how many months of weight lifting do I need to start lifting like her? she's so powerful
How many months of weight lifting do I need to start lifting like her? she's so powerful
the point of performing curls is completely nullified when you move your elbows. what the hell is that trainer getting paid for?
His dick
>basedboy haircut
>basedboy beard
>basedboy chicken legs
no wonder this bitch is cheating curls
I think op was being facetious.
Anyway I just laugh at retarded thots and gymbros who do shit like this. "BrUH chEcK ouT My 60lB CuRLS!" as he swings his hips and elbows like a mong. Or the guy pressing LmAO1Pl8!!! while bending his knees. You don't look cool, all you're doing is cheating yourself.
She has terrible form because she's probably lifting with dumbbells that are too heavy for her.
Nice hip-lat swings
Cross-chest hammer curls are fucking great, but I think her form isn't right. And why does she need bigger forearms anyway?
doesn't really matter. she's doing a bunch of strenuous shit to keep her body fat down and be better at stunts, rather than just trying to maximize biceps growth.
>what is cardio
>what is lifting an appropriate amount of weight for your strength level
>what is logic
and yet she looks ready for a hollywood film. weird how that works.
If I was her manager I would fire this guy on the spot, in front of the camera so nobody else hires this idot.
>not being a land whale is a high standard for women
utterly pathetic
Theres an argument to be made for progressive overload/maximum effort.
Theres no way she does those every day.
what a handsome flat-chested boy... How old is he 18, 19?
There is literally nothing wrong with cheat curls.
For her and her goals it is. And with that form she has a bigger chance of injuring herself than building muscles.
>her goals
her only goal is to look like she's strong cheat curls are fine for that
>bigger chance of injuring herself
literally doesn't matter shes an actor not an athlete, who cares if her elbow is sore she can take months off after the shooting is complete
>That lip twitch
I only just realized a couple days ago that I do that too. It's weird when you don't even feel it doing that.
post the other webms
i get it with shoulders
what are those, like 25lbs?
body of a 13 year old boy, disgusting
>y-you're gonna injury yourself, m'lady!
Spoken like a true DYEL