/sissy general/

This is a thread for cute little cum catchers and the men who love them.

Subby sissies, pile in. State your case for the real men who may want to use you!

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post the getting pozzed pic

at school rn with a boner thinking about getting cum from other men.

what's the origin of this fetish? like, from a psychological standpoint? people like to meme about all gays getting touched as children, but i had a great childhood. i was even an active kid who played sports and what not, so i wasn't coddled in this place. so is it a too much internet sort of thing? if i avoid this place for a while will that fix it?

>take hormones for a guy because he promises he'll take care of me
>gave him my virginity
>did everything he asked
>never fought with him
>he dumps me out of the blue
>back to being a lonely hopeless neet
>whole family thinks I'm a faggot/tranny now
The only reason I haven't killed myself is that I'm holding out hope that he'll come back.

Attached: s.jpg (507x473, 24K)

Why don't you find a new owner to adopt you?

aspiring the be the guy on the right

Because I'm ugly/pre everything, a hermit, and I don't think I could trust anyone again. Plus people like that are pretty rare I think.

>>whole family thinks I'm a faggot/tranny now
well you are?
you had gaysex and you took tranny hormones?

nice i think i recognize you, poor slut ;(