I just eat vegetable soup with rice dumped in all day. Who gives a fuck
/fat/ - Thinking Yourself Thin Edition
A protein bar, some mini babybels, , salami, or hard boiled eggs to name a few. Depends what I'm in the mood for. Usually something in the 200cal range high in fat and protein with little/no carbs and I just eat that much less for dinner.
Cut all large foods from your diet
I might make 151 by wednesday but only if I do a huge hike in the sun, but then that doesn't really count as fat loss
The secret is that none of the TDEE calculators are accurate. Especially when you just use weight instead of lean body mass.
Calorie counting is a cargo cult.
I realized that I put my height as 6 inches.
Hmm, all these people having their weight loss stop. I wonder if there is some hormonal factor at play here? Maybe books can reveal the answer.
SPOILER: It's insulin, which is stimulated by carbohydrate ingestion.
At least you’ll have small ROM for lifting
Anyone got a decent arm routine? I fell for the SS meme and I'm currently in T-rex mode.
literally just pick them up and chew them and then swallow