Why does Jow Forums lift?

For me, it began at 18 when i realized my parents were slobs and retards that didnt know or care to know about health, in any regard. I was tired of wearing huge clothes and being insulted. By 21 or 22 i was in noticeably better shape, even getting some mires at the beach and had a 6pack showing. By mid 20s i felt great, women began making it easy by hitting on me so all i had to do was be able to hold conversation and continuing lifting. Hit a Depressed wall by 30 and sported a guy after being betrayed by a woman. The three years since i've become more addicted to lifting because there isnt shit else to do, and finally getting back to being more confident.

Why do you fucks lift?

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>Turned 25
>No degree or job
Decided to turn it around

I want to be happy and be a strong as I feel on the inside.

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31 years old
father worked out like a boss since i was born, always thought of him as some kind of arnold type superhero, obv some of that was being a small kid at the time, but i still kind of see him that way so i always wanted to follow in his footsteps. he's 76 or so now and still going strong

never could get the discipline going until recently, cuz gf for the last 8 years kind of ended things abruptly so i lost my comfort zone and needed to make a big change cuz i was feeling very dead inside, even though i have all my other shit together

enjoying the journey so far, feel happier and more energized than i've been since i can remember

Because I’m fugly and socially inept and lifting is the only attribute I have I can be proud of

Started when i was 17. i was always skelly mode growing up just because of metabolism and at 17 i was 6'1 135. I was tired of being thin so i started eating more and lifting. at first it was just a hobby but my mom (a dietician) kept telling me to stop eating so much because she believes that 'some people are meant to be thin, pushing yourself is going to hurt you'. thats what motivated me to get bigger. now almost 19 and im 6'2 170. still got a long way to go but im happy at least.

Because I want to know what it feels to have a gf.

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>pushing yourself is going to hurt you
wow, what a fucking gainz goblin, glad you proved that hoe wrong

i know she only wants the best and all that, but i cant honestly believe i was meant to have an underweight bmi. i look and feel so much better now than i ever did then.

It's meditative for me. It also is one of the few ways in which I am able to have control of something and make progress in some respect