What's something you're struggling with?
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You fucks shitting up the board
my narcissistic desire to be adored is fighting my avoidant personality disorder
My butt is going tragically unsmelled. Help a brother out?
I want a home gym but the bros at the gym make it so tough. I was playing with the shopping cart and ideas for the last 3 weeks on my work trip. Then i get back after being gone only so short and was greeted so warmly by everyone. Would suck to lose that
Damn if only you had something else to do
Lifting my giant penis
I fucked my best friends ex and ruined my whole friend group
Community is important my guy, why do you want a home gym?
Is the narcissism diagnosed or are you just anxious?
I got fit so I wouldn't want to kill myself.
It's not working
same here homie haha, i can bench over 3pl8 now but i still want to die
its not an actual disorder, im just conflicted between wanting people to like me and the fact that im a loser who hates most people
Have you seen a psych? Are you medicated?
It's not a conflict, the two are related - you have low self worth and that bleeds into and infects your interactions with others and the world around you.
time to an hero dumb weeb
i think you're right man, but no matter what i do i dont value myself
how do i fix it?
Trying to learn to like SFV but it's so fucking bad I can't stomach it. Here's hoping VI is much better I still believe in Capcom.
Oh and I guess lifting but whatever.
The horrible waste of my 30 years. 11,000 days lads. What could have been done with those.
I made a tough decision to let all the friends who were treating me like shit go. 5 years, and its gone.
The thing that hits the hardest, is that none of them have even asked whats going on/if im all right.
makes me realize i made the right choice, but.. fuck it hurts man.
This isn’t bodybuilding dot com dipshit.
You seem to be lost
im not really a big fan of negroid culture, i mean its ok but its just not my thing and i dont feel as if its a superior culture or warrants promotion by chews
Just hit a 260lb overhead press, but still feel like dying
No one ever improved at anything by not doing it.
See a psych. Take control of your life. Think about how much of your day you spend bettering yourself/improving, and how much of it you spend waiting to get home. Listen to podcasts, read shit that's interesting to you. Accept that everyone is as lost as you are and the only way to remedy that is by continuously seeking to improve yourself. Realise that not doing anything about your circumstances is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that you're sinking deeper and deeper into a pit by not doing anything about it. Realise that in an ultimately meaningless life, the only thing stopping you from living a life worth living is you. Accept that it will be a slow process. Realise that the only difference between you and the 'successful' people you know is that instead of wallowing in their own perceived failures, those successful people got pissed off enough to start doing something about it.
How about you spend the next 11,000 days making me the happiest woman in the world. I love you. Will you marry me?
im so fucking lonely
Having trouble believing fun wholesome relationship where both partners love each other immensely still exist
No matter, they've brought you to where you currently are - are you going to waste the next 30? Or are you going to do something about it?
Have you ever asked whats going on with them/if they're all right?
What is stopping you from joining a local mixed whatever sports group? What chances are you giving yourself to meet people?
>tfw floated through life never having to be disciplined to get by
>now 24
>graduated college 3 years later than I should have
>moved across the country to live with family
>now a NEET for the first time in my life
>still go to the gym religiously its the only source of structure in my life
>I try to stay on track but constantly get distracted/sidetracked on Jow Forums or other bullshit
I'm looking for work but the futures very uncertain how do you deal with this brahs? How do I into discipline? I've been waking up early, meditating, going to the gym, but when it comes to applying to jobs, self learning I just can't into it, it all seems hopeless
i have extreme depression and ptsd and every day is a nightmare
honestly just want to anhero but its very difficult without the right tools and i dont want to be a vegetable
lost all my fatass lard (160lb), lost khv card, graduated college, and it didnt help, none of it did, im just sick of this planet lads
My fiancee left me and I'm starting to feel like right shit. On the bright side I hit 50 pushups x 3 sets.
See a psych, you have internalised a toxic perception of yourself that cripples your ability to act affirmatively. Above all else, speak to your family, speak to career consultants - you are trying to do this all alone, but there are a near infinite range of people that are a phone call away that can help guide/direct you.
I want to fucking kill my coworker
he's the biggest fucking asshole i have ever met and makes my daily grind so fucking miserable
i don't hate many people but he's on the list
Speak to family or if they're not around, seek counselling. Asking for help is the the most alpha thing one can do.
I go to college and have had a hobby well over 10 years
I go to the gym 5 times a week
Everyone I meet always seems so distant, they’ll say hello and goodbye and some small talk in between but no bro conversations or anything close. Yeah I’m pretty autistic but I’m not completely socially inept. I just want to be hugged
no, but alot of people seem to think I might be a psychopath, I'm just sad and I don't want them to see it.
already in therapy but thanks for the (you)
What’s your favourite part of the day?
I got rejected by what's probably the most attractive girl I've ever seen months ago and I'm still not completely over it.
I'm currently trying with a different girl and my degree of enthusiasm is much lower. This girl is maybe a 7 on a really good day while the first one is a 9 on her worst day.
Through some introspection I realized that it's not even the attractiveness itself that's so important to me. It's the (hypothetical, for now) social validation of having an insanely attractive partner and making others envious.
There's also the fact that there are much better girls in my friend group (both looks and personality-wise) who I'd rather be dating but they're taken.
Am I a narcissist or what?
Thanks brah, I needed to hear this. Been trying to stay positive but its hard being out of school for the first time and the path isn't laid out for you
not sure if this counts but dreaming about having a gf who loves me, pretty rare occasion tho, only time i ever feel anything good without drugs (which im off now besides psych meds)
otherwise its probably eating or driving home after the gym with the windows down
Kicking myself in the ass, wondering if I actually found love and had a moment to get it and blew it because I'm broken, afraid, and was a retard about it.
What makes it worst was some of my shroom trips I had during this time was pointing out a lot about this idea in my head with this person, now I'm questioning about my spirituality.
Feels bad man.
This fucking cuts deep.
The intense feeling of wanting to connect that you feel is relatable, but you'll never experience that with someone in a short space of time. If nothing in your life up until this point has helped you meet your 'tribe', and if your comfy routine isn't addressing your loneliness, maybe something needs to change?
Suck dog dick bruh. YOU appear to be lost. REDDIT is that way. REDDIT. Ayup, I said it. Rebuttal?
Why not? How can you expect to improve and feel better if you don't give yourself any chance to do so?
How can you expect someone to love if you can't love yourself? You're focusing on the wrong thing. How you perceive yourself manifests in your interactions with others, would you date you the way you present to others? Probably not. Stop focusing on how you're perceived and stop trying to read other people's minds. Focus on the basics in your life, cooking, cleaning, learning, doing things you enjoy. Direct your love inwards and other people will start to notice - I can promise you that.
I'm so starved for romantic love that when I get any sort of affection from a girl (say, a hug from a friend) I immediately develop a tiny crush on them and begin fantasizing about dating them
KHV, obviously
You don't get given a secret pill or something that makes you a functional adult, leaving school is like a second rebirth and that can be cripplingly scary. You can either succumb to it and sink into a hole, or start doing something, fucking anything, to progress towards a life worth living.
Same boat man, I'm still not over her 7 years later. Only time I've ever been in love, and now I'm like 3 years deep in a relationship in which I'm just kind of on autopilot. I lift in hopes of attracting a girl somewhere near the quality of my oneitis.
Once you've smelled ribeye steak sizzling on the grill, it's hard to care about Steak-ums
i am pretty good at masking, i just isolate too much because of what happened to me
not that desperate for love desu i just know it feels good but it always goes away in the end, just like everything
> they’ll say hello and goodbye and some small talk in between but no bro conversations or anything close.
I know the feeling.
Nutted in my shorts yesterday.
At the gym.
>7 years
Jesus Christ, I felt this post. Good luck user.
By the way this was worded, I take it you were at least dating for some time, right? I never even got anywhere with mine.
Rugby got cancelled for the season. That was my only place of social interaction.
Also I'm struggling with food poisoning.
I'm in a broken up friend group because of a similar situation
Waking up early.
I literally get up, turn off my alarm across the bedroom and come back to sleep and I don't even fucking remember doing this...
I have heard that before, love yourself first, a bit challenging to do when you come from a bad upbringing with two adults that don't know what love is and can't even take care of themselves. Still learning to love myself, though I'll admit I am better than my past self that's for sure, especially when I didn't want to be fat anymore.
> Direct your love inwards and other people will start to notice - I can promise you that.
And that's my problem right there, I do enjoy the things I worked on, I guess I'm not trying hard enough user. It's just that I thought I actually did attract someone and I retardly turn them away because I got scared and fucked up badly.
I want to try a pr in bench press but i don't have a spotter
What is your situation like user?
Trying no porn, no fap
Only hard thing in my life
damn, do you really not have anything better to do with your life?
but also based
Make that dream come true.
I have trouble approaching strangers in social places because I have a leave-me-alone-thanks personality and I assume that others are the same
I’m generally not too miffed if someone approaches me, strangely enough
don't feel like any of my friends really like me and I feel like I'm going to die alone, but I'm only 19 so it should get better
Damn, putting the alarm across the room didn't work for you? You'll have to get one the apps that make you do math.
Stupid people and bad drivers.
Don't take meds.
I like them all too much to pick a side, but a lot of bridges got burned so there's no salvaging it
I'm very charming and funny person, but not around girls. So fit should I go full homo or try harder whit girls? Ps: turns out I'm also gay magnet.
if i dont kms first i will try
Burn the bridges. Build new ones.
Good on you. I did the same thing, and it was a great decision.
Like your life depends on it, man
Also I forgot to mention that I see this person a lot in my life and it's making me want to leave because I can't face them for what I've done to them, hurting them, lying to them and the idea of them being with someone else hurts because deep down I actually love them and I'm scared of it.
I need a fucking job.
Go see a therapist or something, bro.
>Into girl
>A lot
>6'1 attractive white male
>Jow Forums helped and I don't have autism
>girl is a friend of a friend
>she also has boyfriend in the same industry as me
>initially just want to fuck because I'm incredibly superficial and have attachment issues thanks to 12 years in fostercare.
>we talk every day
>she takes me out to lakefront alone for bubbletea, she knows im single at this point
>do this multiple times
>she asks to clean my apartment with me alone before a pregame on the weekend
>goes good, she brings me sick food.
>confront her about the optics and circumstances she's putting me in, despite her knowing im into her.
>we take some time apart but I cant keep myself away from her even when with friends, we just hit it off that well
>time goes by until we go to a party
>both drunk
>I lay everything out
>she says she likes me and we get close, cuddle, lots of sexual tension but nothing.
I'm am in the worst emotional limbo of my life.
Get a fucking grip nigger. The game is still on.
No ring is free game user, go get her.
Worst part. The guy reminds me exactly of me before I started lifting, skinny, scrawny, just a good jawline.
He's the one who should be fucking panicking.
I'm glad there was no response to this
yes, for an entire month they all decided to ignore me. First day I saw something was up and messaged. no response
its sad that i hope you are right
finding purpose in life, i'm going through the motions working a job I hate.
fat fetishism and shitty squat form
Thanks man, protein and good lifts upon you.
as a noob several
>high bar squat
>front rack
>pancake stretch
>opening hips
Based, now shoot for 3 sets of 15 pullups
We're all gonna make it, brother.
Sounds like you should have/could have fucked her ages ago bro just initiate it your next chance or dont.
Right fucking here. Just smash the bitch and keep her.
People who wait for life to give them what they want get old. People who take what they want get it.
I have tried everything.
Going right in for it all.
Getting drunk and going in.
I know she's into my body so try and flaunt it, took a shower when she was over went towel out and everything.
Could go into detail of all the sexual tension stuff, but her defense is fierce.
Beat that, I'm at 30 x 3. Haven't done less than 25 per since 6th grade.
I thought it would work too
How do people stick to one or two hobbies? Everytime I get into an interest, I tend to stop after a few months for something new.
I dated my oneitis for 1.5 years (we broke up about 3.5 years ago) and I've come to terms with the fact that there won't ever be a day where she doesn't pop into my mind a few times. I would have much rather never gotten anywhere with her and it just been a fantasy that would have died down eventually. Anyone who says "its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" can go fuck themselves
Same as the gym, set a goal for yourself within that hobby.