Is there any sort of workout or orthopedics that can help create symmetry in my face. As you can see the jaw is much more defined on the left side and the cheek is tighter. I can feel that my right cheek is noticeably thicker than the left. When I smile the left corner of my mouth goes higher. I used to sleep on my right side all the time and have been sleeping flat on my back for the past 3 months as I heard sleeping on one side too much causes it to become droopy and less muscular, so far no difference. I had a surgery to remove a milk tooth canine that had a huge root on the right side when I was in the 7th grade in order to make room for the real tooth and I wonder if the anesthesia crippled the muscle and caused this lopsidedness. I have also been mewing for the past year after I read about it on here and although I believe it has helped my facial structure the imbalance remains. Any techniques or routine recommendations are deeply appreciated.
Lopsided face advice
Have sex maybe?
Try making sure to chew as much as you can on the weaker side, depending on your age this may help move the bones or at least give the right side a bit more muscle. Also try fasting, the decrease in fat will make your face appear more defined and might eliminate your chubby cheek.
You can keep doing half-assed shit or actually go see a decent surgeon
t. future shooter
I am waiting till marriage. Do you think that would give a test boost or supply some sort of horomone or are you just calling me an incel?
Do you think chewing gum constantly could help speed this up as well? I will look into fasting but my job requires a good bit of physical labor so that might be kind of dangerous.
just tilt your head to the side a little so it evens out
You look fine besides the haircut.
Gum on your weak side would help, if you’re really gonna be this retarded about it try chewing all your food on that side.
Also yeah have sex
I don’t think it’s bad enough to require surgery just annoys me to look at.
That’s not an insult.
The whole day? Feel like that would give me neck problems.
I know, you can tell you're mentally ill. It's just a matter of time before you end up on the news for being autistic
Ok cool
get a haircut you goofy looking fuck
You're worried about something that will probably never negatively affect your access to pussy. Get a better haircut and stop over analyzing things. You are fairly handsome with a decent jaw and chin. Assuming you have a semi decent body and aren't completely autistic, you'll be fine.
Jesus Christ I just got back from work and had to wear the company uniform with a hat all day. When I actually go out it looks more like this. If you still think it looks like shit, I would be grateful for recommendations.
I think you're just half gay
Also I’m not looking for advice to find a broad, it just annoys me when I notice it.
Damn chad as fuck.
So many ugly incels here coping, this dude mogs you hardcore
Wow dude get help assap
You look like a fucking maniac
Doesn't mog me.
Your eyes have a sad look to them.
Post a non blurry pic with similar lighting and pose, then talk
It's funny because he replied
Very likely. Why the fuck do you think I’m on here?
Actually that might be true I think my moms family is gay but my dads isn’t. Keen eye.
Thanks brah.
That’s why I’m here retard. Also therapy is for Homosexuals and women who weren’t beaten enough as children.
Why are you deadpan taking a picture like you're ready to rip someone's face off? Maybe it's not your jaw it's your inability to take a picture you gnarled little pube
Internet validation will not solve your problems
If that is you then it's not your face that is the issue it's your weird ass body dysmorphia. You look good bro and the asymmetric jawline looks tough. Looking like a young leo type kid. What u need to do is buck the fuck up and fuck a buck in the butt ass with a truck dick that preferably has been sucked so u ain't a cuck when u fuck her in the buck ass butt
I was working up the courage to message a girl I went to school with, but then I saw OP and realized nobody would ever want me.
Almost everything about you is better. You have less acne, hunter eyes with a nice grey/blue color (instead of my mutt green/blue), lighter colored hair, smaller ears, and your chin and jaw are chad tier (although mine isn't all that bad). You brought tears to my eyes, and I dont cry often, but I was already in a bad mood tonight.
You have no right to complain about anything in life when you have a 8-8.5/10 face like that. I never stood a chance.
You're not ugly but OP mogs you definitely.
Take a pill and get off Jow Forums for a while you dweeb cunt
Post your face brother, i doubt its that bad.
Lmao, this better? I was only able to smile this hard because of the hearty kek from that insult.
You should be on /lit/ that was pottery.
Bro I hope this is a copypasta or you just posted amounts of cringe that shouldn’t be possible. I’ll say a prayer for you tonight you absolute nihilist faggot.
You look way above average. You look fucking fine, except you're giving off a really angsty kyle vibe as if you're about to punch holes in dry wall you have that 70s teen heart throb look or the 80s movie jock that was always fucking all the cheerleaders
relax bro you’re fine stop looking like a serial killer and just enjoy the fact that you are a chad
Welcome to the club bud
What pill? I'm already taking one to help with my acne, not that it helps very much.
I do need to get off this site, it wastes hours of my day and makes me suicidal sometimes, but it's the only thing that I enjoy anymore outside of vidya. I've hardly stepped out into the real world and I'm a complete failure, I still feel like I should be a 14 year old, I never grew up.
Come to think of it the only time anybody ever said that they were proud of me was when I had a mental break down, I'm useless.
Get on fucking tinde no just fucking go out in public and slay.
Cute, you just need a haircut. One of those shorts ones the cool kids do, that goes up in the front.
I'll post face in a minute, I never take pictures of myself so I'll have to figure it out.
Not a pasta, I'm just another loser with no self esteem.
Bruh whats your experience with women? chad ngl
Grow a beard if you can, m8. You'll look chad as fuck.
literally just smile more. might help symmetry by engaging zygomatic muscles and act as some natural "facelift", but either way a resting smile fits you much better. just find a way to make it look natural and not like you're taking a school photo.
Like a pompadour or a soccer kid haircut?
I don’t think I am hideous and am not looking for pussy at the moment, I just wanted tips to get rid of this so I can maximize the dopamine in my self-muring sessions. I notice the jaw every time and it irritates me.
>lighter colored hair
Women prefer dark hair, bruh.
you look like a total faggot soiboi. i mean, fuck, man, this is just pitiful.
If you're posting a thread like this, there's no hope fore you on this current path. Conversely you could go outside and live an active fit lifestyle, actively meeting different people (not raping as your face would assume). The choice is yours and yet here we both are.
Ignore med posters
Do not reply to med posters
Hide med threads
Nice digits tho.
you look fine. do you need strangers to tell you you're pretty? you're pretty. now stop fishing for compliments you twat
I don’t notice a thing. Wondering if there is anything there or if this is some body dysphoria lookism shit.
Look into a male modeling side gig but watch out for pimps trying to pull you into sex work
Nah blonde is exotic = more desired
put a 10 pound plate on the opposite side of your face to even it out.
Post face faggot I guarantee I look better than you.
The only fucking advice I asked for was how to symmetrize my face for self gratification, all you incels need to quit projecting your fucking problems on me you absolute fags.
post glutes
Thanks for the help retards
Wtf get out of Jow Forums Chad, this is no place for you. Also, you are fine. I dont see anything.
You can't be a Chad with an autism poo brain
Hey user, I have this sameish problem (i was born with facial nerve paralysis and its resulted in a lot of muscle atrophy on one side) and I go and get botox (actual botox not dysport) on the stronger side to even it out. You gotta get it done by like an actual plastic sergeon tho because people feel comfortable doing corrective botox. It costs about $10 per unit of botox that they use. Totally worth it.
Are you trolling? Blonde is exotic to everyone, especially if you arent white.
How old are you
This is from a nude catfish that circles around any gay forum pic/diving site and has been posted on /hm numerous times
I’m gay enough and have enough porn to know that
OP that isn’t you
Otherwise post full body with a timestamp but the timestamp must be written on your hand holding up the phone
This catfish is from 2015
Anyway do that OP or youre just some fat lonely typical /fit larper
I’d post the nudes but of course blue board
Pic rel is me.
I didn't completely lose the genetic lottery or anything, but when I look at myself I hate everything I see. I'm like a 6 at best in the looks catagory, and the fact that I have a loser personality doesn't help at all.
Oh yeah, I'm completely DYEL too, as you can see.
You're not OP, you're shit. Become a tranny or something. That's the only way for you.
Are you mentally retarded? Exotic means 'from a far away land' you must live in some brown country.
If there is anything you can take away from this thread it's this: You look like a regular dude, just LIFT! Also cut the pussy talk, makes you look like a faggot.
Rofl this. I hate how people larp so hard with no timestamps
>that phone
Why are people so poor
Literally nothing wrong with you. Get off the internet. It has fucked with your mind.
Same for OP.
Stop giving a shit about your damn face
You have potential, lift and eat. You just look like a kid, but nothing is wrong with you.
Hahahah I found his Instagram, anyone want it??
Damn bruh not even close to ugly. All you need is to clear up your acne. Solid
Are you? Whites are literally global minority, blonde is exotic to everyone but you. Are you retarded enough to say redhead isnt exotic? 90% of this earth is a brown shithole
It depends on where you live brainlet. If it's not from a far away land relative to your location, then it is not exotic, it is native to your country. Learn english, the word you are struggling to find is 'rare' and I wouldn't call blondes rare when I see them every fucking day.
18, although I look younger ;(
Never claimed to be OP. I'm too tall to be a tranny (6ft), I dont see the need for it either.
I do lift, I only started a few months ago, and I was anorexic before that (I was my lightest @ 100 LBS 5'8" 16 Y/O). I dont look regular either, I just noticed my eyes aren't focused together, so I look worse than I even thought. I dont care if I look like a fag anyways, I'm user on this site, it doesn't matter.
What's wrong with my phone? The lense is cracked, that's about it. I'm a cheapskate, but I actually have a lot of savings for my age. I'd reckon you can't even name what phone it is.
Face is one of the most important aspects about a person, at least from a looks perspective. There's a reason people would smash an ugly girl but wife up a good looking one, same applies to men. The web has messed up my mind, I miss being stupid and young.
Yeah, I've been lifting almost every day for a few months, I've put on 11 LBS mostly lean, which I suppose isn't terrible progress. How young do I look to you, be honest, I'm curious?
Hello! So just some fun facts about iPhones. When you take a direct picture it will be IMG[#s] if you edit it from the picture editor in most new gen iOS it will turn to IMG_[#s] and some letters depending on the version you have.
The image file also wouldn’t be JPG or those IMG render codes which are usually 99.9% generated from a screencap.
So OP is fake af haha weird how people do this and don’t assume people know
Just post ass at twink
Stfu you literal homo cringe sameposter, you are fucking pathetic bro.
>Just post ass at twink
I'm not understanding what you're trying to say, unless there's a dedicated twink board.
You’re included
you don't have shit, only new fags cry about blue boards, imgur linking is a thing
You probably favor one side when chewing food. Make sure to chew evenly on both side, maybe spend an hour or so a day chewing hard gum to even it out.
OP has become surprisingly more based as the thread has gone on. Went from looking like Dylan Roof and talking like a sperg to mogging sameposting fags.
>going through all that trouble cause some random dude on Jow Forums told you
I think you’re the cringy one oof
>Face is one of the most important aspects about a person, at least from a looks perspective.
You have such a low paradigm mindset. Let me tell you this, YOU LOOK GOOD. You are handsome. And you have some idea of an ideal in your head, which you don't match. This ideal doesn't improve your life in any way, it makes your life shit because you can't think about the things you really should be thinking about. This ideal wasn't created by you, it was shaped by external influences. Don't you want to be the master of what's in your head? Or do you want to be the cuck of social media, news, hollywood, and some bubble imageboard?
Listen to me and think about this. Why hold on to an idea that makes you sad? Believing it will just reinforce it, since you can blame every negative interaction onto this false reason. But what is really off-putting would maybe be the vibe, the state people can read you are in from your eyes, the expectation you have from people that something will turn out negative because of your face. This negative mindset shapes your world and makes it reality just because you believe it.
autistic chad btfoing literal faggots on and anime imageboard im tired and imppressed good shit op
Where is the body post body my dude!!!
>angry little faggot soiboi shitting his pants because people are laughing at him
lmao just look at him sperg out. post body/lifts so we can really lose our shit at what a dainty bitch you are.
fuck this dudes like a 9/10
you have body dismorphia OP, join the club. the reality is you look fine.
Cut your fucking hair and chill out faggot.
What kind of response did you think you'd get on 4chins you cock goblin.
Lmao literally you first incel
Thanks, I think you told me what I really needed to remember. I remember a time not that long ago that I used to look the mirror and liked what I saw, but I think this board really did make me hate myself. Not that I didn't hate many aspects of myself already, and had 0 self esteem, but I used to know that I wasn't terrible in everyway.
I think I'm actually going to listen to those motivation audio books I've been too lazy to listen to, thanks user
take the buzzpill justin faggot
You have experienced a noticeable change from mewing though? In what aspect just jaw or what? Also what age are you, do I still have hope at 21
How insecure are you that you actually take some timestamp request bait from a schizo? Since you’re providing post body
I’m 19 rn I don’t know if it will work at your age because there’s really no way for me to check. Most of the change I have noticed is in the cheekbone area and chin, jaw doesn’t seem like it was affected as much, this is a picture of me right before I turned 18 for reference.
Hey I'm really happy that I could make you take some good decisions today, stay in the good fight!
That actually is a pretty big difference, although I wonder how much is just due to aging in general.
Hey , have you tried mewing, if you are so insecure about your face this might help, looks like it made OP look a lot less childlike imo.
>what way would that be?
You look great man don’t be so down on yourself