How to get rid of lethargy and sleep inertia lads ??

how to get rid of lethargy and sleep inertia lads ??

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cardio, more regular sleep schedule and routine, eating clean. awful boring shit desu

eat 100g of ginger and drink 32oz of unflavored kefir every single day

What does that mouth feel like bros

Her tongue is cleaner than someone who has never ate food

bags of sand

i tasted one like it once. i still think about it.

Stay properly hydrated, avoid caffeine in the evenings, consistently go to bed at a certain time, avoid electronics almost an hour before bed.

One thing a lot of people forget is wash or change your sheets regularly, like you should be aiming for once a week.

>Pic related
Get laid

what if im super lazy and i just completely got rid of my sheets and just lay on a towel

Nigga wtf

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user...when's the last time you changed your sheets?

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i gave up on sheets about 6 months ago

Well you might get better sleep if you slept with more than just a towel.

>consistently go to bed at a certain time,

I hate doing this do I have to?

still gets me how clean her tongue is. thots like that normally have the worst thrush imaginable.

Is sleep inertia that one feeling when you're about to fall asleep and suddenly feel like your body is ZOOMing downwards, and you "land" in bed? Freaks the fuck outta me

Yes you nigger

salty bags of coppery milk

Her mouth looks delectable, unf

You'd be surprised how many thing see just do as a habit. Break your negative streak and start forming better patterns. That's the hardest part, actually maintaining those habits is easy user

We're all gonna make it

Good answer

You gave up on Daryl "The Gambler" Sheets? Are you insane? He might strike gold on some Picasso paintings again!

eat clean, get plenty of b vitamins and vit c

Still can't find source on this

I want that tongue on my butt hole.

Get sleep
Ditch coffee
Eat meat
Eat lots of raw eggs
Do NOT eat veggies. (Pic very related)
Go out in the sun, have fun and talk to people.

And, most importantly, HAVE SEX. Lots of it. At least 2-3 times per week.
And the women have to be at least "cute" to you. Fucking goblins won't cut it in the long run.
As a man, if you don't frequently have sex you are sabotaging your own health.

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Well observed. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she cleaned it right before taking the photo.

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Then you got more pressing concerns than your sleeping habbits.

Start sleeping multiple times a day as God intended.


It looks convenient.

>Do NOT eat veggies. (Pic very related)
What a fuck?

mirin those tongue gains
how do i get such a clean tongue

Go to bed earlier. That's it. Literally just pick a bed time and in that time get in bed, turn off the lights, get comfy and close your eyes. First night might be awful, you might be awake in bed for an hour+. Doesn't matter. Just get on with your day. Next time will 100% be better. By the third night, you'll be falling asleep within minutes.

Kidney stones. Caused by foods high in oxalates. Oxalates bind to calcium and many other minerals and prevent the body from absorbing them, eventually ending building up in your kidneys if you consume too much over a prolonged period of time. How about a nice green smoothie, user? I bet you'd like one right now! They're soo healthy after all!

Farmers used to give these "healthy" leafy greens like spinach and kale to their cattle, but they were getting kidney stones and dying left and right. Thus they stopped doing so. Now retards buy into the meme that they're a healthy food when in fact they're not even good enough for animal consumption.

Eat fucking meat. Let inferior beings like cattle and vegans eat the greens. Then fucking eat them.

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This motherfucker is really telling me to not eat vegetables, which goes against everything everyone has ever said in my entire life. I'm not even going to read your post, you dumb shit.

>First night might be awful, you might be awake in bed for an hour+
everytime I try to set my bedtime to a reasonable hour I end up laying in bed for 2-3 hours. It's miserable.

what does her breath smell like?

this nigga said no vegetables this dude

You're clearly a porno addict. There's a reason every company is ran by people who outlaw porn in their home ethnostate.

you're glowing nigger

Depends on the veggies obv

Don't go CNN and make blanket statements based on a fact regarding a small group of things

I dunno, my father had kidney stones and he hates vegetables

I can imagine there is nothing better than making out with a hot girl with a hot mouth
I have had dreams of kissing girls and it felt so real and so fucking amazing just woah

Incredible cope. Absolutely incredible.

>mfw ex had a rasping tongue
I still dream about her bros. Besides, I caught feelings for her...

>waa waa I miss my exgf and her tongue

Vade retro Satanas! Vade retro Satanas! Vade retro Satanas!

omae wa mou shindeiru!

>potatoes and yams
I'm failing to see how they are bad. I don't trust some user on a yugoslavian outdoor cooking forum that I'm going to get kidney stones from eating what I know to be healthy vegetables.

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ignore him, I'm a vegetarian and so is everyone I know, never heard anyone young or old get kidney fucking stones. The memes on this shitty board, I swear to god.

Kek, on this board fags get protein bruises, a sign of kidney failure, because somehow they managed to take too many protons. Pretty sure if you eat 4kg spinach/day you'll manage to get stones, ignore the retards

take modafinil twice a day forever, you'll feel great bro it's what i did, 100mg after waking up and another 100mg tab at 10am.

Thought the same then more experienced girlfriend ear fucked me with her tongue. I was taken by surprise, felt so homo, yet I said nothing cause it gave me giant boner. Just fucked her shit out after that, damn was that good

>ear fucked me with her tongue

T-Thanks, y-you too

>Eat lots of raw eggs
dont do this, raw egg white leeches Biotin out of you making you sick
raw egg yolks are fine tho

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Eat more barley (high in magnesium - good for sleep).
Drink in the nectar of the gods. One for health, the second for love and pleasure, and the third for sleep.
While training in the gymnasia, rub thyself with oil of olive, and feel this liquid gold penetrate deep into you as it coats your soul with a richness.

Do these three things, and you shall sleep well, you shall train well, you shall live well.

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i just can't imagine it being better than kissing, and maybe having her spit in your mouth

It does not need to be exclusive, just do both
>Having her spit in your mouth
YOU spit in her mouth while choking her, faggot

oops, thought this was the femdom thread lol
what's gay about tasting girl spit?

Tasting it is no problem, that's what kisses are for. Being spit at while opening your mouth though, belongs in the femdom thread. That's giving her too much power over you bro, if you don't stand your ground she'll leave at some point

Have you read a single article? Drink more water.

if you tell her to do it because you're turned on by it, how is that giving her power?

Ok, whatever. Enjoy peeing rocks when you're in your 50's until one day one that is a little too big blocks the exit, you don't get on time to ER and your kidneys explode from the inside out, forcing you to do dialysis for or an organ transplantation and having to take immunosuppressors for the rest of your life.

In the meantime, I will be over here being healthy. Fuck you.

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By acknowledging your weakness to the oppisitesex you make yourself look like a commoner

enjoying being spat at isn't very common

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You shouldn't have sex at all in my opinion
It just weakens you

>vegetables cause kidney stones
>i'll prove this, by posting pictures of kidney stones
great argument you fucking idiot

Take melatonin
Take ZMA
Go to bed around 11pm
Wake up early, around 7-7.30
20-30mins powernap after lunch

This works for me

I already explained how that happens, the specific mechanism involving oxalates. None of you did any attempt to disprove me whatsoever. All you did was insulting.

Which means I'm probably right and you're probably wrong. You're welcome.

The problem is that you advocate for no vegetables at all, which is retarded. Even oxalate rich food is good for you in moderation. Overconsumption of anything is bad. Failing to eat leafy green vegetables is probably more damaging than overeating them.

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So sleepy bros

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

NEET's don't count

Cold showers

Post body

So sleepy lol

gove up coffee seriously.

You just have to get up and go to the gym. Sign up for an early-ass class. Everyone's counting on you, user.

Drink coffee if you need to, but taper once you've been waking up early for a week or two. You will become a real undrugged early riser.

Coffee is life bro

Probably is the key word here. That probability is 0%.
I am dead serious and you know it you shitposting numale.

Please delete this.

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>past tense
a-are you still alive user ??

This. Good sleeping is mostly a habit. Do exercise, limit caffeine, no screens 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed, wake up and sleep at roughly the same time.

Stop taking naps during the day.

>Drink in the nectar of the gods.


What do if girls don't touch me