Sits on his ass all day playing Old School RuneScape. If you look up his numbers and workouts on twitter, it doesn't seem to add up.
Is he natty?
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so what are his numbers
He looks like he's 5'2
5"11 apparently
Low desu senpai
Lmao dyel
doesnt even look like he lifts so I sure hope so
>be 6'2 Celt/Balkan bastard hybrid
With 4" on this dude, I can vouch for our weird ability to build and hold muscle despite lifestyle choices. It's mostly diet, in my case at least. I haven't been able to lift for half a year due to elbow and knee injuries, stuck on calisthenics, and I still managed to bang out 5 1.5pl8 OHP the other day. High protein, high fat, high mineral diet, and I didn't lose a bit of muscle even just stretching for a month straight. There's a whole lot of weird shit to the Scotch/Irish, we build naturally big shoulders and quads but have fucked up joints, our pecs look like tits half the time, we have god-tier backs, but can't build calves to save our lives.
Show body
Dude really like blue whale it would seem, also I mean you never know. He looks like he legitimately 5'0 so its not like he could probably get much bigger natty.
>5"11 apparently
Nippard looks taller than this dude
obviously natty. Pretty DYEL with the exception of his delts.
Fucking agelets
>shoulder muscle fiber definition
He roids, nothing else to it.
I have shoulder/chest striations and am natty, not even that big, and like 10 or 12% desu.
Face it; dude is natty.
he's not natty, although that physique is definitely possible natty (but a natty would have smaller shoulders)
It's just low bf%.
obvious natty, pls
Dude looks 5'2
other OSRS player autumn elegy looks pretty good too
shitty misaligned tattoo. would not bang
>5"11 apparently
There are no real 5'11 dudes. If you are legitimately 5'11 than you will claim 6'0. All people who tell you they are 5'11 are most likely 5'7-5'10 manlets trying to pass as manlet kings
So if this guys claiming 5'11 online hes probably 5'7
I do agree when i saw his back work out it was surprisingly low weight. But the guy eat chicken like 5x a day, 4x a week gym for 2 years ?
He quit Runescape for the gym though. He did a weird beginner routine and then switched to nSuns.
>twitter stalking some rando youtuber on twitter to find out if he's taking gear or not
this is why you are not going to make it user
I am irish and I can vouch for the fact that pound for pound we are very strong. So even if we are relatively scrawny, we build very dense, tough muscle. Think pic related basically. I know he's not irish but you get my point
fellow /Celtbro/ here, it's true - ladies are always mirin' my shoulders, taking a sneaky rub when I'm not looking
Those are all weakling lifts
lifting really doesn't take up much of your time at all. You can look like that by going to the gym 4 days a week for an hour per session. If you're doing everything right.
Another Irish guy chiming in. I have massive fucking shoulders and people constantly accuse me of roiding but I have given away my natty card yet. Always getting joint issues especially elbows. If I drank a gallon of milk a week I would probably gain 15 lbs by the end of week 3 but the downside is major acne on my neck and face
I get it recommended since I play OSRS. Already made it though, so no complaints here. Just found his shoulders weird, especially for his workout weight.