/fat/ - Thinking Yourself Thin Edition

I just eat vegetable soup with rice dumped in all day. Who gives a fuck

A protein bar, some mini babybels, , salami, or hard boiled eggs to name a few. Depends what I'm in the mood for. Usually something in the 200cal range high in fat and protein with little/no carbs and I just eat that much less for dinner.

Cut all large foods from your diet


I might make 151 by wednesday but only if I do a huge hike in the sun, but then that doesn't really count as fat loss

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The secret is that none of the TDEE calculators are accurate. Especially when you just use weight instead of lean body mass.

Calorie counting is a cargo cult.

I realized that I put my height as 6 inches.

Hmm, all these people having their weight loss stop. I wonder if there is some hormonal factor at play here? Maybe books can reveal the answer.

SPOILER: It's insulin, which is stimulated by carbohydrate ingestion.


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At least you’ll have small ROM for lifting

Anyone got a decent arm routine? I fell for the SS meme and I'm currently in T-rex mode.

literally just pick them up and chew them and then swallow