ITT: Stuff you do to hype up before going to the gym.
I watch Eddie's 500kg deadlift.
ITT: Stuff you do to hype up before going to the gym.
I watch Eddie's 500kg deadlift.
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holy shit I was just about to make a thread about that.
Watching how much time and effort he spent in order to lift that much is what inspired me to hit the weights today, its really peak human dedication.
I reflect on my mistakes, things i should have done but haven't, things i should have said but didn't.
Imagine how tall hed be if he didnt compress his body. Easily 3 or 4 inches
This is it, where can I turn in my Natty Card? I want to be the Dyllan-Chad type
I've already metaphorically turned it in since I'm a freak, baby. No steroids for me tho thanks.
Fucking cringe
bang this on the car.
Girl in the bottom right is Olga Chocolate for those interested
I just listen to my favourite intense music to get the blood pumping and try to get myself in a confindant and energetic headspace
My comfy Star Wars slippers that I wear until I get changed in the locker
only way to move forward is to let it go user
Wow where did you get those?
I think this is the most impressive lift in history. The record squat and bench have absolutely minuscule range of motion while Eddie's deadlift is the real fucking deal. Yeah he had a suit on, but I don't think any human body can take that amount of weight without a little support.
I shove a balloon up my ass, inflate it, then pop it and pull it out of my ass
watch zyzz chatroulette compilations
>lifting/cutting junk for thots
I alternate between these two videos depending on whether I plan on having a fun or serious training session
Best of Jon North (Yells and rants)
Ilya Ilyin greatest ever
itt post goat deadlift vids
and although they're not records or anything