DO >count calories, all of them >calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, fancy starbucks shit. forget it
finished my master thesis today after working all day for two weeks and not having time for exercise. Cardio will go fine but the squats will kill me, I expect DOMS for days
Lucas Jones
I've heard microdermic needling and fasting was effective at reducing loose skin. What other non-surgical ways have you heard that isn't "put a rose quartz up your ass and pray to the moon goddess"-tier bullshit? I'm making it, but i don't want to look like a bloodhound or dig into my tendie budget for a surgery. God speed fatfucks.
>wet fast from 260 down to 245 in 2 weeks >gain back 10 pounds >try to exercise it away >down to 250 after 4 weeks >pits always stink constantly Why is it so hard bros?
Jack Johnson
Is it true diet soda stimulates hunger?
Blake Stewart
I lost no weight last week. I just at a handful of dry roasted almonds and a big slab of tuna steak. I had a very poor lift today and I’m disheartened. I don’t like being fat.
>I eat too much because I am depressed You eat too much because you have no self control and refuse to spend days and weeks unhappy while working on yourself. It's the same for everyone. Food releases endorphins but not everyone is trying to flood their system with artificial endorphins.
Couldn’t meal prep this weekend as I had to go out of town Going to try to do as much as I can today, but it usually takes me several hours and I may have to work over tonight Annoyed at idiots who can’t figure their shit out and are making me stay later
Isaiah Adams
Jonathan Lewis
Where is the fatty contest guy? I responded to him just before the previous thread closed.
Tyler Wood
i was once before and i didn't hate myself then
Oliver Lopez
>dude just eat vegetables bro >an entire portion of vegetables is about 30 calories
Am I literally supposed to eat like 3 pounds of veg every day or some shit
Nolan Hughes
Because I’m trying to get off these stupid blood pressure meds and beta blockers I’m not even 35 yet
Juan Powell
Been like this all my life. Figured I might as well get Jow Forums before I kms.
Brody Jenkins
The only way to combat loose skin is to build muscle and shed fat slowly, like 1lb/week.
Jose Scott
High blood pressure made me pass out at my desk when I sat up too fast. I don't wanna die of a stroke before I'm 40.
I'm not even that obsessed with being properly Jow Forums, even cutting down to skelly mode would be really cool because I've never been even close to thin in my entire life. I can't imagine being so lightweight and agile and actually seeing some bone and muscle definition. Once I go down to 10% bf I'll stay there for at least a couple months before I start putting on some muscle.
Connor Jenkins
2oz Butter 8oz Natural Peanut Butter (get the stuff that's only peanuts and nothing else except maybe salt) 2tbsp Powdered Erythritol (Swerve is a common brand) 2tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 2tsp Vanilla Extract 1/4tsp Salt (added because my PB had no salt) 90g Unsweetened Coconut Flakes 90g Pecans, Roasted and Chopped Melt the butter and peanut butter in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir in everything else but the coconut and pecans until you get a uniform paste then add the remaining ingredients. Use a tablespoon to portion it out on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and chill until hard. Keep refrigerated since they'll get very soft at room temp and I think they taste best cold anyways. Each cookie is 110cal 10.5g fat 2.7g protein and 1.5 net carbs.
My dad got off blood pressure medication using a ketogenic diet.
Elijah Hall
How many calories does masturbation burn?
Nicholas Flores
Checked and I’m glad to hear he’s off of the meds I won’t be doing Keto myself as I am losing with no issues just counting Calories without any food restrictions but thank you for the suggestion
Jaxon Edwards
My mom's sister's dog cured his arthritic cancer with keto! There's nothing keto cannot cure, if anybody claims differently they are paid off by big sugar
Mason Fisher
>be fatass >dream i eat a whole 12" pan pizza to myself save one slice >wake up still full and feel full for the day D-did i really ate a pizza? Did I CHIM a pizza out of my own gluttony?
Julian White
thats unusual body type for fat person. seems you can have great body if you will shed fat
Ian Young
There has never been a "diet" cookie like this that ever satisfied the craving for a real treat and been worth it's own calories. I'd rather eat a plain tablespoon of peanut butter.
Hudson Sanchez
I've been doing Keto for a couple months now and sometimes I think about simply eating whatever while maintaining my 1500cal limit but it's working so well I don't wanna fuck with it.
Jaxson Nelson
thats my dad. I saw him doing that today.
Evan Richardson
anyone got better face after weight loss? I feel like face will barely change. if you are not 300 pounds
Alexander Gray
Nothing to confess today father. Kept under 1000 calories and did some exercise.
Dawn you guys give me some idea what I'm doing wrong here? How do I eat vegetables?
Eli Lee
If it’s working for you I say rock on There is more than one path to achieve most goals
Adam Brooks
Vegans are perpetually angry that their low-fat house of cards is crumbling.
Cameron Cruz
Is relying too much on coffee as a hunger suppresant bad? I have one espresso every morning to help fight hunger while I wait for my OMAD at around 6pm. If for whatever reason I don't get to have that espresso, I'm ravenous throughout the day and it feels like torture waiting for my one meal.
anyone have an image of OP's pic inverted? once you fatties become skinny you'll still feel like a fat on the inside for a few months
Parker Morales
I will never believe another person who ever hypes up the tastiness of a keto and/or vegan dessert. I've allowed myself to be tricked too many times.
Camden Wilson
Eat rice after you fix your metabolic syndrome.
Carson Miller
OMAD is silly. The only reason you should ever do it is if there's a high calorie meal you really want to fit in your daily limit, but doing that as a regular diet is just gonna lead to binging. Eat a protein bar and a caffeine pill if you can't get your coffee.
Easton Barnes
How do you rate my dinner? About 800 calories of pork tenderloin, halloumi and veggies.
I look handsome but have i am living in fucking fat suit so it looks shitty. I want to shed some fat and be happy when i look at mirror. I lost some kilo which is good but not enough
Isaac Miller
Looks good senpai enjoy it.
Zachary King
You are suffering from carbohydrate poisoning, a molecule called glucose is shredding your body from the inside which expresses itself as insatiable appetite, extreme fatigue and widespread inflammation. The Jewish-controlled (((WHO))) claims that this molecule is necessary for life and an "essential medicine", but the true science shows that only butter and lard are truly essential to humans.
(((They))) are also responsible for promoting the eating disorder of having multiple meals a day. Historically, most humans only ate once a year (OMAY), they ate meals composed only of fat and protein which would provide steady energy for the next months, unlike the toxic insulin spikes of refined sugar (aka """"carbohydrates""")
Wyatt Collins
The only thing keto about it is the erythritol. You can use actual powdered sugar instead and it'll only add about 3 calories and 0.5g carbs to each cookie. You can even put some oats in there if you want, the no-bake cookie is a tried and true classic.
Colton Fisher
Isn't it good to fast throughout the day to reduce insulin? I'm going by the advice in this video
Camden Rogers
Lol, assmad vegan shill.
So frustrated at getting continually BTFO you have to resort to false-flag schizo posting.
Juan Mitchell
Is there anything I can eat that is NOT SO FUCKING DRY? Every sauce that tastes even remotely good is filled with calories.
Benjamin Foster
Yes. OMAD results in more fat burned at the same caloric intake.
This thread is constantly monitored by vegan shills who are REALLY upset that people are catching on to the hazard of hyperinsulinemia which is very common in plant-based diets like the standard American diet.
Ryan Walker
When I was fat I thought of myself as thin Now that I'm think think of myself as fat
David Ramirez
Yes yes, finally the truth can be told!! I hope you have good door locks because the soda-McDonald’s-grain-grass-organophosphate-kelp bud-prairie vole-mafia-lobby is now coming for you
Caleb Ramirez
I've got a long long road to go down friend.
Some days when I'm more active, I eat more.
On days when I'm sitting at a PC for 7 hours straight, I really don't need 3000 calories.
Jeremiah Perez
I use Red Hot constantly It’s not Calorie free, despite the nutrition facts, but it’s still pretty low
Ian Adams
Try heavy cream based sauces.
Bentley Reyes
If you're that worried about insulin eat fewer carbs.
Brandon Jenkins
Both are great alone or combined for double the benefits.
Only use a little sauce? Also use fat-free sauces that rely on noncaloric thickeners for consistency (i.e. sweet-sour and spicy sauces) Also you can just cook things that are not dry? Or have soups and stews. Also oatmeal kind of things
Matthew Moore
This is the opposite of good advice.
Sebastian Sanders
This doesn't qualify as advice
David Reed
Hot sauces in general are a dieting godsend. Very little calories for a lot of flavor. I use Cholula and/or Texas Pete's on nearly everything.
Hudson Watson
I usually eat one meal a day just because I'm usually not hungry in the morning or when I'm working. But when I am hungry I eat something and everything works out fine. Some people take OMAD way too seriously and I see it as another form of living (miserably) to eat instead of eating to live.
Robert Phillips
Misery feels incredible
Jeremiah Johnson
(((Calories))) are not relevant to weight loss, don't listen to this Coca-Cola shill.
Only food VOLUME matters, specifically volume per hour (like a turbine). In high-fat OMAD you have a low volume of food per hour, for only 1 hour, therefore you lose volume from your body for most of the day, a net loss and you become smaller.
A high-volume diet like the standard American diet which is based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats like the government recommends, has a lot of volume spread out over the day which leads to volume accumulation on the body, you become large like the food you eat. So eggs are small and make you small, cabbages are VERY large and cause obesity and roundness as they are also round. The roundest foods like apples are loaded with an addictive controlled substance known as saccharose that induces roundness, lab mice have been known to be confused for tennis balls after a diet high in apples
Bentley Lee
depression is a choice and eating is a choice so just stop doing both of those things
Carter Williams
Fuck it all makes sense now Maybe if I stop eating pretzels I can correct this crippling scoliosis
Ethan Young
Wew, mad vegan.
Parker Wilson
i was on the fence but you just crossed poes law
nobody rational would ever take you seriously, so you HAVE to be here to shitpost there's no other explanation, unless you're simultaneously the most retarded human in history and also believe you are the smartest despite all the evidence to the contrary
thanks for helping me burn some calories by making this post at least it's the most good you'll ever do
Jonathan Bailey
What do you eat when you get hungry? If I try eating something when I get hungry it makes me crave more food and want to eat more.
William Parker
>250 pounds >27% bf >complex TDEE was 1545 for Mifflin St Jeor >everything else was 2100 or above 3000 >go on different website for Mifflin St Jeor and get 2147 Is this calculator broken?
Matthew Brooks
Was good, maybe a bit much even. The halloumi is so fucking delicious however.
Carson Sanders
I just eat vegetable soup with rice dumped in all day. Who gives a fuck
Jaxson Phillips
A protein bar, some mini babybels, , salami, or hard boiled eggs to name a few. Depends what I'm in the mood for. Usually something in the 200cal range high in fat and protein with little/no carbs and I just eat that much less for dinner.
Aiden Foster
Cut all large foods from your diet
Nolan Murphy
I might make 151 by wednesday but only if I do a huge hike in the sun, but then that doesn't really count as fat loss