How much and how often do you drink, Jow Forums?

how much and how often do you drink, Jow Forums?

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but I do consume sometimes when it's added to traditional pastries from my home cunt.

im up to a bottle of whiskey every day now

6 pack a week

I don't enjoy the taste of beer.

>tfw cracking open a cold one on a warm summer day

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3-4 times a week or so. usually around 15-20 drinks each session

I would more than likely die if I consumed that much all at once

i hope you stay that way brother. its no fun being addicted to something. take care

Thank you brother, it's a nice sentiment but these days I actively crave a couple of beers after work. I never go over 3, that's just my own personal rule because addiction runs in my family.

why not seek help, user?