Reminder that if you haven't slept in a bed with a naked woman cuddling beside you you are literally missing out on the...

Reminder that if you haven't slept in a bed with a naked woman cuddling beside you you are literally missing out on the greatest stress reducer in life, that will improve your quality of life, mood, mental health and well being. It's better than meditation.

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As a Transcendental Meditation (TM) practitioner, tulpamancer and avid lucid dreamer, I wholeheartedly disagree with you.

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What you left out is that with negatives also come with positives.
The fights, the break up, or always trying to defect the shittest, the loss of freedom etc, they become tiresome.
And some break ups can be devestating

I think, per what stardusk said, men have two choices. They can live a life with great ups but also great downs and depression, or they can live a life where they are not that happy but not that sad either, in a stage of tranquility, albeit a boring one.
I'm almost 30, my last relationship was between 18-20. So I spent my entirety of my 20s as single. I'm not sure what do I make of it. It hurt a lot in early 20s, but nowadays, where many men I know are devestated due to divorce or breaking up of engagement or losing their university sweethearts (people tend to break up a lot in late 20s I guess, last turn of the road) I'm not so sure.

I have though
She was chubby which made it extra comfy
The first time we cuddled it literally felt like I had heroin coursing through my veins or something. Truly a heavenly feeling

Fuck off OP. Either I'm too sweaty after sex or I'm too hot. And don't get me started on the breathing sounds, fidgeting or uncomfortable limbs

Gonna go out on a limb here and guess you wouldn't have a comparison baseline because you've never slept with a woman

Done that before, but what does it matter after a week, a month, a year or several? you zoomer cunt. You don't know what pain is, but you will.

I 'slept' with a girl at a college party. Everyone was really drunk and we sort of passed out on the bed. There were like 4 other people tho.
But yes, I'm a virgin.

Waking up next to a naked girl and cuddling is an awesome feeling.
I really like that feeling too!

what do if you are ugly nino? WAT DOOOOO???!!!

There's nothing you can do really. Either get surgery or get an ugly girlfriend or go without.

thanks for saying this

really helps me to get an advice to pull something off I CANT PULL OFF

not to bring you down since you seem kinda happy but the truth of the matter is your tulpa is just a failed succubus summoning invocation
you should accept jesus christ as your personal lord and savior before the space aliens show up.

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Stop trying to sell this normie shit to me
Tfw cant will myself to meditate
>been wanting to lucid dream for 5 years

No worries, not a lot of people believe in it. My tulpa is actually laughing at you right now lol.

Try doing it for 3 minutes right now. Close your eyes and repeat some unintelligible word in your head. Up that number to 5 mins tomorrow. 10 mins the next day etc...

I did that once after having sex and the only thing I could think of was how I wanted her to leave and that it was uncomfortable.

Have you considered it's very likely you share a tulpa with someone else when you're not actively imagining it, it's able to change it's appearance and is cucking you with someone else? Why do you think so many people can't get a tulpa, there are only so many and they go in between people.
You know who'll always be there for you though? Jesus.

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Some men aren't meant to experience happiness.
Somebody has to fill that role, and I'm one of them.

>So I spent my entirety of my 20s as single. I'm not sure what do I make of it. It hurt a lot in early 20s, but nowadays, where many men I know are devestated due to divorce or breaking up of engagement or losing their university sweethearts (people tend to break up a lot in late 20s I guess, last turn of the road) I'm not so sure.

I'm 24 and never had a girlfriend or any affection from a female. It absolutely devastates me right now, but I hope that I will feel the same as you later on.

But what about the radiation you get from it?

Bullshit. Morphine is better. When you cuddle that woman your brain produces and uses endorphins, or endogenous morphine. Cut out the middleman and just buy opium.

But I've had this over 3 times and it didn't change a thing, maybe if you're a pathetic faggot who think sex will make his life worth living, sure

But he's scary.

>I've had this over 3 times
Why not just say "4"?

>ugly gf

This physically makes me sick, but it's TRUE, and I've done it. Uehhghhh. now I'm just sad.

All those lofty credentials and you didn't once mention having sex, lol

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now you have to worry about being cuck'd and keeping her happy. women only add to your stress.

checked based quads poster