Life after Jow Forums

Haven't been on Jow Forums for years and you fuckers haven't changed at all. For anyone with enough common sense to listen here are some tips from someone who finally found some happiness in their life.

>stop checking Jow Forums and/or Jow Forums religiously, its fine in short spurts, but seriously I fell into the worst depression of my life because of it.

>whatever your fitness goals are, just stay committed, change takes time, regardless of the method.

>don't worry so much about getting laid (I know this is a lot of you, I was that creeper kid stalking Jow Forums in high school at one point too, I didn't lose my virginity till college life), you don't have to be ripped or anything to attract someone, just be comfortable with yourself, girls get horny too believe it or not, it isn't difficult once you establish friendships.

>adding to that though, your college years are the time to whore out if you feel the urge to, I honestly feel its something all guys gotta get out of their system at one point or another, otherwise that's how you get serial killers and furries and other creepy ass shit otherwise.

>find something you love and do it, don't worry about what other people are gonna think, whos going to approve or disapprove, I see so many people just extremely sad and defeated after their college years because all they do now is work, they never found anything in life worth doing.

>wear a condom, ...seriously don't get a chick preggers till you're ready for a kid (i have friends whos lives have been more or less ruined by having kids too young)

>be nice to other people, you'll find the world is generally a lot nicer to you in return.

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Is it true you have to leave to make it? Its fun here, and my sense of humor has got me banned from a couple social media sites. Also why did you fraud? Congrats on your life tho

Here we go

Honestly a pretty based post, user.

>hurr here are some shitty sex tips that have nothing to do with fitness

I like dirt

This site is worse than drugs. Since you get attention for best idea or worst. If there is attention there is some deranged faggot who will say anything to get it no matter how outrageous the claim is. Schizo patients posting weird shit and you tend to start to beliving in it if they repeat it enought of times.

So yes you will make it if you leave site. Forever. Which is not possbile. Because this is eternal hell.

>fells into depression because of Jow Forums
imagine being so weak minded. That's also the reason why you didn't get the sexts, faggot

That sounds like I dont leave Jow Forums but still thanks for the advice. I leave for college soon and I wont need this anymore

This is going to sound stupid but Jow Forums - and Jow Forums in general really made me a racist and overall negative person.
Even though I still get called a subhuman because I'm a few shades darker than most people, I felt like this site was amazing for me to vent my hate.
Now I'm trying to change my life with the help of God and I've never felt better

Stop roiding, manlet.

Have to just cut access to the internet. That way you will have no other choice but to go up.


You really do gotta leave it man, does more harm to you than you realize.

Initially just stupidity for the fraud desu, its so easy to get nowadays and I was just obsessed with getting bigger at the time. The amount I was taking initially was absurd too, I ended up getting shortness of breath for a few days after overdoing it one cycle, which was probably the most miserable I've ever felt in my life, I legit could not sleep because I would feel like I was drowning while trying to sleep. Nowadays I take way more reasonable doses and mostly continue to be able to compete.

lol what kind of sex tips do you want? Dont be creepy and don't be ugly, put at least some effort into your appearance.

You can't leave this site here is why.

Your whole worldview and opinion was created by this site. If you stop visiting Jow Forums it's like you stop existing. You exist on this site not in real life. Only here you can speak your mind. Can you tell about your feelings and shit in real life? Will anyone even listen? Of course not. You wont leave no one will until the mega consciousness which is this site stops existing then we all die. (figuratively speaking)

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Is this the schizo patient?

>Vids or it didn’t happen
>show peen
>no homo

kek youre stuck here user

Dude I quit prescription pills, pot, soda and cocaine a fucking website aint shit. Get some willpower faggot

buuut they make my muscles big


>? of what, I mean just me? or like of my competitions? cuz no..., get in pretending to be a professional photographer like all the other creepers
>you do you

also i just went into the bathroom to record a posing vid at 3am, im off for now boy-Os

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impressive. what about legs and back? cycle?

is this only achievable through roids?

thats cool

except that condoms are for basedboys 100%

>buuut they make my muscles big
Respect for not claiming natty like 90% of roiders on here do.

Within natty limits, but try holding that bodyfat% naturally

you say that now.


sorry but I dont take advice from people with tats or crosses on their chest

quality post op thanks for the advice although I doubt ill ever leave this place. Im glad you are honest about the gear. Thanks for the 3am flex bro

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This thread has some nice digits.

>heh I totally left this site for good
>comes back to post some gay shit
Jow Forums truly is the gayest place on the internet

I hope this website gets shutdown one day but it's impossible. Why would they shutdown an mlp fanclub?

g e n e r i c a d v i c e

But seriously, that's a good attitude. Too bad you'll likely get shouted down by incel who blame anyone but themselves. I did a similar routine to "fix" myself, and I agree with most of it, especially
>>be nice to other people, you'll find the world is generally a lot nicer to you in return.
Fuck all that
>girls like assholes; you gotta be some alpha chad dickhead to get along
bullshit. Having goals and working towards them != being an asshole.
Goalless loosers just don't realize that.
>>stop checking Jow Forums and/or Jow Forums religiously, its fine in short spurts, but seriously I fell into the worst depression of my life because of it.
True, Jow Forums is shit and you'r better off the less you use it, but Jow Forums unironically ended my virginity. Don't know if they're still worth anything, but >>/soc/s tinder threads genuinely helped getting rid of my autism and following that, my virginity.

See you next summer.

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Congrats you hopped on a cycle


So /fraud ia the key?

What exercises helped you get your lower abdomen that defined? I’m stuck at left.

This is a good post OP, hopefully those that need this post the most see it.

People engrave the Jow Forums mentality into them and it leads to them becoming worse off in all aspects. Most teens who have started browsing Jow Forums probably are insecure about their height now, their weight, the amount they bench/squat/dl/ohp etc.It engraves a distorted view of life. I'm sure some fag is gonna tell me to go to reddit and just keep the cycle going. But hopefully OPs post gets someone to stop browsing this hellhole.



Get rid of that fucking clown watch

It's true man. There's no doubt Jow Forums gave me a great push to start but you got to quit it. Now I come here about once every 2 weeks for like 1h and it's more than enough. Steer toward that goal you won't regret it.


yea dont listen to this do what the fuck you wanna do

What do you do for shoulders? Have you always had a wide frame?
Since you’re being honest about steroid use, what’s your cycle and do you regret frauding now that you’re pretty jacked.
How does one overcome their fear of needles to start frauding

Haven't been on Jow Forums for years and you fuckers haven't changed at all. For anyone with enough common sense to listen here are some tips from someone who finally found some happiness in their life.

>stop checking Jow Forums and/or Jow Forums religiously, its fine in short spurts, but seriously I fell into the worst depression of my life because of it.

>whatever your fitness goals are, just stay committed, change takes time, regardless of the method.

>don't worry so much about getting laid (I know this is a lot of you, I was that creeper kid stalking Jow Forums in high school at one point too, I didn't lose my virginity till college life), you don't have to be ripped or anything to attract someone, just be comfortable with yourself, girls get horny too believe it or not, it isn't difficult once you establish friendships.

>adding to that though, your college years are the time to whore out if you feel the urge to, I honestly feel its something all guys gotta get out of their system at one point or another, otherwise that's how you get serial killers and furries and other creepy ass shit otherwise.

>find something you love and do it, don't worry about what other people are gonna think, whos going to approve or disapprove, I see so many people just extremely sad and defeated after their college years because all they do now is work, they never found anything in life worth doing.

>wear a condom, ...seriously don't get a chick preggers till you're ready for a kid (i have friends whos lives have been more or less ruined by having kids too young)

>be nice to other people, you'll find the world is generally a lot nicer to you in return.

Honestly I feel like Jow Forums is completely fine if youre in a good mental state, its just another image board, as soon as you realise all the memes are just memes.

The problem is that 75% of the poeple using Jow Forums or others are depressed or have nothing else to do, Ive been coming to Jow Forums religiously for 3 years and my life is fine, still lifting, have had gfs, started my full time job 8 months ago.

If you fell into a depression because of Jow Forums, its likely you were already in a bad state and Jow Forums preyed upon it, better the chan than drugs or food.


I just started coming back on Jow Forums due to being bored at work. I used to frequently browse and post on Jow Forums, /b/, and the misc. It got boring after Zyzz died and that faggot Jeff was here. Now I browse Jow Forums, /co/, /tv/, and sometimes Jow Forums even though I stopped lifting and got fat due to my desk job. I miss the good old days.

>don't worry so much about getting laid (I know this is a lot of you, I was that creeper kid stalking Jow Forums in high school at one point too, I didn't lose my virginity till college life), you don't have to be ripped or anything to attract someone, just be comfortable with yourself, girls get horny too believe it or not, it isn't difficult once you establish friendships.

>adding to that though, your college years are the time to whore out if you feel the urge to, I honestly feel its something all guys gotta get out of their system at one point or another, otherwise that's how you get serial killers and furries and other creepy ass shit otherwise.

fuck off normie

Yeah pretty accurate, as a kid who started browsing as a teenager the height thing gave me a huge confidence hit until I realized that it doesn’t matter irl lmao

Ok incel

>your college years are the time to whore out if you feel the urge to
kek I'm fucking throwing my life away never did any of that

turbonormie: the thread

>go to college
>whore out
>be in debt


>I am a special person. You are not special like me.

>juicer's body
isn't lying and deceiving a sin?


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legs are pretty shit, not gonna lie. Top heavy because of bro lifting mentality when I was younger, so im playing catchup. Im just on a cruise rn

ya man


Devote actual time to your abs, start your workout with them every now and then so you're not just tagging them at the end when youre already tired. Also my go-tos for lower abs are ab coaster and hanging leg lifts (touch your knees to your chest) and ab wheel if you're strong enough to do it correctly, other than that just lower your bodyfat

thanks yo

Shoulders are all about volume, not heavy weights. Took me a while to figure that out. I devote 2 days to them, at least one of those days Ill hit the gym twice in the same day too. I will admit though, the cycle I changed up my training method I also blasted tren for the first time. My shoulders pretty much exploded after that. The only other thing is like anything else, be at a low bodyfat. Helps give more of that boulder shape, and being able to see muscle fibers through skin is always impressive.

Im just crusing at 125 test a week rn, will probably start up a 400test/400 deca, +50mg tbol for a few weeks (lotta people dislike tbol but it keeps me vascular even with the deca and helps my strength quite a bit comparatively) bulk cycle in september or early october. I wouldn't say I regret frauding now, but I do have some regrets about the amount of shit I was took during some of my earlier cycles. I take way less now and get bloodwork pretty frequently.
Also the needles you use to pin are so thin you barely feel anything, it isn't like getting a shot at the doctors. Theres been a handful of times I've had to double check to make sure the needle actually went in because I literally didn't feel anything.

You seen depictions of jesus? guy was clearly a juicer, just following in his steps

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>not getting academic or sports scholarships
brainlet / athletelet

I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal of Jow Forums. Sure, it's fool of schizos (and let's be frank Jow Forums is the current cancer of the whole site, invading literally every board with their lunatic bullshit) but there are also plenty of nice people.

Fuck, just not so long ago I was going through tough shit in my life and fell so low I made a r9k tier thread on /v/ and the amount of feedback and support I got was fucking insane, it even stayed for 100 something posts despite being completely off the topic. That shit legit almost made me cry like the most beta bitch ever.

Not to mention other benefits -- 90% of my favourite vidya I got into because of /v/; Jow Forums gives out some sound advice and some anons are always ready to give you some nice motivation boost, even if some of them are in tsundere way.

Jow Forums is nice. Just like with everything, it needs moderation. Don't spend here 24/7.

nice post, I think you can make it without the roids aswell.
I personally don't like your look, because you look like you roid. But different tastes exist, so whatever.

So what's your height? Just wondering

>wearing Christian cross pendant
>encourages whoredom

Absolutely degenerate.




Its not Jow Forums specifically but social media in general user, vidya too isn't great for you.
> Just like with everything, it needs moderation.
which goes against how the site is used.


this is the most faggest post i have seen in a long time. holyyyy fuckk. I hope this is a troll or this guy's autism level must be off the fucking charts



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possible yes but almost everybody who looks like that roids. not many have the discipline and needed autism to get that far natty.

Holy dogshit insertions batman
All the PEDs and lifting can't save you from being an absolute geneticlet

Ugly ugly body

Holy fuck.
I just fucking realised the only personal conversations about me and my health (mentally and physically) have been on here.
Am I here forever?

Why should we listen to a guy that is not willing to do the work, and still take the credit. Also with the cross you are a walking contradiction.
ITT: op is a roiding cheat that has bastard children, but it's ok because jesus. Iets take advice from that guy.

post body

dude what? his insertions arent weird atall, the only one that stands out to me are high triceps which arent even that extreme

>don't worry so much about getting laid (I know this is a lot of you, I was that creeper kid stalking Jow Forums in high school at one point too, I didn't lose my virginity till college life), you don't have to be ripped or anything to attract someone, just be comfortable with yourself, girls get horny too believe it or not, it isn't difficult once you establish friendships.

I've honestly never understood this part. Like, I'm not a khv, I know what girls get turned on by and how to flirt and all that stupid shit once the ball gets going. I just don't understand how so many guys get laid so effortlessly on a regular basis. I've been on a huge dry spell since I broke up with my gf about a year ago, and despite all the things I tried I just don't seem to get any further

In all reality I feel I kinda know the answer, and that is that I just don't meet enough women outside my already established social circle. It's just that it seems to take way too much time and effort you know? Having to go out regularly every single week.

anybody who thinks Jow Forums is cancer is probably one of the invading trannies or redditors that unironically form discord raid parties. You will never "purify" this site degenerate.

Thank you based user. Have a good life.

Haven't been on Jow Forums for years incels, and you racists haven't changed at all. For anyone with enough common sense and a high IQ to listen here are some tips from someone who finally found some happiness in their life by not giving a fuck

>stop checking Jow Forums and/or Jow Forums religiously, its fine in short spurts, but seriously I fell into the worst depression of my life because of it. Reddit is the way to go especially r/atheism it exposed me to the bs of religion and now I'm a marxist

>whatever your fitness goals are, just stay committed, change takes time, regardless of the method. Make sure to eat lots of onions

>don't worry so much about getting laid (I know this is a lot of you, I was that creeper kid stalking Jow Forums in high school at one point too, I didn't lose my virginity till college life), you don't have to be ripped or anything to attract someone, just be yourself, girls get horny too believe it or not, it isn't difficult once you establish friendships and lower your standards with sluts, so you can feel fulfilled

>adding to that though, your college years are the time to whore out if you feel the urge to (inb4 I'm a degenerate jew, yes I am a jew but that's besides the point) I honestly feel its something all guys gotta get out of their system at one point or another, otherwise that's how you get serial killers and furries and other creepy ass shit otherwise. This is why masturbating and porn is also good for you

>find something you love and do it, don't worry about what other people are gonna think, whos going to approve or disapprove, I see so many people just extremely sad and defeated after their college years because all they do now is work for capitalism, they never found marxism

>wear a condom, ...seriously don't get a chick preggers till you're ready for a kid (i have friends whos lives have been more or less ruined by having kids too young)

>be nice to other people, you'll find the world is generally a lot nicer to you in return


>none of this has anything to do with fitness
>don't worry about getting laid and whore yourself out in college
>worthless platitudes everyone already knows "do something you love" wow thanks man I thought I'd work retail all my life
>taking advice from a roider telling you to "be humble"
Thanks man, really appreciate the wisdom from a 23 year old warehouse worker.

you look veiny and shit, if you had more fat and didn't roid you would look much better but I'm sure your numbers would go down some

haha, I know where I have shitty insertions, im curious what you think they are, especially from that pic.

I forgot people think you just stick a needle in your ass and magically get ripped over time lol. I'm more disciplined now then I ever was natty. Go to any university gym, like half the guys there are likely at least on some form of test, less than half of those actually look like theyre on anything because they dunno how to lift or eat.

>you half jokingly: "hey we should totally fuck"
>her: "haha maybe"
>few days later you smash
>you: "hey we should do this again"
>FWB added

lol I can respect not liking the look, I know its not for everyone. Most girls are turned off when im super vascular, but for the most part I just look like that in the gym with a pump goin

Bros how do I talk/flirt with grills? Pls help an autist out

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I once had a friend who was a normal 5'2'' guy.
He once asked a 5/10 girl for her number, and she said something along the lines of:
"You're so short that I'd have to bend down to kiss, are you sure you want my number?"

and he replied: "Height isn't an issue if we're lying in bed."

Absolute based boy.

Act like anime MC. I mean this unironically.

Holy shit this thread is still being kept up and alive. The bait has never been more real
