28 years old

>28 years old
>make only 55k/year

It's over, there's no point to physical gains when you have no financial gains, there are skinnyfat 21 year olds with CS degrees making 250k starting(+ stock options + employer matched 401k + 100% health coverage) in san francisco RIGHT NOW

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yikes just got my first job outta college and I already make more than you

>30 years old
>make $0/yr

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>in san fran

their real income minus rent is 12 dollars
thank you george bush


Have you tried making more money?

Ask for God for money
You people have wrong miscomceptions about money, you need to get in the spiritual plane and then collect it here
Otherwise, you'll just be another one of these guys that won the lottery just to lose it to disease, whores, drugs, or even death
Think what you what, and how you'll achieve it, write it, and speak it to someone, pray to God and trust Him, follow the Bible

and they die like the rest

>28 years old
>make 250k/year
>tfw no gf

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

>in san fran
that basically renders the 250k useless when you consider the cost of living in San Francisco is outrageous. you'd basically have to be a millionaire to even try and live comfortably in at least half of California. But I get where you're coming from, it's easy to find something that'll make you a good bit of money on the side. Stock trading on the side and crypto mining are good ways to make a good dollar in your spare time. Hell if I remember correctly you can just plug up the miner and it'll run on it's own, you just have to do maintenance every so often. Do your research first before you jump straight in though

also this based and christpiled

>32 years old
>no degree
>only make 42k a year
I went back to CC this summer. Don't give up OP, we can still make it. You and I.

The more money you make, the more faker the people are who you attract. Money won’t you buy you happiness if you’re dead inside.

>not marrying rich
Why do you all choose to live life on hard mode?

Average per capita income for my state is 29k bros

tfw 29 and make 350k a year...

i hate working

You guys are all larpers with your 200+K/year ?
I make 30K and it's average+ in here, and I'm not living in a shithole.

350k i live in sweden so yea...

>masters level education
>only on 750k a year

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Yeah but $1 is like 10SEK


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Im asking this myself as well. Is this an american thing? To making at least 100k a year to be financially succesfull? 50k is a lot and its the average you get here with a worthy degree. Makes a pretty good living

750k debt?

So you are making 350k in wood coins?

That guy is another "self help guru".

No, they just live in shitty states. You're basically slitting your ankles in a finacial sense if you choose to live in cali.

he is but isnt. Do what you want but the penapill is for those that want to change

>Locomotive engineer
>Get to take naps at work
I can't complain, I don't have to do any strenuous exercise at work that might interfere with my gym schedule. I make good money, I get a 2.5M pension + full benefits + stock options matched up to 8% + part of one of the strongest unions in North America
Shits pretty cash.

55k a year isn't a lot in America?

20k in the UK is a starting salary with 50k being an income that's more than a typical 4 person family

I used to know some locomotive engineers and they were constantly tired, complaining about when and how long they had to work for, and missing important events because they had to leave unexpectedly or because their sleep schedule was so fucked they couldn't manage it. Whether it was really that bad or not, I'm not sure, but they whined 100x more than any software engineer I've ever worked with. Made it sound like hell on earth

Reminder that someone making 140k at 60 hours a week is getting paid significantly less than someone making 140k at 40 hours a week

In the UK no matter what you basically will start out of uni anywhere between 20 to 30k at most

US salaries are always much higher than European ones, in addition to taxes and cost of living being less here. If averages are right, an American with a degree in something useful probably makes between 3 and 6 times as much as their counterpart in the UK or Germany

It's a tradeoff for extensive government social services and whatnot

he was talking about income. Here in germany the average must be around 3000 € and all these larpers are talking 100k min.

Ah I see that makes sense thanks, I had no idea.

3000 € a month

years old
>>make only 55k/year
>34 years old
>make 40k€/a
>before taxes
Yeah, sure, (much) more would be nice, but who cares? As long as you can life comfortably (don't get your idea of comfort from stupid nigger hiphop vids) and have some money left at the end of the month (which you absolutely will have at that salary, unless you're stupid, see also hiphop vids) you don't need to worry.
Sure, work on yourself to improve yourself (that's like the whole idea of this board), but don't worry.
And stop falling for the stupid
>but girls only like money and muscle, it's the (((jews))) fault that I'm an incel virgin
Fix your attitude and personality first and then worry about the rest.
t. former 30yo unemployed virgin who's now got a job and a wife he loves, with a son scheduled for December

If you can't live a good life on 55k/year you're a fucking moron. Stop comparing yourself to billionaires you twat

You Americans make me laugh, you always complain about your ridiculously high salaries. Get a grip.

>22 years old
>Finished degree last year
>Making £30,000 a year
>Fucking loving it

Dont know what the fuck you guys are spending money on. Already managed to save up a sizable sum and dont know what to do with it.

that's standard for the US too if you aren't in California or the east coast cities.

>dont know what to do with it.
Similar boat to you, I bought my old man a 3D printer. He uses it every day and prints little trinkets.

Uh what? It's standard for deadbeats working at a gas station or retail shop maybe. I studied and now work in a small city in the Midwest and am pulling 85k right out of college which is what most of my old classmates are doing now, unless they went to a big city/the coast and are doing well over six figures

When you hear about the great salaries like 250k+, they're only in expensive areas for sure. But to say that 30k is normal for everywhere else? Probably a European larping as an American or maybe just didn't get a degree

I make 30-35 grand a year adn I'm 29, tha's triple what I made when I worked fast food.

I live in the midwest so renting a house with 1-2 other people is like 200 a month, I make that in a day sometimes. I have plenty of spending cash.

Reading through this thread you're all larping or live in stupidly expensive area's. Imagine bitching about making 3-5 grand a paycheck, losers.

I gotta go work on the farm and build my muscles while getting paid.

>crypto mining are good ways to make a good dollar in your spare time. Hell if I remember correctly you can just plug up the miner and it'll run on it's own, you just have to do maintenance every so often. Do your research first before you jump straight in though

lol you are at least 5 years too late for that to be anywhere possible. Even most of the big boys who have literal warehouses full of mining equipment aren't profitable right now.

>mining with just one rig at home
lmfao fuck outa here haha

Depends on how you manage your money also. I'm American and we suck at time and money management. You can easily support a family making $40k/yr living in the right state. But hey American dream. Gotta make $100k to barely make it! All a lie.

>itt everyone larps about their income


you couldn't pay me that much in usd to live there

I make 42k at 28. No college but shit man wish I could fucking get off my ass and learn shit. I keep trying Linux but can't find projects to learn it and hate doing basic boring bullshit first

>No education
>No job

Trade route for you bro. Go electrical and move to AZ, if American. We are exploding in this fucking desert.

>250K starting in San Francisco
Basically amounts to slave labor with cost of living factors. In San Fran, you'd want at least 350K to not be living like a pleb. And on top of that, people in SF aren't making 250K starting, most are instead making around 90-150K and are borderline homeless unless they are living with roomates. The only thing remotely valuable that you've listed is the stock options and matched 401K.

>make $100k-110k/year depending on bonus
>plus $50-60k/year in stock
>after paying my credit card debt and my wife’s credit card debt every month plus a mortgage and bulls, I have barely enough money left to buy gas and groceries

*most in people in tech are making 90-150K starting.
Its obviously much worse for the non STEM folk.

Why is Jow Forums full of so many larping faggots?

>also 28
>$63k Canadian monopoly money
>Living in comfy Atlantic province
Honestly it's not so bad. Sure I could do more if I made $10-15k more, but I would have a hard time figuring out what to do with much more than that

I live in second world country, I make around 6100 dollars a year. I probably will never make more. Physical life is suffering - only job, job, job, money, money, money. I really wish I was just a spirit without a body with physical needs that need to be paid for.

lol @those fake larp incomes

also fuck money. I spent next to 0 money on stuff/rent because Iam not brainwashed by the jew industry. save money, retire earlier. whats the point of having retarded stuff which wont make you even happy if you end up working till your 70's and have no time to enjoy life.

and no, eating out or owning stuff you dont really need it is NOT "enjoying life".

I can confidently say in most places in the US, a CS degree ain't shit. The industry as a whole has realized that except for a very few prodigies, most people coming out of college with a CS degree are fucking worthless.

Your options are to work for peanuts at a shitty small town MSP for a few years before making big cash, or find another line of work.

And for God's sake do NOT get a "cyber security" degree. It's a fucking meme and there are more degrees than jobs. Go get cloud certifications and work from home making 90k+ because most people are too retarded to realize that cloud administration, specifically Azure, is where all the growth is going to be in 2-5 years.

No, that's me. I'm a fucking loser. It's a science degree and I thought I could help contribute to a good cause for a career.

>60+k in debt
>Making $15/hr starting

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have you ever mathed out how long you need to repay your debt? I would get depressed knowing I have to repay my debt for the next 10+ years while literally eating on rice and beans.

>in san francisco

It's a 10 year loan and I'm making my payments. I really want to believe that, now that I'm working in my field, I have the opportunity for growth. Supposedly someone with my degree averages 80k/yr. I don't hate the work.

dont know if it makes you happy but (like everyone else will tell you) money wont make you happy.
I live in germany, inherited a 500k house/land, drive a thicc bmw have 100k€ saved up yadayada and all that shit doesnt make me any happier than I was when I was a teenager playing diablo 2/quake 3 for hours on end.

then you fail at life. Money is everything that matters. Give me your wealth if it doesnt make you happy, cuck

One of my coworkers used to do that. Apparently the sporadic sleep for years on end fucks you up to the point you can only sleep 2-3 hours at a time for the rest of your life

I would literally kms if I thought like you.

>>after paying my credit card debt and my wife’s credit card debt every month plus a mortgage and bulls, I have barely enough money left to buy gas and groceries
>plus a mortgage and bulls,
>and bulls
WTF, you cucks now even pay your bulls?
Quite the clown world, lad.
> $100k-110k/year plus $50-60k
>I have barely enough money left to buy gas and groceries
Fuck man, paying your bull is the least of your problems.

>tfw barely any money/income and no car but comfy apartment where I live with my loving gf and two cats
I'm pretty happy with how things are right now.

>muh money doesnt buy happiness
poor people & good goy cope

People dont realize how ridiculous taxes impact your income once you start getting to the 6 figure mark.

Thanks to niggers and other undesirables, your hard earned paycheck will get sliced by about a third as you get up over 100k if youre unmarried without kids.

If you gross 150 a year youre really only bringing home 90-100

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350k eur/usd in sweden???? or are u talking about kronor

christcucks say shit like this and then wonder why we are ruled by an elite of (((international bankers))). The west was doomed since the day it began worshiping a sandnigger deity

Is the apt yours? Where is it located?

lol in my country the gov takes a third of your pay when you make minimum wage (which is enough to support one person and rent a room, thats all)

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>and no, eating out or owning stuff you dont really need it is NOT "enjoying life
I mean, I get where you're coming from, but for some people yeah, eating out, going on holiday, that's what they like to do, it's not always about consumerism, sometimes it's just a fact that something that you like costs money.

no, breeding and being a good parent and putting your kids in a strong position is all that matters. making money is a means to accomplish this. but the money isn't absolutely necessary. retarded mexicans accomplish this while washing dishes or changing tires, and putting their 8 kids through college. why haven't you?

because you are wrong. Why have kids when you can have fat stacks of cash?

21yrs old make 19.50 in a supermarket only work 3 days and living fine
Dont live for money bros it will only make u fall deeper

you are so fucking brainwashed by the jew consumerism industry you dont even realize it.

Yea definetely the world at this point seems to give the message that wealth(money)=happiness
Sure it might to some extent but I've seen the pitfall of it and it's not pretty

have fun with being brainwashed by jew procreation industry while your wife cheats on you with a richer guy and later you have to provide for freeloader kid mouths that shouldnt be even born unto this pissearth existence in the first place

and you hf being poor, lonely and bitter.

doesn't it suck to be an electrician

that's so cute user

This, 100%.
My rent is 600 for a great single bedroom. I'll be finishing my degree in two semesters.
You think I'm moving? I have a view of the city and living cost here is 70% of the average for honestly safe, fun and clean city.
I'm just waiting for the economy to recess so I can get into some REIT's with my salary.

I go on "vacation" for nothing. Go to see beautiful camping/hiking spots with a tent that I paid 500 bucks for that fits 6 people lmao.
>Not getting 35,0000 USD in dividends every year by age 35.

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desu i'm just working until i can buy some land in the middle of nowhere with my gf and raise some kids there.

There's no point to gains regardless. And we do it anyway. And you should leave.

I am at a Very prestigious law school and scared that I will graduate and only make 50-70k for the rest of my life. Shit sucks.

Meanwhile my buddy who almost flunked out of college is making 80k/year his first year and it’s only increasing

thats true. But I can try to change being poor. Doubt I will find friends as true friendship is more rare than a shooting star and involving in human contact always means pain. Bitterness is unsolveable in this clown world. So at least I want to be rich and happy in comfortable environment. And I wont even get that, because Im a loser with no real skills and 0 drive to compete on the job market.

27 year old CPA here, made 85k base+13% year end bonus+6% stock and retirement contribution for about 100k$ CAD all in....quit to go back to school this september for a masters, heres hoping I can get a phd in something and become a prof, office work is literally super inhumane work (not in terms of torture but humanity)

Move out of your parents house, but then again you're a Eurofag so it's socially acceptable to live there until you're 30

why should he if he pays next to no rent.
not everyone hates their parents. you know that, do you?

>Breaking News, people who make good choices and get educated on in-demand fields make more money over liberal arts degrees.

>Wait, wait...we are now learning that going to college doesn’t guarantee success and...and apparently you need to put in work to achieve success.

Success in life is the same as fitness, you have to put in the work and do whatever it takes to make it. You can’t make what you never put the effort into.

based and wholesomepilled

no lol. No one out of college makes that even from T20 programs. I would know

You never mature living in your parents house, everyone who lives with their parents after college has the mentality of a high schooler, because they're still treated like high schoolers at home.

Again, in Europe it's okay to spend your 20s being taken care of by mommy and daddy because everyone else is too.

Nah, lots of people living in multi-generational homes learn responsibility at an earlier age because they're expected to contribute.

I did what you're doing from 24-29. Moving. With tips I made $25-30/hr. It was fun sometimes, mostly at the beginning when the company was smaller and had more white guys. Some days you'd make like $150 from hourly and another $100 in cash tip. Bike home, feel like a king, or at least a kang.

Trust me, you WILL come to regret this. You need to humbly listen to someone older. Soon you will realize that women are writing you off, you couldn't raise your kids well even if you had a woman, and your intellect is dying.

Unless you are a rare genius, which you're not, status is about academic degrees and money. In the course of getting them you network with people who can help you get more of them. That's it. Trust me breh. You don't want this kind of boomerdom. I was a promising kid once.

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U drive the trains? Here in my city the drivers are really complaining about the stress and what not of so many missed hits or even killings of stupid cunts who dont know how to cross a track