failed in the past but these days my legs are starting to hurt just by existing so my apathy had to give way. I'm eating at a defecit and on a 16:8 schedule. I'm going to a gym with a pool and what not. I'm trying to treat it all like a lifestyle change and not like getting fit for mad puss. I'll be hype if I lose 100lbs
get it my man
Thanks man. It's tough but if I don't do it this time I'll go from weighing 350 to a TLC special and I have too much pride for that shit.
It's not always their fault, most of the time its retarded parents that allowed then to get fat as fuck as kids, and their shitty diets just became a part of their life which they never fixed
I reported one such set of retarded parents to social services because their 2 year old was morbidly obese and looked like a beach ball
>being a fat fuck is completely healthy!
To be fair though the HAES crowd do kinda have a point. Health is mostly genetic, some people can be obese their whole lives and still be in perfect health even in their later years, while others can be in great shape with perfect diet and exercise but still be in terrible health. Been fat does increase the chances of things like heart disease and diabetes, but doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll get them. If you have strong and healthy chad genes your gonna be healthy no matter what you do - healthy at every size
I can't believe that are people so lazy that they buy powdered mashed potatoes instead of fucking peeling and cutting and boiling potatoes and then mashing them. And that is here in my country, I can't imagine the plethora of processed garbage that you burgs have in burgerland. Truly horrific.
This breaks my heart. Thanks for remembering me of my humanity, user, and the best wishes to you in your recovery. You can do it, you have endured worse
You have an addiction in the same way as an alcoholic, heroin addict or crackhead does.
You need to cold turkey it
>I go for 3 block walk at least twice a week
Wtf user, are you going to tell me that you also get the diet soda with your burger and fries?
If you seriously think that is notorious enough to mention it, you aren't even trying.
The constant seeking of pleasure, fatty dies happy in his 60s while miserable centurians hate all their lives.
Fatty from earlier in the thread, not the 450 guy the other fatty. Honestly i feel no happier after eating a shit load of pizza than I do a salad or some shit. Like I ate a healthy lunch today and felt good, I at 20 chicken mcnuggets a week ago before I came to fit and felt good then felt shitty.
What I'm saying is it really is like conditioning and I'd rather live longer and enjoy more shit than die at 50 because I enjoyed a big old greasy burger.
There isnt a gague on happiness no but living longer maximizes potential for happiness
Fat people shouldn't exist because they're an eyesore. and unlike shitty skin or being short, (which are only eyesores to certain people anyway) being a pile of jelly rolls is fixable by actions you can take at any time.
Just like the holocaust, we have been lied to about what is true in regards to health
I got obese because I was depressed and was trying to hasten death. I was eating fast food daily, late night snack binges every night, drinking soda, sitting on my ass all day. I was also drinking lots of booze and smoking a pack a day.
Totally regret it, my health went to shit and it's taken me years to get my shit together. I'm still overweight because I fucked up my body and it'll take a long time for me to get back to normal
When I became obese I was an alcoholic, I just stopped being drunk one day and realized I was fatter than fuck from all the beer and booze.
11 more lbs and I won't even be classified as overweight anymore, I lost 75 so far.
We have some terrible shit in burgerland. Even the nasty shit that's put in our beer. One example would be using rice syrup in Bud Weiser and others are using corn syrup. It's pretty gross.
Burgers have entire frozen sections with shitty additives with excitotoxins (basically they're addictive food additives that over stimulate brain cells) and nitrates (, usually additives that make you feel hungry). Nitrates are in our fast foods usually, that's why people can eat these massive portions. It's just best to cook for yourself if you are a burger
>I go for 3 block walk at least twice a week
you build up fat cells when you are too young to even wipe your own ass. you don't feel sick when you overeat later in life. no tummy pain. your body is only content when you are overfed. you wouldn't understand. your mom likely fed you formula or her milk as as thick as whey. my mom literally had milkshake for milk. i have fat cells everywhere. i've lost all of the extra weight, but i could never understand people not being able to overeat, or feeling sick once they do. it's also funny to see someone with a big gut and skinny legs. i get fat everywhere, from head to toes. i don't miss it, but it was pretty dope. at least nobody expected anything from me. i miss that.
How the fuck can you eat that much? That's thousands of calories every day from sugar. You arent eating 6k calories from rice and chicken
>My man three 40-minute bike rides and two 3-block walks every seven days is not "active." I get that it must be hard to be active with your weight but you need to be realistic about how active you're actually being.
accidentally green-texted there, but you get the point.
Mental illness. I lost 160-200lb and my dad is still fat as fuck. Honestly the only way to get fat is to be mentally ill -- everything else is just a compounding factor and makes it easier (cheap shitty food, sedentary lifestyle, Americanized decadent culture). You either have the power to control how much you eat, even if its shitty food, or you don't because you're too mentally ill to see it.
That fucking sucks and sorry your relationship with food became that. I hope you're getting healthier and better.
its always liquid calories
beer, juice or soda and in extreme amounts
if you simply replaced this with water 99 percent of these people would only be 20 or 30lbs overweight
The heaviest I've ever been was at 95kg(6'1) and with +25% bf. And I ate like a fucking pig for a whole year, and yet I didn't progress past that.
How the fuck someone can get fatter is beyond me