>Why yes I rerack my weights, how could you tell?
Why yes I rerack my weights, how could you tell?
>left: chad who reracks weights
>right: op who is a faggot and doesn't rerack
Only bitch ass choir boys rerack weights
if you're strong enough to lift 'em, you're strong enough to put 'em back.
Pick em up gymbitch.
A lack of civility is to be ashamed for
>being too weak to rerack weights.
How do you manage that without lifting weights?
Gym bully masterrace reporting in. Run that bitch. I've been doing this social experiment to see who is alpha and who is beta in my gym. Turns out 99% of my gym is beta. What I'll do is I will purposely leave my weights on the bar and dumbbells on the floor after I'm done. I think I've had maybe only one or two wanna- be tough guys actually say something to me. Everyone else just deals with it. Some even rerack them for me. If this social experiment has taught me anything it's that most people are intimidated by authoritative figures and will do almost anything to avoid confrontation followed immediately by pain administered by said authoritative figures.
>mfw I see beta dyels rerack my weights like the cockroaches they are.
Don’t: bother replying
Do: Pick up my weights like a good bitch does.
Such a low effort, bad, not good pasta. Many such cases. Sad!
>wasting energy by reracking weights
>dont be a nigger is soi
Cope harder
based virgin poster
>if you don't act like a colored you're based
OP (a faggot) is mogged once again. He will not recover.
Why skip reracking when you can FARMER WALK back to the rack with them
>this social experiment has taught me anything it's that most people are intimidated by authoritative figures and will do almost anything to avoid confrontation followed immediately by pain administered by said authoritative figures.
>wasting energy at the gym
>tfw I rerack weights even though I have a home-gym
Why am I such a beta
>missing out on extra gains by leaving weights on the bar
>not posting superior version
reracking has unironically done wonders for my grip
The reason people get sick in the gym is from touching weights that other people touched
In the wild, monkeys baring their teeth was a sign of aggression
Ive never seen anyone leave weights when they were done who wasnt a huge pussy
Use that info as you will
Its called being a decent person you stupid gorillas
cleaning up after ourselves is what seperates us from animals
I bet you re-racked the weights when those 'wanna-be tough guys' called you out.
Never gonna make it.
If somebody leaves shit lying around and it's in my way I'll literally throw it aside and not give a fuck as long as I wont trip on it.
Any piece of equipment that I use for my sets gets put away in it's proper location when I am done.
Tbh they both have a severe case of cuckface
Even the left one looks like s soft toddler with a beard
Everybody in this thread reracks and people are just larping
Why does he have a guiness world record?
Widest mouth, not kidding. Hence the s o y meme
My mom got really worked up over lefty when we were watching that movie
Kept going "wow" "he's so huge" "there's just nothing wrong with him, he's like...just a man"
All in front of my dad
Wow I feel like the fucking retard that I am, I honestly thought he had been doing that face as a counter-protest against the basedmeme
better than to have that reaction to right