Fellas. You know it. I know it. Fapping is taking over your life. You fap multiple times a day. You watch degrading pornography. Its time to man up user. Why do you think you don't have any friends? You don't have a girlfriend? You're not achieving your goals because you're a cumbrain.

Time to sign the pledge, user.Time to make a change in your life.
Sign if you want to make a difference in your life.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You know it. I know it. Fapping is taking over your life. You fap multiple times a day. You watch degrading pornography
No I don't. Don't talk like you know me you porn addict, chronic masturbator.

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Say the literal porn addict

You post this pic like this is the pathway for everyone. Maybe fucking social freaks arnt the best example to make the argument for nofap(which I support).

I've been trying nofap for a couple months now, and I've had decent progress, but I keep failing (long streak @ 6 days). I'm going to a church event to meet my mom's friend's daughter in 10 days, so I'm doing nofap until then, to set my new record.
I'm currently somewhere between the Traps and Homo stage, because the thought of traps is actually more appealing than a woman, and I've started to anally masturbate. Please help.
I dont use porn anymore though, so I guess that's a plus?

Fuck off mental illness porn addicted incel. I will beat my meat whenever I please, stop posting this shit on Jow Forums this feels like softcore reddit cuckoldry

Exhibit A

t. being the gf

I've been watching porn for 10 years now and I never went down that rabbithole. If you do, there was probably a psycho in you all along

That said, it is bad stuff and I do have to quit it.

Fuckoff you low t cunt.
Any true man would get sucked into the trap that is porn. OP is helping bros resist that urge

>suck your nan

I'm sure you know what reddit cuckoldry feels like, you should probably go back there if self improvement triggers you.

I feel u bro. You got this.
You seen a picture of this daughter, hows she looking /10?

Neck yourself

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Not an argument, fuck off

sign the pledge brothers
announce it loud and proud

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Over the past 6 years I went from top to "wanting to be the gf". A few months ago I decided to get back in touch with my masculinity. Didn't stop fapping though, stop being a faggot and just go back to jerking it to vanilla porn once a week like a normal person.

Gtfo roastie. Mgtow is the final black pill. Be a real man and change the draconian marriage laws and female privileges. Then men will reconsider associating with you whores when you're less of a liability.
t. Mgtow who hates degenerate culture

Also, post body, faggot.

>"i smoked crack untill my brain melted"
>"dont be a faggot and smoke just a little bit of crack it won't hurt"

that's what you sound like.
In denial. Cumbrain

Try it for a couple weeks let's see if you still dont want to be the 'gf'

nofap is making me so horny that i'm starting to find feminine men not entirely unappealing

I don't think that fapping in itself is unhealthy unless it's become an addiction and intrusive.
However I do think that porn could be a problem and might be hindering my ability to reach orgasm without it.
I'm a virgin, and my second ever girlfriend has made comments about wanting to have sex in the coming months. I don't want to be unable to cum so I'm promising to you guys I won't masturbate to porn until I've had sex.
This is an anonymous message and it doesn't actually mean much, but it lets me actually put my commitment in a solid form and kinda hold me accountable, so I hope it'll help me quit porn
This one is to noporn, my dudes, good luck to all of you

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Thats pretty bad.
Makes me think you already thought feminine men werent entirely unappealing

Good luck bro.
Remember you don't want to be in a relationship with your girlfriend sneaking away to watch degenerate porn because you find it more appealing than her.
You don't want that. And if you keep watching porn that's exactly where you'll end up.
Let your brain rest. Let it come back down to baseline. Let your brain re'gain it's sensitivty and don't fuck up.
If you fuckup youll hate yourself. If not instantly then eventually.

>waaa I hate this toxic culture
>marry a used up thot, you incel, that will fix things
>everything is men's fault and women are never accountable for degenerate culture

Imagine having all these conflicting opinions at once. I have a feeling you are a massive white knight faggot.
Nofap is a positive thing for a lot of guys but youre mixing it with moronic opinions. And there is literally nothing wrong with men going their own way in this toxic environment.

Men can do Nofap and give up porn all they want, but that won't change the fact that most women are far more degenerate. Last time I checked, violent porn is mostly consumed by women. Rape fantasies, women. Sex toy industry, women. Romcoms, women. Degenerate culture isn't a male issue, bud. Slow down the white knighting and try to think with your big head.

People have a difficult time accepting truth. They live in denial and find comfort in their misery through the company of others. People who are successful don't hang out with people who are unsuccessful for a reason. As much as you want to help someone, there's a limit, and it's not worth your health.

Getting my life together was excruciatingly slow but worth it. I've noticed that it never ends. It's a lifestyle choice. You don't get healthy once and you're good forever. It's a continuous process that grows. You have to always do it. Just like being overweight or a degenerate. Surrounding yourself with bad people amplifies this. Why do people refuse to believe this? When you go to the store you actively choose what you put in your body. This applies to everything in life.

Porn was probably my biggest problem because of how "normal" it is and benign it seems. These women have no connection with you. They don't care about you. They're never enough because there's always something better. There's always a better video. There's always something more hardcore. It's not productive to your life. It doesn't do anything for you.

It's sad but that's what it is. Masses of mindless people waddling through life consuming whatever they see. I'm happy I made the change. You should too and you'll be better off for it. At some point you have to grow up or your life will end up like Boogie2988. Look into his life and you'll see how much of a degenerate he is in secret. Just like every other loser in life.

I've met her several times, used to go to the same home-school program as her. She's like a 7/10 for me in looks, but she has a large family that she's close to(I want a large family of my own), she has a cute personality, and she's one of the least whorish women I know. Plus the fact that she's white is a big bonus for me, considering that my area is more than 50% non-white which isn't attractive to me.
She's only 17 (I'm 18), so nothing will come of this, but it's nice being around a girl that I'd 100% wife up in the future. I have to stop being poor first though, I'm working on that hard.

>having that image saved
cumbrain cope strikes again

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>bruh not every heroin junkie sells their ass to fund their addiction, its fine

you wouldnt be this anxious and angry if your brain chemisty wasn't so fried from porn, young user. its not too late.

Remember that this is your future if you don't listen.

dont cope cumbrains, you know who you are. just stop it. I'm trying to save you

>hour long video about some fat fuck literally who
no thanks

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Nice one. It's no biggie that she's 17, 1 year is really nothing, in fact it's probably a difference of a couple of months.
Being poor sucks ass, I've been there. Start saving, get some plans ready. Once you actually commit to start saving youll be surprised how quickly it accumulates.

And I hope you're lifting bro. It's the best thing. You know it I know it. You gotta lift. At least calisthenics.

And you best be focusing on them abs and glutes for when you have a gf. I shit you not doing your glutes (isolation work) works like fucking magic. It just changes something in your body and you can fuck like you could never before.

I've been doing no fap for 3 years. I've been trying to do nofap since 2015. It literally took me years to overcome it, but now that I have I can tell you it's the best thing you can do for yourself.

>Try it for a couple weeks
I cut that shit out a year ago, retard. Life's been on the upshot ever since, I'm far, far away from where I started. Feels good.

Enjoy your sexual repression and lack of fertility, gaylord. On the offchance that a woman ever looks at you for more than 2 seconds, I wish you the best of luck in not busting a nut in public.

Nofap sounds stupid but I'm starting today to see what it's like.

>YouTube celebs
Isn't he a video game 'journalist' or some shit?
Why are you posting this on the fitness board you retard?

The future of people who fail this challenge.

>Why do you think you don't have any friends?

> Last time I checked, violent porn is mostly consumed by women. Rape fantasies, women. Sex toy industry, women. Romcoms, women. Degenerate culture isn't a male issue, bud.

tell that to the japanese

How are you losers so addicted to porn?

Today I will remind them

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Jannies remove self improvement general threads but this shit is allowed. What the fuck happened to Jow Forums?

they're not addicted, they just react violently to anything vaguely difficult or even slightly challenging

Holy fuck talk about fucking cringe from a cumbrain

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Cumbrains are here early, I once heard one of them compare not fapping to torture, that's fucked up

hint: a million shitty memes get endlessly repeated here every day but SÒY had to be filtered away for some strange unknown reason

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Thanks a lot for the support bro
I'm actually 15 and she's 14 (she's waiting for her 15th, seuxal majority here in France)
>inb4 "no under 18"
I'm trying to stop now before I get older and penis shit actually starts being a problem. I also have literally no urges whatsoever to fap for months when I'm in a relationship for a strange reason
But we've both been away from our city during the whole vacations, since about 5 weeks, so I haven't seen her and restarted my bad habits of almost daily masturbation to porn
I hope it'll go away when I get back in two-three weeks

Newfag, so does this shit actually work or is it all a big meme?

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Try it

fuck off retard

Couldn't hurt to try it for a week or so and see what happens.
>inb4 you come out of it talking like OP.