Ok im tired

Ok im tired
I’ve tried gaining muscle and it just doesnt happen
8 months and fucking nothing
I have the lifts of a prepubescent girl
I weigh 148lbs am 6’3” tall and can dumbell press maybe 50lbs on each arm

I am tired of this shit, i am eating at a huge surplus, 3000 calories a day and lift 6 days a week and yet nothing

So i decided that i’m going to juice, fuck this, do i just get.
I have 0 fucking clue what steroids to look for so what do i buy?

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Post routine and have you tried lifting a heavier weight each week on each exercise progressively overloading? Also are those 3000 calories from chicken and broccoli or pizza and coke?

Yes, i try to lift heavier weight but cant move it one inch, added 5lbs and couldnt push it off of my chest

Now tell me what fucking steroids do i need to make progress

Ask these questions in the fraud general.

Also you definitely dont have your nutrition and recovery on point and will struggle with gains even on cycle. Plus you should get your blood work to check your hormones before committing to fraud.

>148 lbs
>3000 calories
>huge surplus
Eat more before thinking of roiding, faggot. Drink your calories. Put peanut butter in your protein shakes. Lift 3 days a week instead so your muscles actually get the time to rebuild in between workouts. Muscles aren't built in the gym; the gym is where you break them down. Muscles are built in the kitchen and in bed. Make sure to get 2.2 g of protein per kg of lean body mass and 8 hours of sleep.

I have 9.8nmol/L test but dr said it was ””””””normal””””” and will not be prescribing test under any circumstances

Don't listen to this retard. He is obviously stupid since he is shilling the 1g protein per 1lb. Make sure you are getting around 0.7g protein per 1lb of weight.

Post your damn routine

Don't tell us what to do you little shit.
Go to /fraud/ and leave us alone

I do PPL

Maybe you just have a small skeletal structure. Are your wrists really thin and your arms/legs almost disproportionately long compared to the rest of your body? Do you find your deadlifts to be unusually strong compared to your far weaker bench?

If you have a true lanklet frame you won't be able to put our crazy raw numbers compared to a stocky guy. You'll also weigh less for your height range. The advantage is you'll always look lean and it's hella easy to do pull-ups and climb stuff.

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Well we found the problem

Yes actually
Deadlifts progressed really quickly when you bring it up.
Generally perform better on pull povements like pullups, rows, deadlifts

Try GOMAD but unironically

You won't gain any weight if you can't gain weight naturally... you need to learn to eat first.
.t roider

I'm the same way. I'm 5'10" and 130lbs. Before I started working out I was 105lbs
I have a pretty narrow frame but I have muscle definition for what's on there and look really good with a shirt off compared to all normies. People are always surprised I weigh less than I look.
Also normies get really impressed by my climbing ability, pistol squats etc. Do calisthenics in addition to lifting, you'll be more inclined towards it with this body type.

I’m already tracking my calories perfectly with a food scale
Say my chicken/ beef lose some weight during cooking i get 2800-3200 calories a day and still nothing
This is already way above my maintenance

Your not eating a huge surplus, 3000 calories for someone your height is nothing, its what you would eat on a cut. You really need to be eating 5000 calories a day until you hit at least 200lb, and doing a proper routine.
Start working your way up to 5000 calories by eating more at meals, drinking milk, eating chocolate etc. Youre not going to be eating healthy but it doesnt matter, you need to pack on weight if you want to get big muscles.
Why are you lifting 6 days a week? Youre a beginner, if you were training right you would be able to do more than 3-4 good days per week. Do the "big but boring" version of 5/3/1 until you pack on some mass.

>Still fucking complains
Kill your fucking self

Jokes aside
Go on clean bulk for (2years+)
Hit atleast 2.5 times a weak each muscle groups
The only way out of the lanklet rabbit hole

You're not gaining weight which means you're not eating above maintenance. How hard is it to understand that?
Up your calories.

If you're not gaining weight, you're not eating enough. Either you're calculating your total calories wrong, eating less than you think, or you have a higher maintenance and activity level than you're estimating. It doesn't really matter what the reason is, you just need to add more calories to your diet.

If you're not getting stronger, up your protein, check your form, learn to breathe/brace correctly, and focus on compound lifts.

Steroids aren't going to magically fix your problem. Even if you do get a little stronger and gain some weight from the steroids you're going to plateau quickly again. Fix the real issues first.

mmmmm broccoli

fuck, now I'm hungry for veggies and its 4 AM

So i just up my calories for some time and see what happens?
In how big of increments should i bump it up? 200 at a time? 300? 500?

Yeah, start with 200-300 calories more. Track your weight and progress in the gym over time, like give it a month or 2 at least. A good rule of thumb in deciding how many calories to increase/decrease is +500 calories/day = 3500/week = 1lb of mass/week.

If you're not gaining weight and your lifts aren't going up, then increase the calories by 100-200.

If your weight is going up but not your lifts, you're doing something wrong in the gym.

If your lifts are going up but not your weight, you're in a good spot, gaining muscle and losing fat. You'll eventually have to increase the calories to account for the increased muscle. You can bump it up a small bit, like 100-200. At this point it is up to you if you want to bulk harder or continue until your next plateau.

So i am relegated to being good at some lifts and shit at others by how my skeleton looks?
How is this fair?

What the fuck kind of program are you doing retard? Let me guess, bro split or PP- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Life isn't fucking fair retard, when did you get that impression? You're not entitled to anything, and no one deserves anything. What is simply is, deal with it or kill yourself, those are your options. Both are valid but you gotta pick one.

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>3K cals
You're not eating at a surplus, you're eating maintenance, dumb idiot. If you're not making gains, you're not eating enough, PERIOD. /thread

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Spend less time posting wojak edits and more time thinking critically and maybe you’ll start to figure shit out on your own

I'm 5'11" and eat 3200 calories, I think you gotta eat more brother.

OP is the same kind of person who says full body training is a meme and that SS will get you fat
well have fun bulking on 3000kcal and not putting on any muscle with your ppl shittard routine

>i get 2800-3200 calories a day and still nothing

I'm 5'6 and I eat the same amount while lean bulking. Up your calories.

Measure your wrists, the person who replied to you is right, but that might not be the case. Your biceps can grow around at max roughly 2.6x the circumference of your wrists without any gear so if your arms are significantly smaller than that, than you have room to grow.

3000 is already 10-15% above my maintenance according to 9/10 calculators i've used.
Including the ones in the sticky

okay i measure my wrists at their thinnest point
6.5 inches around

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Bullshit ratio. Wrist size changes. Max biceps size has a lot to do with the length of the muscle group. Short biceps fill out quickly but will never be able to achieve the Chad fullness and size of the long biceps.

no, you're just a faggot that doesn't know how to train and fell for every broscience meme

op ur a retard and not eating enough.

if you properly calculated your TDEE and you're eating above it, you'll gain weight.

you're not a hard gain, lean gainer, slow metabolism or whatever the fuck excuse you have. you're someone who isn't eating enough and that's all.


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What are your lifting stats?

Currently i am 6'4" and 227 lbs. When i weighted 200lbs all the online calculators told me that my TDEE was 2500 cal. So you would think that eating 3000 would result in bulking, right? WRONG
I started growing muscles when I ate 4k calories/day. Now i'm eating at 3000/3200, which is maintenance. (But all the calculators say that should be much lower)

We lanklets and ectomorph need to put extra effort when eating, unfortunately. Also, i suggest to do a 3 day split. 4 day split only if you are an intermediate/advanced lifter

It isn't frame structure if I had to guess. Mine is 6.5 inches as well and my biceps are about 15 inches. I weigh 195lbs, so 50 lbs heavier.

Your wrist size changes when your young, but when you stop growing, so does your wrist size. It isn't BS man. Stop coping even though you don't like how thin your wrists are.

I can't do more than 35lb presses but I'm only 5'7 140lbs. At least my squat is nearing 2pl8 but still feel like a weak twink

Eat more bitch

100lb bench
150lb deadlift
80lb squat
bodyweight pullups
bodyweight dips
65lb OHP

so i am legitimately weak as fuck

Get on test mate, 250mg a week you’ll feel like a beast with no bad sides at all

Literally as safe as creatine

Shut the fuck up and eat more

1) What helps me a lot is to increase the weight each set (for main lifts) and each week
Bench press 5x5
1° set 150lbs, 2° set 160lbs, etc.., 5° set 200lbs
Then, the next week i'll add 5 pounds to each set:
1° set 155, 2° 165, etc..., 5° 205lbs

And so on...

This is valid also for squats, deadlifts and ohp

2) Do a 3day split
- main lifts go heavy (bench 5x5, squats and deadlifts 7x3, ohp 4x6) with the increasing method that i told you before
-then go for isolation/accessories with DBs 3x8

Then quit

>3000 calories
>8 months
>I weigh 148 lbs

Pick only 2.

>or you have a higher maintenance and activity level than you're estimating
Of course he does. 3k calories is a huge surplus for 6'3, are you fucking kidding me? It's barely above maintenance/

Nah i wanna be big
I would feel more comfortable if i could add 50-60 pounds and lift heavy
Only i struggle go add muscle
I struggle to gain fat too in all honesty
I never gain fat anywhere except a tiny bit on my belly no matter what

I never bothered to calculate his TDEE. I just gave the possible reasons to educate him. He's clearly missing something between his eating and training so I provided all the information he needs to know to fix it himself.

What the fuck are you saying?
Is he above or below maintenance in your opinion?