The words that destroy Jow Forums...
The words that destroy Jow Forums
Roiding manlet. You've done a few oral and test cycles.
post body
True. Once I posted my body and they made fun of me, so never again until I make it :^(
Admit you've done a few cycles and I will.
i'm 6" 230lb natty, but think and believe whatever the fuck you want
>every one who is better than my fat ass is cheating
fuck off back to Jow Forums
Not really. No.
not him but there is literally 0 reason to lie on an anonimous fart sniffing forum
exactly the point
He’s big and has good vascularity but isn’t fuckin diced and shredded, there’s no reason he couldn’t be natty
the secret is to post your back not your front, because no one can tell if youre a manlet, and no one will doubt a nice back
What the motherfuck ever you piece of dog shit.
I love you
>I'm not a robot
Of course not, how could we engage in the consumption and synthesis of proteins if we were not organic? HEH HEH
hey bby u so butiful give me number
I still have a gut no bulli
Reminder that "have sex" loses to "play fortnite"
>roiding for this
have sex incel
one of my motivations is to one day be able to post my body without feeling ashamed or thinking i'll get bullied.
Cringe, bluepill, and btfo
There was an Indian on Jow Forums who posted this pic and similar to claim Indian superiority to whites. He schizoposted 100 times or so on the same thread. I never thought poo in the loo could feel superior to anything, it unironically redpilled me a bit lol
have sex underage faggot
pre cut bloatmax 6'7 btw
>that hair
He has veins popping out his arms at 230lbs. If you think that's natty, I'm a Nigerian prince so pls give bank info.
suffolk bruv
>6' 230 lb
>not fat as fuck
Lmao you are either stupid or delusional m8
Based celtic giant genes
dat looks natty doe
>he thinks you require natural steroid supplements to be vascular
this is me at 25%+++ bf. Good portion of it is genetics.
Are you 230lbs?
I'm a 175cm manlet and 175 in that picture, so probably relatively fatter.
I don't think you understand that weight and vascularity do not scale in a straight line, especially past the 220lbs mark.
I don't think you understand that weight and vascularity does not scale the same for every person.
the real words that destroy Jow Forums are the the words "i love you" for those of us that stay here to improve (but we dont as we are all crabs within the bucket) so posting what we are on the out side doesnt matter because we dont change on the inside
post height
Ok buddy, how about you google Eugene sandow, Charles atlas, and then realize that this guy
Is way past both of them. But keep trying to argue he's natty, I'm sure some dude who's still at 25+ bf now all about the signs of steroid use.
>seething crybaby manlets who will never post body
>he's an eternal twinkoid
Post body. Or at least just the arms 2bfair to me. But you won't post full body because alleged natty blows you out of the water
whatever happened to that guy?
>oly lifts at useful
Just look at the shit storm going on now in the power clean thread. Fat ass powerlifters are triggered as hell
>alleged natty
Enjoy lifting for 3+ years and realizing that you still aren't Arnie.
>post legs
and not many of you do. plebs
>he thinks everybody's goals are the same
O i bet hes done a few orals if u no wat i mean
>guy posts body
>amazing phsyique, looking big, tight solid
>all replies are people finding any excuse to trash him so they don't feel lile shit for being slobs
This website is filled with either trannies, women or both
I'm mirin' man. Good job. Take the negativity as motivation. Make these dyels seethe with your aesthetics and strength
Am turbomanlet at 172 (5'7) and 58kg.
Lifted for 2 years, work got in the way, took up boxing and started calisthenics to stay in shape I guess.
Enjoy shit lightning, albino skin, angled pic of a dyel fag posting elaborate oil paintings on a Filipino car washing BBS.
>Mfw was actually 45kg for same height.
>Mfw still dyel, it's tough to eat
>Mfw I'll never change being a manlet
>turbomanlet at 172 (5'7)
You're not worthy of the title of turbo manlet. You're just a basic manlet
Eh. Thought it mean like real short manlet, not like king of manlets. You taught me something
>I don't want to ruin our friendship
nice lad
Dude, you look like almost the same exact build as me just a bit lighter. At 5'7", I went from 138# skinny fat to now 156# and with about 1 year or a little more of lifting I'm now at 260/195/320 for 5RM's. You could totally do the same or very similar if you committed to it.
t. Roider's ass fuck buddies come to his rescue
Post body
Thanks bro, that's encouraging. Looking back I don't know how I managed the gulag mode, and I definitely want to gain weight. Guess I'll have to drink up the calories, I'm forcing myself to eat but not being consistent and feel like throwing up
How it happened for me was when I started lifting, my appetite quickly spiked and I started slowly but consistently gaining weight until I plateaued at 150#. I started consciously bulking recently since the gaining stopped and the bulk has helped me put on 6 more lbs in the past couple months, but I'm starting to plateau again now, might have to ramp up the bulk more.
>FFMI of at least 27
holy shit roiders actually think everyone else is retarded
lucky for you most people are
people who don't train legs are degenerates
t. someone that was roommates and friends with 3 separate guys that all thought training legs was gay
For the love of might stop posting that stupid gif.
super based
ultra cringe
>best kouhai
>super based
>ultra cringe
Based and redpilled
>still being natty
Oh I am laffin
Are grils invited to post in these? I mean we are way less muscular and we all have very different gym goals, but are there actually enough femanons on fit to give a flying fuck about what other grils on here look like?
have sex
5'7 manlet here.
Im about 170lbs, dropped down from 200. Still muffin topping
>super based
>ultra cringe
The only reason Jow Forums accuses people of not being a natty all the time is because roiders lie. If roidcels were actually honest they wouldn't get called out all the time.
Mirin, chest and tris could use some work.
Post body faggot.
5'8 @ 140lbs
Post body bby
face dick height hair frame
again, you can believe whatever the fuck you want. i have zero interest in lying on an anonymous image board on the internet. i'm not trying to sell you anything, i'm not trying to convince you of anything, i'm not trying to win you over, you haven't even seen my face. i'm just stating the facts.
if you need to cope, blame genetics or something, but i won't admit to roiding if i'm not actually roiding.
what i will admit to is that i will eventually, most likely, hop on the juice, as i'm taking the bodybuilding thing a little bit more serious. once that happens, i will openly stated that i'm juicing.