Jeff Seid

What went wrong, Jow Forums?

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jeff seid has always been a pretencious, gay, and a brainlet. nothings changed from the start.

and you're fucking gay for following his social media shit. pathetic

Yes girl, give face, lush. Darling those eyebrows are SNATCHED. Pout and purse those lips sis. Face beat, hair laid. She is ready, I LIVE

he has a kissable face

jeff pls go

Fake natty faggot

If Zyzz was alive, this faggot would be irrelevant and dead.

Is this an incantation?

le cookies are ready

He is correct. Before fit, before this chad vs virgin things I just wanted to become a musician. Now I obsessed with becoming big. I don' even know am I happy now or not.

while he typed out all that gay shit, le cookies burned

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say what you will but that caption is actually spot on

Jeff pliz go

>Don't fall for Jewish tricks and propaganda

Holy shit is Jeff actually our guy after all. is it the jews that are always telling him to go?

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What did he say?


The hatred towards him is uncalled for.

Guys face moggs almost every top model


A near perfect roided Aryan.
Jews worse fear

>near perfect
Jeff plz go

5'10 coping fag Jew.

To the lumber u go

Lol stay mad manlet Le cookies are ready.

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All he wanted to do was lift. At least Arnold was into Realestate and Acting

Holy fuck we found one of them

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Pretty Manlets?



What he said is perfectly good advice.

he is the male equivalent of a vapid thot who only gets ahead because of her looks