Time to whip you all into shape with my new THE LIZARD DIET
This is what you do >strip off all your clothing aka poisonous layers spoon fed to you by your drug dealing parents since birth >go outside and find a large dry rock >LAY DOWN >Dont eat, DONT DRINK >just let the fucking sun ROAST your ass >occasionally stick your tongue out to feel the hot air >STAY THERE FOR 30 DAYS >only move if a larger beast come within 20 ft
You dont need ANYTHING to do this diet! No money, nothing except yourself and a semi arid climate and a large rock like surface. Luckily, society has laid out billion of concrete artificial surfaces that are PERFECT for this diet plan. KAY? GOT IT? The weather is fucking perfect right now to pull this off NOW GO PIGGY AND GET THAT SUN IN YA
How do I do a 30 day fast without accidentally an heroing myself either during the fast or upon refeeding?
Lincoln Wilson
in the middle of a 40 day myself, just get in your snake juice and refeed on a small volume of fat when you. refeeding issue are pretty much impossible with snake juice, the most you might have is constipation or diarrhea from eating too much too quick
Samuel Phillips
I cut from around 210 to 190 (pic is a few days out of date, I was 190 on the nose this AM) since Jul 20
It's fucking amazing how much of a difference those pounds make, I am actually trying to tune out all the mires and compliments because it's ego-inflating. I've never FELT better, too, which is cool.
Taking a week to do some keto OMAD just to give my body a rest, then to 180 and glory
The fasting is easy. The most important thing to do is stay busy. If you are left to your own devices the intrusive thoughts about food are tough to handle. Watch a lot of Snake Diet videos for inspiration.
The refeed will need to be carefully managed. If you search online you'll see a lot of different strategies, but the short of it is that you want to phase in foods slowly.
Start with bone broth, then bring in steamed veggies, then fruit, then protein.
Stay near a bathroom the whole time.
Eli Lee
Do you guys have to force yourselves to eat weeks after you're done fasting?
Christian Perez
12 lbs in 18 days on IF (16:8 and OMAD)
I'm halfway of my goal
feeling great
Christian Cooper
This snake juice or the branded product?
Logan Smith
On hour 32 of my first 48 hour fast, I'm not feeling this rush of energy from burning body fat that people talk about, but I don't feel like I'm dying either. If it matters I'm 6ft, 155lbs skinnyfat trying to gain back skin elasticity from when I was a lardass and working off some binge drinking. Also hunger hasn't subsided like people claimed it would. That got me thinking about when I used to watch survivorman, that guy goes into the bush for a week and starves himself and there was never a time when he said that he wasn't hungry or didn't have trouble sleeping due to hunger.
I don't find peoples claimed weight loss to be encouraging either, going 30 days without eating is a huge sacrifice and I've lost similar amounts of weight just through calorie restriction and doing 30-40km bike rides a couple of times a week. Which is what I would be doing any ways if not for back problems.
Cameron Ross
i mix my own desu
Jason Gomez
What’s your recipe? I forgot the image in my last post and am on mobile where image posting is banned
Austin Price
Kay I'm ending it, this shit is fucking stupid. Hungrier than I ever have been and I don't feel amazing like the lardasses who do this shit claim because their normal is being on deaths door constantly.
Normal people shouldn't do this shit.
Landon Williams
>taking extremes is not easy stop crying do your work before jumping to action tard. Hunger is not fun but it isn't linear either
try keto or IF first
Joseph Collins
FACT: 99.9% of fit healthy individuals accomplish their goals by eating healthy appropriately-sized portions of food, and working hard everyday.
I'm not anti-fasting (especially for people who are hugely obese and have binge eating disorders), and I have even completed a few very short fasts to challenge my willpower. And I'm glad you all have found your niche and you're all trying to make it..
But some posters ITT who act like fasting on salt water only, for 30 days at a time, for the rest of your life, is the only way to lose weight and be Jow Forums, are brainwashed and narrow minded fools. These posters spend way too much time on youtube watching videos (by posters with credentials/souces you don't vet), and buy it as Gopel. (No different from a cult member or a religious individual.) Take what these posters say with a grain of salt. You should go outside and socialize and spend more time with actual humans living in society, and talk with the Jow Forums people you meet. Ask them what they do to stay in shape. 99% of them will not say they do prolonged snake juice fasts. Try suggesting long term snake juice fasts to Jow Forums people you meet in your day to day life. Get some feedback from Jow Forums people you see in real life, rather than someone posting at a computer.
If you're new to these fasting threads, just be sure to take everything you read with a grain of salt. No one responding to you is a medical professional and just because they watched some video doesn't make the information contained within it correct. Every person is different but 99% of fit and healthy individuals eat healthy and workout daily and don't ever need to try drastic crash diets.
Trial and Error is your friend. Try out a routine for a few months, and if that doesn't work, try something different. I believe Fasting is a last resort after you've tried everything you can.
And NEVER fast because you think it's the easy way out. Many fasters ITT are only fasting because they are too lazy to work hard. Sweating and working out is hard. Cooking homemade healthy food and meticulously tracking your food intake is hard work. Don't chose to fast just because you want to be lazy and lay around all day, because once you finally start to eat again, you will gain back any weight you lost frok living a lazy sedentary lifestyle. Start developing active healthy habits NOW. Dont chose to be lazy your entire life.
Thanks for reading. And be safe. We're all going to make it (but most dont need snake juice fasting to make it)
>inb4 SEETHING Just offering some reasonable advice guys, chillllll out!! LOL
I believe artificial sweeteners do raise insulin but thats just from my experience fasting...
it def increases my hunger level... theres no doubt about that one.
Alexander Garcia
Gonna do OMAD because college starts of monday and I can't focus while on fast. I'm going to eat all the oats and milk I can plus eggs and a beef and pork patty at 7:00 am in the morning for a month. I really hope the effect last at least till 6-7 pm, I don't wang hunger to ruin my studies, specially since I want to get along with the nerd art qts. I think it will last tho, today I ate at 4 and felt good all day, even got to burn 300 calories 20 minutes ago and I feel just fine I weight 87 kilos now, gonna post progress in a month. Wish me luck.
Pretty sure thirty day fasts are only a /fat/ Sampson option and not part of anyone’s regular routine user.
Samuel Rogers
Hmm. If it does increase insulin I wonder what then happens when there is no actual glucose input
Jackson Nguyen
Just ignore him
Nathaniel Phillips
What do i tell people who think breakfast (specifically morning breakfast) is the most important meal of the day other than "it's not"
Hudson Young
I'm doing EOD fasting, so about 46 hours of fasting and a 2 hour feeding window (with a workout right after the refeed).. ...is doing a portion of the fasted hours dry beneficial at all?
I guess what im wondering is what is the minimum threshold for dry fasting to achieve anything? Cole says you burn the most when your in deep Rem sleep, which is essentially ~6 hours into a dry fast... since you dont drink while you sleep..
My guess is 15-18 hours dry would be beneficial... but what do you all think?
>I asked this a couple threads back but no one responded
Ayden Evans
Hunger goes away after 48-72h, retard
William Turner
Call them fat and tell them they're addicted to food and its unhealthy. Then show them your snake juice premix bag and assure them it's not drugs by rubbing some all over your gums
Hunter Smith
you don't, just start learning how stuff work (insulin, glucagon, liver, stomach, pancreas, keto, etc).
for me the best way to explain IF is just an strategy to make CICO more effective for example. OMAD is helping understand restriction and listen to my body.
What if you’re working out? Should I keep the same minerals but add more water? Or do I add more salt? Also what about taking multivitamins
Jeremiah Robinson
how long is your fast for?
the snake juice has everything you need in it. drink it as needed, if you need more, drink more. i personally drink less that 2L a day, and i still sip on some plain water as well. go for it and see what works for you
Landon Reyes
>...is no one going to respond...again..
Nathaniel Jones
I did 30 fasting days 3 times since october of last year I've lost 20 kg, I'm 2 kg away from my goal that I think I will only reach with another 30 fasting days
Lincoln Kelly
Newfag here with newfag questions:
If I fast for a day, how do I fit it around lifting? I don't want to go a day without food if I'm lifting in the evening, and I don't want to starve myself of protein on a rest day - where does the fasting period go?
Also what's a good timing for a first-time faster? I'd like to have one solid 24-period of no food at the minimum, but I have a hard time sleeping on an empty stomach - is the solution just to go 24 hours between dinners?
I know nothing about this topic so please humour me. Also I'm not fat but I'm interested in the health & cognitive benefits.
I would just say "I don't agree." If pressed, I might explain about insulin spiking, or I might just say, "You think eating more often is the best way to lose weight?"
Nolan Smith
>tfw just saw a raisin canes commerical
help me bros 52 hours in
Thomas Collins
Been doing random lengths of fast since July and i think 72 hrs is a good length. My main question is when should I "start" my fast; Meaning how soon after eating can i start the countdown?
>city buses have fucking canes adds plastered on them >drive past 3 bus routes on my way to work
truly this is suffering
Kayden Howard
>If I fast for a day, how do I fit it around lifting? You lift and then eat the next day. The post-exercise meal can be put off for a good deal of time; 24 hours or less is within that limit.
>timing....is the solution just to go 24 hours between dinners? Yes, but that's also why a strict 24 hour fast is arguably weak. Depending on when you usually eat, for instance, it's just a slightly longer OMAD fasting period.
I think two sleep cycles is the optimal entry to extended fasts, personally. But that usually comes ~36 hours, which can seem daunting.
Carson Carter
>broke fast with only thing in the fridge >150g of black forest ham and some mustard help me my mouth is on fire. At least I don't need to worry about getting enough sodium now
Thomas Ortiz
Anyone have experience breaking a several day fast with bacon and eggs?
How does one strength train around a fast, especially if they are doing 2-3 day ones? Will training with no food for a few days break down my existing muscle mass?
Currently I am lifting Monday and Friday only, doing a 48-72 hour fast Tues Weds Thurs, and it has not impacted my progress.
Never had a problem lifting on an empty stomach, but I have only trained 24 hours fasted or less. I think at some point you suffer from lifting with depleted glycogen and have to make the call between progressing in strength and continuing to cut. As far as we know, on a true fast, muscle breakdown doesn't really occur past the point of ketosis (kicks in around 48 hours).
Ian Brown
I have broken a 72hr fast with similar foods, but I started out really light with just bone broth at first and worked my way up to sausages and eggs after an hour. No problems, but I felt it out to make sure my digestive system could handle it and I was keeping everything down.
Ryder Stewart
I'm just worried about lack of muscle growth if I don't have any protein period, especially for two or three days. Thanks for your response!
Hunter Watson
Im 178cm 71kg and bench 88kg for 5reps with visible abs.
I know Im not fat at all but Im thinking of fasting down to 68kg for facial aesthetics.
Should I lift low volume and OMAD or do a 48hr and go for a run?
I might just have naturally a chubby face but I really see how I look then
Luis Perry
throw them away. I can't fast if there's addicting food in my room personally
Michael Harris
imagine being a stoner AND fat
Evan Perez
>Day 11 of my diet It has been four days since I've been "refeeding" after the constant waterfast beforehand. May the lord forgive my weakness, that little surgery I received three days ago put a little fear in me from going back too soon. I am almost proud of myself however. I didn't binge eat during this time. Kept it to a single, well-prepared meal a day, and it was never carb-rich, or had any processed sugar. Although when I've bought a cheese roll on a whim yesterday, was the point I knew that vacation is over, and I am on a slippery slope unless I stop here and now.
Carson Watson
>try fasting >feel nauseus and dizzy just a few hours past my normal meal time
it will get way easier later on, you wont even feel hunger anymore
Mason Taylor
Aaron King
I can usually deal with hunger easily, but when the nausea hits it just kills me.
Chase Ward
are you drinking snake juice?
Jaxson Hall
No I just wanted to try some short water fasting.
Henry Cox
how long are you in? if youre doing omad you dont need snake juice, otherwise you should drink it or youll feel like shit
Juan Parker
Not doing it right now, but the few times I've tried have been bad, even if just doing omad. Maybe I'm just a bitch and need to push through it.
Cooper Fisher
I am also doing EoD. Workout on Mon, wed, Fri. Prefer to go dry on the days in between because when dryfasting I don't ever really feel hungry.
So I'm hydrating during the day on my workout days, stop drinking water at about 7pm and go dry until next workout day. Approx 38 hrs dry.
Even short dry fasts of just the night should help you in the morning in terms of making your weigh-ins more meaningful. (I'm eating breakfast, but you don't want to have a ton of water late the night before)
I prefer them slightly longer, around 30 hrs isn't really hard, 35+ gets harder.
David Peterson
anything less than 200 lbs is a manlet real shit
Jason Lopez
>been fasting for 3 days >finish work at 9pm tonight >think I might break my fast and get kfc, get a twister by itself and a water >drive all the way there, 15min >park in line, I'm the car before the speaker to order >think fuck it, drive off
That was close m8s.
Zachary Rivera
I'm doing my first fast but I didn't get a proper final dinner before starting. I was told we were going out for dinner with my girl's mother but it ended up just being sushi. Yeah it was tasty but that was the only thing I ate yesterday. I wanted dinner to be my one meal that day. Last time I ate properly before that was the night before. I'm determined to go 48 hours but man that's not how I wanted to start.
Ryder Reed
>been fasting for a week >feel absolutely awful is this normal?
Michael Harris
what is a good SJ sip ammount so I don't get the shits, 100ml, 50ml?
Jason Sanders
Noah Gray
Day four of 16-8 IF. Somehow gained a lb. Been eating under 2000kcal a day strictly within that window. 375lbs. Water retention? Do I need to eat even cleaner? Am I not drinking enough water?
Connor Wright
So I've lost 65lbs since the start of the year with IF and OMAD with like 3 48hr fasts in there too (started at around 290lbs).
My man titties are still here. Any other other lard asses have any luck getting rid of them? When did they start to go away?
>16-8 Thats basically just skipping breakfast. Try OMAD @ 1800 calories while working out 2 times a day, then weight yourself in a week. You'll only be down 2 pounds
Or snake juice fast and lose 7 in a week
Samuel Cox
>twister Do they still sell these? I thought twisters went away a long time ago
Joshua Barnes
This is literally the weakest shit I've ever read on Jow Forums What a bitch
Michael Jenkins
67 Hours in, and I feel absolutely great, I started out with 24-32s the week before to get into an easier groove, with cardio every day, and It feels great as fuck when I sit back down at 8pm after the runs, turn on some netflix and sip on water/green tea. Literally felt so euphoric yesterday I didn't stop smiling, Looking to push 72 (Have my brothers birthday on Sat, probably even push it till then.)
Have gone down from 292 to 275 Since I started caring a lot more about my health, Exercise(bodyweight stuff, caring about my meals and so forth.) This week alone I've already lost 8lbs up to this day. All of this pussy shit I see about people getting nasuea, diahrea, and the suchs haven't came to me and I'm glad.
Take the hard route, not the soft.
We're all gonna make it bros.
Dylan Cook
i was just about to break my fast, but my cat stopped me by being cute that was close
Jaxson Phillips
you fruit. You probably hadn't even hit keto yet. That is the hardest part--transitioning from carbs to keto. If you go into a fasting period already in a ketogenic state, everything will be much easier.
Angel Hughes
I survived the night I'm 5'10" 150 pounds, not fat WEED
Lucas Hill
Jace Jackson
I don't usually fast is it okay to workout on fasting days?
Bentley Collins
yes. I've eaten 1 lb bacon and 3lb cabbage seasoned w/ sesame oil and sriracha before to break a 5 day fast. Yeah I shit a bunch, but that is going to happen regardless. I think some people are more sensitive than others. If your electrolytes are good, you should be fine.
Ryder Murphy
Would it be safe to do a 7-day fast while also going to the gym? I usually go 3 days for lifting, and 2 for cardio.
Oliver Morgan
Yes you can lift really fucking heavy just be careful since you don't know how efficient your body is fasted yet. Don't wanna pass out.
You need to work out anyways, if you don't then your body won't bother protecting your muscles if you aren't using them.
Angel Sanchez
I love bacon but it's never enough substance for me. I might break my fast with fried braunschweiger and eggs.
William Hill
How long are your fasts?
Aiden Collins
Dont lift on that long of a fast. Your body needs protein to build muscle. If you arent taking any in you will only damage yourself. Only lift on refeed days after you have eaten.
Ian Rivera
any way you go is good. I love the cabbage for bulk. It is very smart to keep it keto--especially if you'll be going back into another fasting period.