Women live life on ultimate extreme indisputable easy mode
Change my fucking mind. Guess what, you won't because it's the truth
I'm killing myself tomorrow
Women live life on ultimate extreme indisputable easy mode
Change my fucking mind. Guess what, you won't because it's the truth
I'm killing myself tomorrow
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I clicked on the link, and HOLY SHIT. Dates with 11 different people in a presumably extremely short timespan? What the fuck? I've been on dates with two girls in my entire life, and I'm in my mid-twenties. It took so much fucking effort, too.
and? why dont you just settle down, mister.
One date went terribly, and the other led to a relationship with a batshit insane girl that made my life hell for years. Not in a rush to put in a ton of effort at the moment to get more dates, honestly.
how u gonna do it so you dont wind up a potato?
jesus you mgtows/incels are starting to annoy me. everyone knows it's the truth. just because some white knights get triggered every time you insult wymyn doesn't mean you have to make this thread for the millionth time
>and the other led to a relationship with a batshit insane girl that made my life hell for years. Not in a rush to put in a ton of effort at the moment to get more dates, honestly.
welcome to MGTOW
You don't get it OP, the value of men and women is inverted.
A man get's a higher value as he gets older, naturally the man gets a lot of money, maybe a house and maybe even fitness, this attracts young girls that have nothing but looks to offer.
And old women (30+) are just useless pieces of shit that will drink themselves to death.
Can you believe the audacity of these losers? I try to put myself in their shoes and imagine what it's like being a big loser. Go online post some information and I just can't imagine why they're doing it because I already know what they posted. Like why don't they just post something I don't know already? I can't believe the gall of these basement dwellers. It's like I hate them sometimes you know, you live with your mother you're a loser kill yourself. Then I go complain about how it's not fair we have poor people, why can't the poor people I dislike just go die so I can sound smart for saying it's bad this happens to poor people even though I'm super happy it does.
Women are subhuman
Change my mind