How did he do it? Why don't all fats just do what he did?

How did he do it? Why don't all fats just do what he did?

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he cultivated mass (bulking) then restricted calories with cutting
he already had all that muscle under the fat

it's in the sticky faggot

As a former fatass it’s way easier to not do it, going from eating the food you’re obsessed with and laying around all the time to being on a deficit for 10 months and working out 12 hours a week takes a lot of willpower. That being said once you do a few weeks of not poisoning your body you realize how great eating better and working out is

He explains how to do it

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>Be Mac
>Sexually starved and confused individual
>Finally get Jow Forums
>Come out of closet wanting to ride dildo bikes

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Goes to show that getting fit is a journey of find yourself and the finding the best version of yourself, not needing to repress who you are underneath the gains.Being fit is having the confidence to be yourself, and being able to be accepted for being yourself.

Why don’t we see more Jow Forums trannies then?

Because trannies are a very small percentage of the population

This is just a long-winded version of the "just be yourself" platitude. Fuck off retard.

Unfortunately everyone who read this will continue putting forth 0 effort to better themselves thinking "it takes waaaay too much to do this!" Thing is, like that retard who wanted to see abs and put 110% effort into doing it and nothing else enjoyable, you don't need to comit every facet of your life. He even says that took 7-8 months, less than a year! It goes to show that yes, it is possible, but it is also possible to get there without killing yourself over it. Just put SOME effort, don't laser-focus every aspect of your life over it.

Being the best version of yourself and just being yourself are two very different ideologies and preach two very different things.

Reminder that he's 34 there

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Faggot roided. Get this shit outta here.

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Looks pretty natty

what a fucking degenerate knobhead this guy is
it's literally as simple as
>stop eating so much
>get in good protons
>lift & do cardio
christ i hope he dies in a car accident

I think it's more about beauty standards and fitness expectations

To the majority of normies this is asking the impossible lol

Is he trying to discourage people from lifting? because that's the effect that a post like this will have.
Most of the shit he listed isn't necessary at all.


Yeah, there's a lot of space in between flabby, reasonably healthy, pretty fit, and then a professional whose main job it is to look good.

There was like 8 years between fat mac and ripped mac. He was normal again in between

anyone can do what he did. to do it in the time he did it? 6 months? you need a proper PT, nutritionist et al

of course it was going to be incredibly difficult to drop that much fat that quickly while maintaining muscle mass fuck off

nice harvest


Youre telling me youre a normie

Is Rex /our guy/?

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He went the hgh/hormone replacement route. Fuck that phony.

He wore a fatsuit for two seasons, dude. Theres a reason you dont see lose skin.

Thats the route we are all going to be going down as medicine continues to evolve, why hate on him for it? He still had to work his ass off to earn that body. Hate you newphags who think the second you inject you gain 4 lbs of muscle a week

>yeah you stupid proles, only us celebs can be fit and healthy, don't bother your silly stupid minds, just stay fat and ugly

The cast members themselves said one day he just decided to be fat mac for awhile. Dude legitimately manipulates his body

People who have been slim for the most of their life feel sick if they overeat. People with predeveloped fat cells feel pretty good if they do. That is the difference nobody ever addresses. Most fat cells are made while you're still on your mom's milk. Many kids were fed formula instead of their mother's milk, so they never develop fat cells everywhere, so when they reach 30 and start getting fat, they only develop a hefty gut, and that's it. People with predeveloped fat cells get fat everywhere, even their fingers get fat. So, if you start developing gut and love handles and have little to no fat elsewhere, you have no right to make fun of someone who's fat. The only reason could be being jelly I suppose.

what bf% is this?

Fucking "work". Tren melted that fat off him, helped maintain lean muscle mass with less effort, not strict diet and cardio.
Fucking juice clowns.

Most retarded shit I ever read

>making fun of fat people because you're jealous of them

On more juice than a 3yo.

Based post desu even if he might've roided this shit ain't easy

The whole post was meant to be a joke but many autist and normies didn’t pick up on it.

It’s a joke.
>have the studio pay for it all
How are you so dense?

You have a probelm eith that? I hope less people lift since It makes all of us more special

>Work out every day
>Don't eat shit
>Sleep an efficient amount
>Don't drink poison
So live an actually healthy lifestyle?

Tl;dr fat people have parents that care about them and are Chad enough to get some tit action. Lanklets are formula babies who dont have moms that love them and grow up to be gay because they are scared of titties.