I didn't see a /uni/ thread up, so here it is.
Talk about your academic failures.
>sick for a couple of days
>no friends so i'll have to go around, asking strangers for notes
I didn't see a /uni/ thread up, so here it is
Other urls found in this thread:
had to read 30 pages for a reading comprehension test and havent started and its 4am
>came into uni with a 3.5
>weed bruh
>learned nothing from my classes
>even if I weren't high, the classes taught me very little that I didn't already know
>graduated with a 2.7
At least I have a degree, so now I can get the job I want, but what a fucking waste of time.
>Gave up on a lab last year, because it had a group project and fuck that
>Retaking it this year
>At least i didn't have to redo the labs i already did
>Go to turn over my report for the lab i missed
>They tell me i need to turn over the reports for all labs
>Tell them i don't have last year's
>No friends so I have to beg people to copy theirs
>Pushing it away because i'm too piss scared to do this
>Its now past the deadline so i failed it again
I want out
At least you graduated, man.
I can't even pass classes for the life of me. I just want to drop out but I wouldn't know what to do after.
I have a pre-Calc test today that I'm going to inevitably fail. I have 76 percent in the class now and it's only going to get lower. My only hope is to get high enough grades on the next two tests so I can fail the final and pass. 78 percent is the magic number where I can get a zero and pass. Its impossible for me to get a B at this point.
i'm currently on vacations...
Trying to graduate in two weeks but at least one class (maybe even another) will definitely come down to the final in terms of getting a passing grade. Already a year behind schedule. Might get a job offer soon but I'm scared shitless that they'll rescind the offer if I dont graduate in may.
Fuck me the anxiety is absolutely killing me.
>prof called my group's paper "shit" in front of the class
I know you shouldn't be affected by this stuff, but fucking hell man...
No, no, no. Don't drop out. You must finish what you've started. You can't just give up.