I think I probably average about 8-9.
Some days I go off the rails and drink like 16 though.
How many raw eggs do you drink a day?
You're going to get Salmonella
Thanks, the jews have told me this quite a few times already.
0, I cook them a bit
I think thats a meme if you got a good immunity system
It's not even about the immune system, but rather, the fact that bacteria are not bad. It's the toxins from unhealthy chickens consuming toxic stuff that comes out of them. If you're eating eggs from healthy, pastured chickens who eat their natural diet, you will never get any kind of disease, even if you consume salmonella bacteria.
I don’t like raw eggs but when I make scrambled eggs, I like them to be kinda silky and wet.
Three. I throw away the egg white though and only drink the yolk.
Pretty based. I was considering doing that, since i think it's bad to get too much protein, but I kinda like eating the whole egg.
You're swinging the argument too much to the other side. The bacteria aren't an issue assuming that you have a working immune system. There's plenty of ways of fucking it over for a short period of time, and were you to screw it over particularly badly the bacteria, even from healthy eggs, could overwhelm you. The odds of that are negligible and it requires pretty specific conditions but it's not a 'never'.
t. autist
Prob reminds you of chugging your boyfriend’s jizz
>tfw love yolks in general
>use them with steak tartare, as sauce for cool food, or just as they are
>never have anything to do with the white
>feels like a waste to throw it away, it doesn't work out by itself and I hate meringue, which is the only thing people told me to use them for
The only thing I found out that I can use them for is Clover Club drink, it's a solid 8/10 for me and I enjoy it often, but then I'm not gonna drink daily.
>I think thats a meme if you got a good immunity system
LMAO faggots think they are smarter than doctors. Father of my friend got salmonella from drinking farm eggs.
Was he also on an untested coctail of dozen different medications, ranging from heart rate control to pain medicine meds?
I don't know what are you talking about, amerifat
Retards, salmonella risk is decreased greatly when the chickens are healthy and eggs are fresh
It's disgusting ameriburgers and their washed eggs that need to be more concerned about eggs.
Bongs and Japs have very fresh eggs, it's just a smaller country
>salmonella risk is decreased greatly when the chickens are healthy and eggs are fresh
No shit, Sherlock, but how do you know that your eggs are from Le Healthy Chicken that ate Le Healthy Diet? You think everyone who drink eggs and got salmonella didn't think that he drinks only fresh eggs from healthy chicken?
Actually in my country shop eggs can't have salmonella, the risk is only from farm eggs.
>Actually in my country shop eggs can't have salmonella, the risk is only from farm eggs.
Good to know, why are you seething about salmonella then?
salmonella only lives on the actual shell I thought?
Do you wanna be healthy or sexy/stronger?
I'm just writing that salmonella is real and it's not some Le Toxins meme
Let me give you a quick rundown on salmonella for those of you uninformed plebs that are terrified of eggs.
The Chad EU:
>washing eggs is ILLEGAL
>refrigerating eggs is ILLEGAL
>eggs must be sold "as is" without being processed in any way
>very often eggs will have literal bird shit over them because that's how they come out
>salmonella is a non-issue in most of the continent
>people don't care
The Virgin US:
>eggs MUST BE WASHED in chemical products and other bullshit
>eggs MUST BE REFRIGERATED, ILLEGAL to sell otherwise
>people still are afraid of eggs and fucking die of salmonella all the time
>people bend over and spread their cheeks so the local FDA agent can fuck their asses
>then say "thank you for protecting me, master" afterwards, as they clean up the FDA agent's cock
When birds have salmonella it is something very easy to spot for the farmer. Their eyes become reddish and they get diarrhea so it's very easy to identify the eggs affected by this and take them out of circulation. Requiring the farmers to wash the eggs just allows them to get away with selling infected eggs or just being negligent & not caring enough about it. And also washing them removes a protective layer that allows salmonella which is found in the outside of the egg to get in.
I cook 5 eggs every morning.
Only leave 2 yolks though
Based and eggpilled
whys it even called salmonella lol THEYRE NOT EVEN FISH LMAAOOO STUPID