Should I start boxing Jow Forums or is it not worth the brain damage?

Should I start boxing Jow Forums or is it not worth the brain damage?

I'm 24.

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If you are on Jow Forums you already have brain damage. Might as well double down

Risk of brain damage depends on frequency and intensity of sparring, genetics and how risky a fighter you are. Try it out for a year then move on to a grappling art if you're THAT concerned about brain damage. If you aren't that concerned, just keep it up and focus on developing a defensive style.

depends on your reasons for doing so
there are other forms of self defense that don't require you to be punched in the head to train

Unless you're planning to go pro chances are you're not gonna get brain damage. I mean, obviously there's a higher chance, but like you're not going against Mike Tyson in your local "Bob's Bowling and Boxing" club that teaches karate in the back.

I fluctuate way more to boxing but I'm paranoid about brain damage

Then just do it for a year and move on. Get the basics and quit while you can still handle majority of the population but not risk brain damage. Noob gains apply here as well.

boxing should be banned

don't box.

unless you started at about 14 you'll never make it anywhere

>doesn't know when Tyson Fury started
fucking worthless retards who won't make it anywhere

he was boxing his whole life you idiot

post tits girl

And people who want to ban things that others voluntarily enjoy should be hanged

>should i start boxing?

depends.. are you ready to give up at least 2-3 hours everyday training and give up any muscle mass so you're at least decent at sparring?


Just lift an hour 3 times a week OP, you're not fit for boxing.


You won't get hit unless you're competing. Training is mostly bag and pad work. After a few months you might start sparring and people arent going to be going hard enough to concuss you unless they're a huge jackass.
Wait to compete for at least a year of training if that's something you want to do

>local "Bob's Bowling and Boxing" club that teaches karate in the back.
Weird. In Ireland, pretty sure all boxing gyms are full of travellers who've been beating the shit out of each since they were 8 and have a cousin in the Olympics.

the irish are a bunch of fucking loudmouthed drunks

I'm teetotal.

The Irish don't exactly have a reputation for long term intelligent planning.

>have Eastern Europe-tier economy
>lower corporate tax rate in the 80's
>American companies set up Euro HQs here in swathes
>now top 10 GDP per capita in the world
Seems pretty long term.

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started muay thai at 22, should've started way earlier, do it or you will regret it

One of the best things I’ve ever seen, stealing this jpg

>when you do lifting one day then you do boxing training the next
the worst fucking feeling

how long did it take you to be able to do high round house kicks? I want to start, but I'm worried about my flexibility

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