A weight loss diet literally just means consuming less calories, thats it. There is no such thing as a "good diet plan". Eat less and you lose weight. keto diets, Paleo Diet, no-carb diets, all of them are memes. Just eat less, exercise more, and you will lose weight.
This has been a public service announcement.
>"calories in, calories out!"
you can't tell me that eating less isn't going to make you lose weight, and that eating more isn't going to make gain weight. Thats how it works.
simple as
*fewer calories
I agree except with one thing, there is a good diet. A diet you can stick to for years.
none of those diets are memes IF and I repeat IF you intake less calories than your TDEE
>none of those diets are memes
yea, those diets all work, but there is nothing special about them that would be worth anyones time.
All of those diets work because they get you to eat less. They're all privative.
>t fatfuck
go die
True to an extent.
I am super lucky to have a great metabolism and to be an active fit person.
Basically, insulin causes weight gain. People with diabetes develop far over their injection sights because biomechanically insulin tells your body to gain fat and it blocks your hunger hormone leptin. So in essence, chugging shit drinks with corn syrup (which is proven to cause higher insulin release for a longer period) will encourage you to eat more and tell your body to store the calories. So avoiding that is perfectly normal and will help on a diet plan.
In addition, chlorine dioxide, which is used to bleach American flower, has been shown to cause diabetes and massive weight gain in lab rats. Biomechanically, there are probably foods you should avoid.
Name one IFBB pro who does keto or paleo diet, you can't cause it's indeed a meme
>good/bad metabolsim
this is still the biggest weight loss meme ive ever seen
>keto, paleo, vegan, raw are meme diets
>all calories are the same
It's a meme in the sense that anyone can slow down or speed up his metabolism
There is something to it. Like the show biggest losers participants usually gain the weight back.
I have a great metabolism. I used to eat 4k calories in a day when I was in college and experienced nearly zero fat gain. It's scientific fact that metabolism slows as we age. Sex hormones effect weight gain and where we gain weight. There are a ton of biomechanical factors that effect weight gain.
Calories in and out is true but undeniably a piece of the picture.
>I used to eat 4k calories in a day
they gain the weight back because when they come home they just eat the same shit they did before the show, it has nothing to do with metabolism lmao
They've tracked them after the show and even the ones that stick consistent have a plateau and gain weight back. There are tons of scientific papers on this / on hormones effecting weight gain. It's no excuse to be a fatty but there are many factors involved in weight gain. There are teaching this in college now.
I was trying to gain weight
Why is CICO a pseudo scientific scam, also not "Newtonian"?
Its devoid of human physiology and the way the body expends energy or TEE(total energy expenditure).
(a - 0) 2000 calorie maintenance, a person can loss or gain weight on nothing but the energy sub-strait(fat or carbohydrate) in conjunction with the nutrient timing.
(a - 1) If a "calorie was a calorie" than these effects should not be so...
>Why? What's the Mechanism?
(b - 0) Insulin, which acts as a mediater/gatekeeper for a metabolic pathway called gluconeogenesis, specifically insulin down regulates it
(b - 1) Gluconeogenesis is the process by which the body uses body fat for energy
(b - 2) Sugar(carbohydrates) are the most efficient way to to draw an insulin response in humans
(b - 3) Sugar(carbohydrates) are fat storing, not used for energy
(b - 4) this effect lowers TEE because a person is not using body fat for energy efficiently
(b - 5) chronically effecting this suppresses gluconeogenesis throughout the day
>Fat is not fat storing?
(c - 1) this is the most pseudo scientific fraud most believe in
(c - 2) fat, particularly animal fat is the least insulinogenic food on the planet, meat after that thanks to its enzymes such as glucagon, which is why its safe for diabetics
>Major confounder, a "Balanced Diet"
(d - 0) this is the mother of fat storing, detailed by way of The Randle Cycle
(d - 1) equivalence of any kind with fat and carbohydrate(sugar) creates the most insulinogenic, inflammatory response possible
(d - 2) the reason this occurs is because both energy sub-straits are competing for oxidization, body can't hybrid therefore it throws them both into fat storage via insulin
(d - 3) triggering this effect chronically is the most efficient way over time to create a metabolic, low-grade inflammatory situation in your body
>"The Standard American Diet"
(e - 0) yes, if you understand the above right, the government is trying to poison you, turn you into a fat shit
even this retard knows op is based and correct
But I've seen people lose like 18kg of fat in 3 months despite seemingly eating in a deficit(or not even counting) which would require(if we say 3kg of it is just water) atleast 6 months.
How do they do it?
Its not that it won't work annon, its just the most difficult way to go about fat loss. Than there's the fact of matter that this is not something people should be doing over their entire life time in order to keep a healthy weight.
People a century ago were not fat shits because the amount of sugar(carbohydrate) in their diet was very low. The high intake of carbohydrate is a direct consequence of the World Wars and the interventions of American crap food corporations when Europe was a flaming ruin. Secondly the domestic governments themselves rationed meats in war time, thus increasing the amount of carbohydrates people consumed. With a landed vested interest in the market those corporations have held on too their market share.
All the contestants have a suppressed Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) seven years after the show. In fact their BMR got lower seven years out from the show, which has a major impact on their ability to gain, loss weight.
CICO failed them horrifically because it back fired several physiological mechanisms that exist to keep humans from dying in a famine.
Again, this because CICO is devoid of any understanding of known human physiological mechanisms.
>counting calories as a way of life is retarded
>work with human physiology
>not against it