Frequently I see people saying that nofap helps elevate a persons mind. Does this only apply to men? Does it have to do with testosterone? Sex and masturbation increases testosterone in women but decreases it in men.
So, should a woman masturbate less or more to reach high spirituality?
bump for interest, im considering masturbating tonight after spending about a month in abstinence.
Adam Parker
Dunno if there's any data on it, longest I haven't whacked off at all is about two weeks and I didn't feel any significant physical or psychological effects except for mild but persistent sexual frustration. Obviously though a sample size of one and duration of two weeks is completely insufficient but I figured I'd just chip in what I do know from direct experience. So far as I know that's consistent with other findings indicating that abstinence can cause brief spikes in T levels after a week but no significant long-term benefits or risks. The psychological effects may have more impact on you than the physiological ones, advocates of nofap seem to generally all report feeling better, more confident, more energetic, etc, which may simply be a positive effect of exerting significant self-control, and it probably can't hurt to shake yourself of a porn habit in the same way that it would be good to shake oneself of a soda habit or smoking habit, in that things which become too habitual can have negative effects on the rest of your life.
Luke Garcia
bumper nig
Zachary Sanchez
Sex with another person = best possible mental health Masturbation = incel and garbage that comes with it
Get a GF, fuck daily, your life and mental abilities will improve.
James Morris
Maybe it's about keeping your mind clean by avoiding porn because it breeds passivity and complacency. Also there is this thing called porn "desensitization" and a lot of disturbing nasty shit out there in the Internet.
Carter Williams
>Einstein was asexual Prove me wrong
James Russell
He had kids.
Lucas Price
They're dumb, all who believe abstaining from masturbation is good for you is wrong, it litteraly don't have any effect weather you masturbate or not. what people notice when they stop masturbation is all the extra time they have all of a sudden.. you can get addicted to masturbation, every addiction is bad.
there are researchs that show that the abstence of sex for a week and a sudden boost in testosterone for 1 day.. this is made to attract females, your body is giving you a 1 day chance having sex because of the absence of it..
pro tio: if you want to boost testosterone work out and have sex, talk to women, and if you're a real freak watch porn and don't ejaculate.. that will give you a short time boost..
TL:DR: the only proper way to increase tostesterone is by working out and having a healthy balanced lifestyle, oh and there's a research that says talking to girls for 5 minutes will also give you a testosterone boost.. problem is: everything related to sex and testosterone is that it doesnt last (if it's up due to talking to girls it will go down after an absence) you can be asexual and have kids, stupid.
Ayden Ortiz
Quick English fix >there are researchs that show that the abstence of sex for a week results in a sudden boost in testosterone for 1 day.. this is made to attract females, your body is giving you a 1 day chance having sex because of the absence of it..*