Why don't you just settle to a 6/10 like pic related?

Why don't you just settle to a 6/10 like pic related?

Attached: file.png (500x500, 378K)

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Kys famalamfampai desu

If you think this is a 6 you should post more pics and rate them

There is a girl like this at my uni.
She seems kinda autistic like me and doesn't have many friends.
She once smiled at me and I smiled back.
Fuck I need to speak to her.

I know this is a joke but shes unironically a 6 for me at best. she looks really generic and punchable. I think pic related is cuter

Attached: 1444323433015.jpg (720x960, 92K)

nah she looks kinda goofy
I want a gf that is serious

ok, faggotard

Thats really stretching you know. I've been rejected by enough 5/10s to know Ill have to settle for a 4/10 like pic related.

Attached: 2019_04_08_103941.png (900x848, 874K)

you still can, what is stopping you?

Even if you think the situation to start talking to her will feel awkward, as long as you have a couple follow ups prepared and can push through the awks, you can start a conversation and make a connection.

>hurr hurr me post bait
>me get (you)s

So whats an 8/10 for you guys?

There's a difference between seeing an 8/10 online and talking to one irl. The girl in your pic looks like a generic oneitis that looses her virginity to chad at a college party

>pic related is cuter
because u're a edgy coping faggot

If you notice all the "wifus" are mostly just slightly cute, never look "unobtainable" so you can fantasize about one day maybe landing her etc.

That's fine do as you like but the issue is you spergs then also start claiming "beauty is subjective" and hiding yourself behind
>FOR ME she is a 10 bla bla bla
ruining everything

Ironically this is why these bait threads are so succesful bc 90% of the people here have fucked themselves up with orbiting or coping via some fetish (asian, black, latina, catboys, 2D whathaveyou)

Attached: uwu (2).png (870x375, 144K)

>tfw i had to settle for a 2/10 with a mediocre body like pic related
it's not fair lads

Attached: Malk.jpg (256x610, 34K)

So you guys really just ignore faces if a girl has big boobs.

the face of that girl is slightly above average, definitely not a 2/10

Why don't you just self-improve, user?


The 2/10 was joke i think. Also the face is average.

I unironically would, but only if she's not boobs. It's really the tit-to-waist ratio that matters.

You would go for an upside down triangle?

her tits are the best part by far

>upside down triangle?
What are you trying to ask?

>not boobs
Whoops. Meant not FAT. My mind must have been somewhere else...

Not good looking enough for a girl at this level

Thats her shape. She has no hips or butt.

She would look like a goblin if her ass were bigger.
This photo is from the side so it's hard to call it, but maybe on the small side. Put a finger over her tits and look. It's not that bad.

Who is that?

>she's definitely not a 6/10. More like a 6.3/10.

There's a difference